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FY 2004 Performance and Accountability Report

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Issued: March 4, 2005

HTML Version [PDF Version]

Message from the Secretary

Section I: Management Discussion and Analysis

Mission and Strategic Goals
Scope of Services
"One HHS"
HHS Partners - Working Together
HHS Organization - Structured to Accomplish Our Mission
Program Performance Overview
President's Management Agenda
Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
Systems, Controls, and Legal Compliance
Looking Ahead to 2005 - HHS Management Challenges and High Risk Areas

Section II: Program Performance by HHS Strategic Goal

Goal 1: Reduce the Major Threats to the Health and Well Being of Americans
Goal 2: Enhance the Ability of the Nation’s Health Care System to Effectively Respond to Bioterrorism and Other Public Health Challenges
Goal 3: Increase the Percentage of the Nation’s Children and Adults who have Access to Regular Health Care Services and Expand Consumer Choices
Goal 4: Enhance the Capacity and Productivity of the Nation’s Health Science Research Enterprise
Goal 5: Improve Quality of Health Care Services
Goal 6: Improve the Economic and Social Well Being of Individuals, Families, and Communities, Especially Those Most in Need
Goal 7: Improve the Stability and Healthy Development of Our Nation’s Children and Youth
Goal 8: Achieve Excellence in Management Practices

Section III: Financial Statements, Notes, Supplemental and Other Accompanying Information

Principal Financial Statements
Notes to the Principal Financial Statements
Required Supplementary Stewardship Information
Required Supplementary Information
Other Accompanying Information

Section IV: Independent Auditor’s Report on Financial Statements and Management Response  [PDF Version]

Section V: Appendices

Appendix A - FY 2004 Top Management Challenges Identified by the Office of Inspector General
Appendix B - Net Costs of Key HHS Programs
Appendix C - Information on HHS Improper Payment and Recovery Auditing Initiatives
Appendix D - Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act Report on Systems and Controls
Appendix E - Federal Financial Management Improvement Act Report on Compliance
Appendix F - Management Report on Final Action
Appendix G - Civil Monetary Penalties
Appendix H - Financial Management Performance Measures
Appendix I - Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART)
Appendix J - Acronyms
Appendix K - Key HHS Financial Management and Performance Officials

Last revised: May 16, 2006


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