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Briefing Rooms

European Union: Recommended Readings


The EU Sugar Policy Regime and Implications of Reform (July 2008). The European Union's sugar policy underwent its first major reform in 2005 in response to mounting and unsustainable imbalances in supply and demand. The reform targeted only a few policy instruments (intervention price cut, voluntary production quota buyout, and restrictions on nonquota sugar exports), while leaving other key policies unchanged (interstate quota trading, sugar-substitute competition, and import barriers). A model-based analysis suggests that the initial reforms by themselves are unlikely to reduce overproduction due to the oligopolistic nature of the EU sugar market.

The Future of Biofuels: A Global Perspective (November 2007). Global biofuel production tripled between 2000 and 2007, but still accounts for less than 3 percent of the transportation fuel supply worldwide. Biofuels will likely be part of a portfolio of solutions to high energy prices, including conservation, more efficient energy use, and use of other alternative fuels.

European Union-25 Sugar PolicyPDF file (January 2006). The EU approved a reform of its sugar policy in November 2005, which is to be implemented in July 2006 and includes a price reduction of 36.5 percent to be phased in by 2009. Analysis shows a reduction of EU sugar production and a decline in EU sugar exports of 3-4 million metric tons, with a resulting increase in the world sugar price.

EU and U.S. Organic Markets Face Strong Demand Under Different Policies (February 2006). Many European Union (EU) countries have "green payments" available for transitioning and continuing organic farmers. By contrast, the U.S. Government has largely taken a free-market approach to the organic sector. Despite the different approaches, both regions have large retail markets for organic foods. For the full report, see Market-Led Growth vs. Government-Facilitated Growth: Development of the U.S. and EU Organic Agricultural Sectors (August 2005).

Agricultural Trade Preferences and the Developing Countries (May 2005). Nonreciprocal trade preference programs originated in the 1970s as an effort by high-income developed countries to provide tariff concessions for low-income countries. This study focuses on the United States and European Union and finds that the programs offer significant benefits for some countries, mostly the higher income developing countries.

European Union Adopts Significant Farm Reform (September 2004). The EU continued to reform its Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in 2003-04 and will continue in 2005, building on earlier reforms enacted since 1992. The latest reforms move to fully decoupled payments through a single farm payment, which has important implications for WTO negotiations and EU farmers’ decisions on what to produce. For the full report, see CAP Reform of 2003-04 (August 2004).

European Trading Arrangements in Fruits and Vegetables (July 2004). The EU participates in regional and preferential trading arrangements more than any other country or region. Over 70 percent of EU fruit and vegetable imports are from countries benefiting from preferential treatment for some portion of trade. Exports from countries without preferences, including the United States, are at a disadvantage in EU markets.

Global Trade Patterns in Fruits and Vegetables (June 2004). International trade in fruits and vegetables has expanded at a higher rate than trade in other agricultural commodities, and the variety of commodities has increased. Over the years, three regions—the EU, the North American Free Trade Agreement area, and Asia—have remained as both the major destinations and sources of supply. A substantial share of their trade is intraregional, particularly that of the EU.

EU Enlargement: Implications for the New Member Countries, the United States, and World Trade (April 2004). This is part one in a series of forthcoming reports on the integration of the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States into global commodity markets. The report presents a medium-term forecast of the changes that EU enlargement will bring to commodity production and trade in Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic as well as to the enlarged EU, and to U.S. and world trade.

U.S.-EU Food and Agriculture Comparisons (April 2005). The European Union and United States are the world's largest agricultural traders and among the largest producers and consumers. This report provides information and analysis that reflects the similarities and differences in their agricultural sectors when comparing farm structure, production, consumption, trade, productivity, farm policy, and responses to environmental issues. Implications of EU enlargement for U.S. trade are also addressed.

Commodity Policies of the U.S., EU, and JapanPDF file (December 2002). Commodity policies of the United States, the European Union, and Japan address some of the same goals, but there have always been key differences in approach and in their policy instruments. In recent years, efforts to encourage freer trade in farm commodities have led each toward less trade-distorting policies.

Trade Among Unequal Partners: Changing EU Trade Arrangements with Developing CountriesPDF file (September 2002). The EU, more than other WTO members, has used exceptions to international trading rules to provide nonreciprocal trading preferences to selected developing countries. Some of these arrangements have been challenged under WTO procedures and the EU has responded with proposals to convert the arrangements into reciprocal trading areas, which may be disadvantageous to the developing countries and to U.S. trading interests.

Livestock Feeding and Feed Imports in the European Union—A Decade of Change (July 2002). Events and policy changes in the livestock sectors of the European Union during the 1990s produced important impacts on trade in feedstuffs. Lower grain prices and a declining euro together with several animal disease epidemics resulted in significant increases in the feeding of grains and oilseed meals and a reduction in the feeding of nongrain feed ingredients.

Traceability for Food Marketing and Food Safety: What's the Next Step?PDF file (February 2002). Traceability systems, which document information on specific product attributes from creation through marketing, are used primarily to help keep foods with different attributes separate. The EU's recent proposal on traceability for distinguishing engineered crops and foods is an example of government mandated traceability. Is a government mandated system—rather than reliance on private firms' documentation—a practical or efficient use of traceability?

Pressures for Change in Eastern Europe's Livestock SectorPDF file (January-February 2002). The meat and dairy processing sectors of several East European countries are undergoing rapid concentration, accelerated by pending accession to the EU and pressure to meet strict EU sanitary standards. The trend is most evident in Poland and Hungary, but all Eastern European countries aspire to eventual EU membership and are experiencing noticeable restructuring.

EU Preferential Trading Agreements: Heightened Competition for U.S.PDF file (December 2001). Although the EU has pursued global multilateral trade negotiations within the WTO, it also participates in more nonglobal preferential trading agreements (PTAs) than any other WTO member. These PTAs allow the EU to control imports and assist in maintaining domestic EU prices. The PTAs disadvantage U.S. exports to EU markets while providing advantages to EU exports in the markets of EU preferred partners.

Crop Production Capacity in EuropePDF file (March 2001). From Spain to Ukraine, agricultural production is pursued under a vast array of agronomic and political conditions. In Western Europe, policies in recent decades have maintained high farm prices and provided income payments to farmers, often leading to surplus production. In the decade ahead, Europe as a whole will continue to be a net exporter of grain, although the magnitude will depend partly on the former Soviet Union's ability to develop institutions and policies to accommodate the new market conditions.


For more information, contact: David Kelch

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Updated date: September 3, 2008