Element #1

Definition: The month and year being reported. The report should include information about the families and children who actually received child care services during the reporting month, irrespective of when payment is made for those services.

Data Standards:


Always Required

Out of Range

Format YYYYMM:

1998 <= YYYY <= current year

01 <= MM <= 12

(for 1998 04 <= MM <= 12)

Internal Inconsistency

This Element must be:

  • later than or equal to the date entered in Element 8 (Month/Year Child Care Assistance to Family Started)
  • later than or equal to the date entered Element 25 (Month/Year of Birth).


Field Size: 6

Format (YYYYMM): Numbers

Guidance: This element should be equal to the ACF-801 Monthly Summary Record’s Report Period Field (See Technical Bulletin #4)

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