RAC December 16, 2004 - Presentation Materials
98th Meeting
Bethesda, Maryland

Call to Order and Opening Remarks  
  Diane Wara, M.D., Chair, NIH RAC  

Minutes of the September 23, 2004, RAC Meeting  
  RAC Reviewers:
Martha Bohn, Ph.D.
Stephen Dewhurst, Ph.D.

Discussion of Human Gene Transfer Protocol #0410-679  
  Phase I Clinical Trial of rAAV2.5-CMV-Minidystrophin Gene Vector in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy  
  Jerry Mendell, M.D. Columbus Children's Research Institute, Columbus, OH  

DVD Video on Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy  

Data Management Report  

Followup on Safety Symposium: Safety Considerations in Recombinant DNA Research with Pathogenic Viruses—Development of a Web-Based Resource  
  Marina O'Reilly, Ph.D., Office of Biotechnology Activities  
  Webcast  Slides   

The Immune Response to Lymphopenia  
  Crystal MacKall, M.D., National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD  
  Webcast  Slides   

Discussion of Human Gene Transfer Protocol #0410-675  
  Development of Effective Immunotherapy for Prostate Cancer Patients: Phase I/II Study of Human GM-CSF Gene-Transduced Irradiated Prostate Allogeneic Cancer Cell Vaccines (Allogeneic Prostate GVAX�) in Advanced Prostate Cancer Patients Made Lymphopenic by Chemotherapy and Infused with Autologous Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells  
  Walter Urba, M.D., Ph.D.
Earle A. Chiles Research Institute, Portland, OR
  Webcast  Slides   


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