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Intensive Outpatient Treatment for People with Stimulant Use Disorders

A structured approach for treating adults who abuse or are dependent on methamphetamine, cocaine, or other stimulants is outlined in the new treatment package, Matrix Intensive Outpatient Treatment for People with Stimulant Use Disorders (IOP), released August 15, 2006 by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).  For ordering a free copy of the following from SAMHSA's National Clearinghouse for Alcohol & Drug Information (NCADI), click on the desired product below:

bulletCounselor’s Treatment Manual

bulletCounselor’s Family Education Manual  (includes a CD-Rom)

bulletClient’s Treatment Companion

bulletClients Handbook

bulletStimulant Treatment Package Description


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 Stimulant Treatment Package Description


Intensive Outpatient Treatment for People with Stimulant Use Disorders
Outlined in New SAMHSA Treatment Publication Package

A structured approach for treating adults who abuse or are dependent on methamphetamine, cocaine, or other stimulants is outlined in the new treatment package, Matrix Intensive Outpatient Treatment for People with Stimulant Use Disorders (IOP), released August 15, 2006 by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

The Matrix IOP Model is a comprehensive package that provides substance abuse treatment professionals with a year long intensive outpatient model for clients and their families: 16 weeks of structured programming and 36 weeks of continuing care.  Clients receive information, assistance in structuring a substance-free lifestyle, and support to achieve and maintain abstinence from drugs and alcohol.  The program specifically focuses on clients who are dependent on methamphetamine and cocaine and their families.

The Matrix IOP package includes:
  • Counselor’s Treatment Manual
  • Counselor’s Family Education Manual
  • CD-Rom that accompanies the Counselor’s Family Education Manual
  • Client’s Handbook
  • Client’s Treatment Companion

The Matrix IOP model familiarizes clients with 12-step programs and other support groups, teaches clients time management and scheduling skills and entails conducting regular drug and breath-alcohol testing.  The approach followed in the treatment package was developed by the Matrix Institute in Los Angeles and adapted by SAMHSA’s Center for Substance Abuse Treatment.  The treatment approach presented in this publication is evidence-based and was tested and evaluated during the SAMHSA/CSAT-sponsored Methamphetamine Treatment Project.

Copies of the treatment package are available free of charge from SAMHSA’s National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI) at 800-729-6686 or electronically through  

 SAMHSA, a public health agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the lead federal agency for improving the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and mental health services in the United States. 

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This page has been accessed 60499 times since 8/17/06.

This page was last updated on December 30, 2008

SAMHSA, an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services, is the Federal Government's lead agency for improving the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and mental health services in the United States.

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