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Monday, November 19, 2001

Audio Clips from Retailers' Roundtable Discussion With Bush Economic Team

Chicago, IL - Retailers today joined U.S. Secretary of Commerce Don Evans and two of President Bush's chief economic advisors, Dr. Lawrence Lindsey and Dr. Glenn Hubbard, at a roundtable discussion in Chicago that highlighted the urgent need for President Bush's economic stimulus package.

Click here for mp3 audio

Text of comments - "You know I think what we need to do is continue to get out there and tell people everything's gonna be okay, everything's alright. I mean you've got extraordinary leadership at the national level here. The President understands his responsibility for protecting the national security of this country as well as the economic security of this country and he's going to do that, but we need to continue to deliver the message to the American people that this economy is as strong as it's ever been and we'll come out of this even stronger." - Secretary of Commerce Don Evans

Click here for mp3 audio

Text of comments - "If you were gonna buy a car before September the 11th go buy a car, or I'm sorry I should have said buy a shirt in Sears or buy a computer in Circuit City or go buy some chocolate, go buy some chocolate. But get back to your normal way of life. I mean if you want to know you know what sacrifice you can make a long with those men and women that are serving us all so nobly and ably in the Armed Forces go back to participating in this economy, because what is just as important as national security is economic security. We've got to keep this economy strong and the way to keep it strong is for the 280 million people that are in America to go to participate in it." - Secretary of Commerce Don Evans

  US Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230
Last Updated: October 18, 2007 10:29 AM

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