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Frequent Questions

Questions and Answers

What is asset management?
Asset management is a process for maintaining a desired level of customer service at the best appropriate cost.

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Is CUPSS for me?
The primary user community for CUPSS consists of small drinking water and wastewater utilities with fewer than 1,000 connections or 3,300 individuals. Larger utilities new to asset management might also find CUPSS useful.

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How can CUPSS help my utility?
The goals of CUPSS are to...

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What is CUPSS?
CUPSS is a free, easy-to-use, asset management tool for small drinking water and wastewater utilities (generally, those serving fewer than 3,300 persons) and medium-sized systems new to asset management.

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How can I get a copy of CUPSS?
CUPSS is available as a free download from this site. Alternatively, you can order a copy of the CUPSS application on CD by contacting the National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP).

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I'm having trouble installing or using CUPSS. What should I do?
The CUPSS User's Guide includes detailed instructions for how to install or use the CUPSS application; you might want to check the Trouble Shooting Guide first.

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I want my utility to use CUPSS. Are there any resources to help promote the application?
EPA and partnering organizations have developed a number of documents to help potential users understand the benefit of starting asset management using the CUPSS application. These documents are available for download on the Resources page. The "CUPSS and Us" presentation, in particular, is an excellent tool to help communicate the benefit of using CUPSS to local decision makers and stakeholders.

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Who developed CUPSS?
EPA's Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water (OGWDW) developed CUPSS with the help of a workgroup that included representatives from state agencies, technical assistance organizations, EPA Regional offices, and small wastewater and drinking water utilities. With this collaborative approach, EPA was able to develop a comprehensive application that provides all the tools required to implement an asset management program and develop effective asset management plans.

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Where can I go for training?
A variety of training opportunities are available for both CUPSS trainers and those interested in using the CUPSS application.

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