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2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse

Table of Contents  (TOC)

Volume I:    Summary of National Findings

Volume II:  Technical Appendices and Selected Data Tables

Volume II:  Detailed Tables

Volume III: Detailed Tables for 2001 NHSDA (PDF format)


Volume II: Technical Appendices and Selected Data Tables

Cover (HTML)   PDF format

List of Tables

A. Description of the Survey (HTML format)  
     A.1 Sample Design
     A.2 Data Collection Methodology
     A.3 Data Processing

B. Statistical Methods and Limitations of the Data (HTML format)   
     B.1 Target Population
     B.2 Sampling Error and Statistical Significance
     B.3 Nonsampling Error
     B.4 Incidence Estimates
     B.5 Serious Mental Illness Estimates

C. Effects of Changes in Survey Protocol on Trend Measurement (HTML format)   
     C.1 Background
     C.2 Postsurvey Data Processing
     C.3 Incentive Experiment Effects
     C.4 Field Interviewer Experience Effects
     C.5 Changes in Response Rates
     C.6 Field Interviewer Behaviors
     C.7 Retrospective Measures of Change in Lifetime Use
     C.8 Analysis Focused on First 6 Calendar Months
     C.9 Questionnaire Change
     C.10 Summary

D. Key Definitions, 1999-2001 Survey Years (HTML format) 

E. Other Sources of Data (HTML format)   
     E.1 Other National Surveys of Illicit Drug Use
     E.2 Alcohol and Cigarette Use Surveys
     E.3 Other Surveys of Substance Abuse and Dependence
     E.4 Surveys of Populations Not Covered by the NHSDA

F. References (HTML format)      

G. Sample Size and Population Tables (HTML format)    

H. Detailed Tables:  Selected Prevalence Tables (HTML format)    
     Illicit Drug Use (Tables H.1 - H.20)
     Alcohol or Tobacco Use (Tables H.21 - H.41)
     Initiation of Substance Use (Tables H.42 - H.55)
     Prevention-Related Measures (Risk and Availability) (Table H.56)
     Substance Dependence, Abuse, and Treatment (Tables H.57 - H.70)
     Mental Health (Tables H.71 - H.85)

For printing Appendices A to H above:

PDF format for Appendices A to D in Volume II

PDF format for Appendices E to H in Volume II

Volume I: Summary of National Findings
1. Introduction (HTML format)     PDF format
2. Illicit Drug Use (HTML format)     PDF format
3. Alcohol Use (HTML format)    PDF format
4. Tobacco Use (HTML format)     PDF format
5. Trends in Initiation of Substance Use (HTML format)     PDF format
6. Prevention-Related Measures (HTML format)     PDF format
7. Substance Dependence, Abuse, and Treatment (HTML format)     PDF format
8. Prevalence and Treatment of Mental Health Problems (HTML format)     PDF format
9. Discussion (HTML format)   PDF format

Volume III: Detailed Tables for 2001 NHSDA (PDF format)

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This page was last updated on June 16, 2008.

SAMHSA, an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services, is the Federal Government's lead agency for improving the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and mental health services in the United States.

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