HHS Data Council
Racial and Ethnic Data
Working Group


The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Data Council’s Working Group on Racial and Ethnic Data was established by the HHS Data Council to:  provide technical support to the Data Council on racial and ethnic data issues; serve as the focal point for racial and ethnic data issues in the Department; coordinate data activities related to racial and ethnic data; and provide advice, technical assistance, and staff support to the Data Council.


HHS is committed to the appropriate inclusion of data on racial and ethnic groups in the Department's research, services and related activities.  Racial and ethnic data help to identify areas of disparities in health status and to monitor HHS programs to determine that funds are being used in a nondiscriminatory manner.  The availability of standard race and ethnicity data across agencies promotes the Department's coordinated response to major health and human services issues. The HHS Data Council Working Group is comprised of representatives from each of the HHS agencies and several staff offices.  Participating members are listed below.

Racial and Ethnic Data Working Group Membership:

ACF:  Administration on Children and Families

AHRQ:  Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

ASPE:  Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation

ASMB:  Office of the Assistant Secretary for Management and Budget

CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Atlanta

CMS: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

FDA:  Food and Drug Administration

HRSA:  Health Resources and Services Administration

IHS:  Indian Health Service

NIH:  National Institutes of Health

NCHS, CDC: National Center for Health Statistics, CDC

OCR:  Office for Civil Rights

OPHS:  Office of Public Health and Science, Office of Minority Health

OPHS:  Office of Public Health and Science, Healthy People 2010

SAMHSA:  Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration


* Cochairpersons

Activities and Accomplishments:

The Working Group on Racial and Ethnic Data is currently examining ways to improve community participation in the collection, analysis, and reporting of health and services data relevant to their needs.  As part of this effort, the Working Group presented  recent HHS measures to increase research on health disparities at the 2002 APHA annual meeting. In addition, it coordinated, chaired and moderated two plenary sessions on racial and ethnic data policy at the August 2001 Joint Statistical Meetings/American Statistical Association annual meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.  The two panels/sessions showcased the Department's efforts to further racial and ethnic data policy as well as efforts at the state and local levels of community involvement in this effort. The two sessions were as follows:  (1) "Improving Data on Racial/Ethnic Groups," - the panelists described successful efforts involving the communities studied; (2) "How to Implement Racial/Ethnic Data Policy," - the panelists discussed policy issues as well as innovative approaches for improving racial and ethnic data collection, analysis and dissemination.  

In addition, the Working Group has:

Racial and Ethnic Data Workgroup Products:

Additional Links to HHS Data on Racial and Ethnic Groups:  

Data on Racial and Ethnic Groups:

 Health Statistics:

Other Minority Data and Information:

Census Data:

Bureau of Labor Statistics:

OMB Standards for Racial and Ethnic Data:

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Last updated on June 27, 2003