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Improper Payment Information Act Report

This report follows the format prescribed by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in Circular A-136, Financial Reporting Requirements. Required sections include:

I. Risk Assessments
Describe the risk assessment(s), performed subsequent to completing its full program inventory. List the risk-susceptible programs (i.e., programs that have a significant risk of improper payments based on OMB guidance thresholds) identified through its risk assessments. Be sure to include the programs previously identified in the former Section 57 of OMB Circular A-11 (now located in Circular A-123, Appendix C).

II. Statistical Sampling Process
Describe the statistical sampling process conducted to estimate the improper payment rate for each program identified.

III. Corrective Action Plans
Describe the Corrective Action Plans for reducing the estimated rate of improper payments for each type or category of error. This discussion must include the corrective action(s) for each different type or cause of error, and the corresponding steps necessary to prevent or reduce future recurrence. If the efforts are ongoing, include that information in this section also. If the actions are planned for future implementation, include the anticipated date of realization.

IV. Program Improper Payment Reporting

V. Recovery Auditing Reporting

VI. Actions to Reduce and Recover Improper Payments
Describe the steps the agency has taken and plans to take (including timeline) to ensure that agency managers and accountable officers (including the agency head) are held accountable for reducing and recovering improper payments.

VII. Agency Information Systems and Other Infrastructure.

VIII. Statutory or Regulatory Barriers
Describe any statutory or regulatory barriers which may limit the agencies’ corrective actions in reducing improper payments and actions taken by the agency to mitigate the barriers’ effects.

IX. Overall Agency Efforts
Additional comments, if any, on overall agency efforts, specific programs, best practices, or common challenges identified, as a result of IPIA implementation.

Additional Information:

Date of Report: November 15, 2007