The Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration

Science and Service

Mental Health Promotion Programs

2007 Winners

Care for Elders
Healthy IDEAS (Identifying Depression, Empowering Activities for Seniors)

Care for Elders is a Houston-based partnership of more than 80 organizations committed to increasing access to services, improving quality of care and standards of practice, and enhancing the quality of life of older adults. As champions of expanding evidence-based programming and the availability of mental health services, the partnership implemented Healthy IDEAS (Identifying Depression, Empowering Activities for Seniors), an evidence-based program designed to detect depression and reduce the severity of depressive symptoms among community-dwelling older adults. Healthy IDEAS has been successfully integrated into the case management practice at three local social service agencies, reaching elders with underserved mental health needs, including those at particularly high risk for depression, (i.e., immigrant Hispanic populations, and older women of all racial backgrounds living on low income). The program provides depression awareness and self-management interventions that include: screening and assessment of depressive symptoms; education about depression and self-care for clients and family caregivers; referral and linkage to medical and mental health professionals; and behavioral activation - an approach that encourages clients' involvement in meaningful activities.

Care for Elders, through Healthy IDEAS, brings together community service providers, the mental/behavioral health community, and healthcare practitioners to achieve significant benefits for older adults and their families. Formal evaluation of Healthy IDEAS, conducted by Baylor College of Medicine and funded by the Administration on Aging, indicated a significant reduction in symptoms of depression for program participants, reduction in pain, improved ability to recognize and self-manage depressive symptoms, and improved well-being through achievement of personal goals. Sheltering Arms Senior Services is the lead agency and fiscal agent for Care for Elders.

Kremmling Communities That Care
All Stars & Family Matters
No current web site

Kremmling, Colorado is a small, ranching community (population - 1500) located in the Colorado Rockies. In 2002, the local prevention team of Kremmling Communities That Care (CTC), along with other concerned community members, reviewed results from the CTC Youth Survey that was administered to all Kremmling eighth grade students. Troubling data from this survey on prominent risk factors in the community resulted in the selection and implementation of two scientifically-based and effective programs. The programs selected for implementation for all middle school students were: All Stars, a school-based curriculum, and Family Matters, a community-based program. Exciting data from the 2006 CTC Survey results demonstrated a dramatic reduction from 2002 to 2006 in risk factors for parental and peer attitudes favoring antisocial behavior. This decrease confirms the local prevention team's belief that implementing science-based programs matched to specific risk factors, along with the action of dedicated community members, will have an impact on local risk factors.

Morrison Child and Family Services
Incredible Years, Basic Parent Training Module,
Dinosaur School, Advanced Parent Training Module

Morrison Child and Family Services in Portland, Oregon provides a comprehensive range of mental health, substance abuse, juvenile justice, and prevention services. Each year we touch the lives of more than 5,000 children and their families. Our programs include residential, day treatment, outpatient counseling, parent education, home and school-based programs, and foster care.

The Incredible Years program was initiated in 2001, and has delivered these key services in 9 child care centers, 3 Head Start systems, with over 60 family home providers in Portland, and across Morrison's Portland metropolitan area outpatient clinics. Through delivery of the Incredible Years program collaborative, community partnerships have been developed and maintained. A comparison of pre/post behavior problems, protective factors, and parenting efficacy indicated statistically significant improvements for both parents and child care workers. In addition, parent satisfaction was very high.

The DeKalb County School System, Prevention/Intervention Department
Nurturing Parenting Program

The Prevention/Intervention Department of the DeKalb County Georgia School System supports the school community through services and resources designed to promote school engagement, foster a positive school climate and develop pro-social skills in our students. DeKalb County completed a comprehensive assessment of risk and protective factors through the forum of Communities That Care (CTC). The following risk factors were identified as contributing toward the development of problems for DeKalb children: (1) Availability of Drugs, (2) Community Laws & Norms Favorable Toward Drug Use & Crime, (3) Family Management, (4) Family Conflict, (5) Academic Failure Beginning in Elementary School, and (6) Early Initiation of Problem Behaviors. The Nurturing Parenting Program was selected because it focused on skill building, support, and meaningful involvement by parents' in their child's life, areas that have been identified as protective factors for children. The sites for this initiative were chosen because they represent the most impoverished areas of DeKalb County. In its first year the Nurturing Parenting program was successful in changing entrenched parental attitudes and helping parents try strategies outside of their comfort levels. Nurturing Parenting moved families from inconsistent, often violent limit setting into a direction that was more nurturing and supportive, while instilling limits and boundaries into the family structure.

Last Update: 10/6/2008