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Executive Office of the President, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) Program


Location: Washington, D.C.

Position Title: Deputy Director (Acting), Generalized System of Preferences

Duration: Three to six months

Interested in helping developing countries grow their trade? Looking for a PMF to be Acting GSP Deputy Director for 3 – 6 months.

Description of Responsibilities:

The U.S. Trade Representative is America's chief trade negotiator and the principal trade policy advisor to the President. The Office of the U. S. Trade Representative (USTR) is a small agency of highly committed professionals who are the most experienced and active trade officials in the U.S. government. They negotiate directly with foreign governments and meet with businesses, legislators, and public interest groups to discuss trade issues.

The GSP program, created by Congress in 1974, provides duty-free treatment to 4800 types of imported products from 132 developing countries, including from 42 least-developed nations. U.S. imports under GSP totaled more than $30 billion in 2007. Many developing countries use the GSP program to gain duty-free entry of more than half of their exports to the United States, making those products much more competitive in the U.S. market.

The GSP Deputy Director helps to review requests to change product and country GSP-eligibility; analyzes the use of GSP benefits by individual countries and suggests ways to increase it; works with countries directly to help them diversify their exports and increase their economic development through use of GSP duty-free import opportunities; develops and evaluates policy and statutory changes to pertinent U.S. laws; and works with officials throughout USTR, the U.S. government and many Embassies.

We are seeking an individual who is a quick study and has strong organizational, “people,” analytical and writing skills; enjoys working on quick-turnaround issues; and seeks to learn first-hand about “aid through trade” and U.S. economic policy with the nations of the developing world as implemented by the Executive Office of the President.

Point of contact: Marideth Sandler, Executive Director, GSP Program, Email:

Program information available at:


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