National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics

Executive Subcommittee
Conference Call

Wednesday, October 13, 1999
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon

10:00 a.m. Call to Order
Review agenda
Dr. Lumpkin
10:05 a.m. Follow-up to September 27-28, 1999 NCVHS meeting Dr. Lumpkin
  • Revision of Medicaid Managed Care Report
Dr. Iezzoni
Ms. Frawley
  • Privacy Regulation
Ms. Frawley
  • Participation of NCVHS Chair in Data Council meetings
Mr. Scanlon
10 :15 a.m. Planning for November 3, 1999 NCVHS meeting

Information and discussion items:
  • Updates from the Department
    • Data Council
    • HIPAA standards
    • Privacy regulations
  • Briefing on Summary Health Measures
  • Plans for 50th Anniversary Symposium
  • Evening meeting of Quality of Care Work Group

Possible action items:

  • Medicaid Managed Care Report
  • Process for developing comments on Claims Attachments NPRM
  • Process for developing comments on Privacy NPRM
Dr. Lumpkin
10:30 a.m. Planning for December 7, 1999 Executive Subcommittee meeting (1:00 - 5:30 p.m.)
  • 50th Anniversary Symposium
  • Strategic planning
  • Long-range budgeting
    • Contracts
    • Meetings and hearings out of Washington
  • Minority Health Statistics
  • "Right Brain - Left Brain"
Dr. Lumpkin
10:45 a.m. Planning for February 23-24, 2000 meeting
Information and discussion items:
  • Updates from the Department
  • Data Council
  • HIPAA standards
  • Privacy regulations
  • Report on CNSTAT workshop and discussion of continuing role of NCVHS in advising NCHS
  • Briefing by CPR Workgroup
  • Briefing on Functional Status project
  • Subcommittee and Workgroup Break-out sessions
Planning for February 23-24, 2000 meeting
Possible action items:
  • Comments on Plan ID NPRM
  • Annual HIPAA Report to Congress
  • Report from NHII Workgroup
  • Plans for 50th Anniversary Symposium
Dr. Lumpkin
11:00 a.m. Planning for June 20-22, 2000 meeting
Information and discussion items:
  • Updates from the Department
    • Data Council
    • HIPAA standards
    • Privacy regulations
  • Briefing on Functional Status project
  • Subcommittee and Workgroup Break-out sessions
Possible action items:
  • Report and recommendations from CPR Workgroup
11:10 a.m. Planning for 50th Anniversary Symposium
  • NHII Vision
  • 21st Century Vision for Health Statistics
11:50 a.m. New members
Future Executive Subcommittee meetings
Mr. Scanlon
Dr. Lumpkin
12:00 p.m. Adjourn

October 25 , 1999