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Site Definition
Site Definition
* Define, Edit or Update a Site
* List of Sites
* Delete a Site
Atmosphere / Climate
Atmosphere / Climate
* Define an Atmospheric Study Site
* Integrated 1-Day
* Integrated 7-Day
* Clouds 1-Day
* Clouds 7-Day
* Aerosols
* Water Vapor
* Digital Thermometer Calibration and Reset
* Digital Thermometer Measurements
* Surface Temperature Site Selection
* Surface Temperature Measurements
* Surface Ozone
e-mail only
* Define a Hydrology Study Site
* Hydrology Measurements

* Quality Control Procedure

* Freshwater Macroinvertebrate Identification
* Define a Soil Characterization Sample Site
* Horizon Definition
* Field Measurements
* Bulk Density Pit and Near Surface Method
* Bulk Density Auger Method
* Particle Size Distribution Hydrometer Method
* pH
* Fertility
* Particle Density

* Water Infiltration
* Define a Soil Moisture Study Site
* Star Pattern Protocol
* Transect Pattern Protocol
* Depth Profile Protocol
* Daily Soil Moisture Sensor Protocol

* Soil Temperature
* Automated Soil and Air Monitoring (e-mail only)
* Digital Thermometer Calibration and Reset
* Digital Thermometer Measurements
* Davis Soil Moisture, Temperature (e-mail only)
Land Cover / Biology
Land Cover / Biology
* Define a Land Cover / Biology Sample Site
* Land Cover / Biology Measurements

* Accuracy Assessment

* Fire Fuel Center Plot
* Fire Fuel Transect
* Define a Budburst Study Site
* Budburst

* Define a Green-Up / Green-Down Study Site
* Green-Up
* Green-Down

* Define a Hummingbird Study Site
* Hummingbird Sightings/Counts
* Hummingbird Nesting Report
* Define a Phenological Gardens Study Site
* Phenological Gardens

* Define a Lilac Study Site
* Lilac Leaf and Bloom

* Define an Arctic Bird Migration Site
* Arctic Bird Migration

* Define a Seaweed Site
* Seaweed Reproductive Phenology

Students Can Now Enter Vernier Probe Data:

Students can now enter data collected with Vernier probes for both the water temperature and dissolved oxygen protocols. Please refer to the GLOBE Teacher's Guide (Hydrology Chapter) for more information.

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