SCUBAnauts Operation Deep Climb - Day 3

This is the day that the paths of the two groups begins to diverge. While both groups fly to Hilo, the Operation: Deep Climb (ODC) group joins the Wildlife Productions crew and guide Doug Arnott to prepare for their climb of Mauna Kea. The ScubaNauts International (SNI) group begins exploration of the Big Island, with hikes around Volcano National Park and dives on the Kona side.

Day 3 - 13 October 2007

Anna - 16
Operation Deep Climb (ODC) participant

This morning we were told that the leak on the KOK hadn’t been fixed and so we would begin the climb on the following day. So today everyone would be flying to Hilo on the big Island.

That afternoon we made it to the airport for our 45 minute flight to the big Island. On the flight Mack and I could see an Island with a mountain that we thought wasn’t Mauna Kea. We had suspected it to be taller or to have snow, so Mack and I wished that this would be Mauna Kea mostly because it wasn’t as intimidating as I had pictured the world’s tallest mountain to be. Once the plane started to turn and descend we knew that our wish was coming true. We landed and were taken to Doug Arnott’s Lodge to finally meet the production crew. That night we had a short luau and Sergeant Gregory helped us on packing our bags. I was so appreciative to have Sergeant Gregory with us, because of his expertise and he was also very humble and considerate. Now I am getting ready for a good night’s sleep, this time tomorrow night, hopefully, I will be a third of the way done with the climb. I have gotten a new boost of confidence knowing that I am prepared (gear wise) and if something inhibits me from climbing the mountain it will be myself, because of my lack of confidence or just plain nerves.

Mack - 15
Operation Deep Climb participant

Our flight to Hilo was a short one, it was only forty-five minutes long. When we landed in Hilo we gathered out stuff and headed out to out hotel for the night. When we arrived at our hotel we learned they had a special luau planned for us. After the luau SSGT Gregory come to our rooms and helped us pack for the hike which was going to start the next day. After our packing lesson we all went to bed, for it was going to be a early morning.

Santannah - 14
Operation Deep Climb participant

We had a flight to Hilo to take to the big island where Mauna Kea is. Then we had a barbecue at Arnott’s lodge where we would be staying for the night. Tomorrow morning we would start the climb. This night was the hardest for me. I was so ready to start the climb already and yet was so afraid that something might happen. That night I had the most conflicted thoughts of my life.

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