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New Opinions Released
Friday, January 16, 2009
Circuit News
05-30530USA vs. Sullivanunpub
06-11146SEC vs. Seghersunpub
06-20882Rogers vs. Quartermanpub
07-11284Calton vs. Dallas Countyunpub
07-30397Robinson vs. Blancounpub
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 Docket No. 07-05-351-00086 (Third Order)
 Fifth Circuit Judicial Council Order
    Complaint of Judicial Misconduct against United States District Judge Samuel B. Kent under the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980 posted: 1/12/2009

 En Banc - May 08
 En Banc Announcement May 08
    To view the briefs from the May 08 en banc session, please use the link above to the announcement page previously published to this site - there is a link to the briefs located at the bottom of the announcement. posted: 5/28/2008

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