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Computer Assisted Interviewing for SAMHSA's National Household Survey on Drug Abuse

Development of Computer-Assisted Interviewing Procedures for the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse

Table of Contents (TOC)



List of Exhibits

Executive Summary

1. Introduction

2. History of Research on the NHSDA

3. Background: Literature Review and Research Issues
3.1 Prior Research
3.2 Design and Operational Issues Addressed
3.2.1 Critical Design Issues
3.2.2 Operational Issues

4. Initial Investigations: 1996 Feasibility Experiment and Cognitive Laboratory Research
4.1 1996 Feasibility Experiment
4.2 Cognitive Laboratory Testing
4.2.1 Introduction
4.2.2 Subject Recruitment and Demographics
4.2.3 Inconsistency Resolution Procedures
4.2.4 12-Month Frequency of Use
4.2.5 Selecting a Voice for ACASI

5. Summary of the Design and Conduct of the 1997 Field Experiment
5.1 Experimental Design for Computer-Assisted Interviewing
5.1.1 Structure of Alternative CAI Instruments
5.1.2 Assignment to Treatments
5.1.3 Comparison Group
5.2 Sample Design
5.2.1 1997 Field Experiment Sample Design
5.2.2 1997 NHSDA Debriefing Subsample Design
5.3 Electronic Screener
5.4 Screening and Interview Response Rates
5.5 Analysis Weights

6. Comparisons of CAPI/ACASI to PAPI for Selected Outcomes: 1997 Field Experiment
6.1 Alcohol, Marijuana, Cocaine/Crack, and Any Illicit Drug Use in Lifetime, Past Year, and Past Month
6.2 Reporting of Nonmedical Use of Psychotherapeutic Drugs
6.3 Effect of ACASI on Mental Health Questions
6.3.1 Comparisons of Rates Within ACASI Treatments
6.3.2 Comparison of Rates of Mental Health Syndromes
6.3.3 Comparison of Data Quality in the ACASI and PAPI Mental Health Items
6.4 Effect of Audio Computer-Assisted Self-Interviewing on Responses to Questions on Risk and Availability
6.4.1 Perceived Risk of Different Drug-Using Behaviors
6.4.2 Availability of Drugs
6.5 Effect of New ACASI Strategy on Frequency of Use
6.5.1 Missing Data Rates
6.5.2 Distribution of the Responses
6.6 Comparison of ACASI Respondent Attitudes to Attitudes of PAPI Respondents: Results from Debriefing Interviews
6.6.1 Participation in the Debriefing Interviews
6.6.2 Comparison of Respondent Attitudes

7. Effect of ACASI Experimental Factors on Prevalence and Data Quality: 1997 Field Experiment
7.1 Structure of Contingent Questioning
7.1.1 Prevalence Estimates
7.1.2 Inconsistencies in Reporting
7.1.3 Operational Aspects of Reporting Under Alternative Contingent Questioning Strategies
7.2 Multiple Opportunities to Report Use
7.2.1 Prevalence Estimates
7.2.2 Inconsistencies in Reporting
7.2.3 Operational Aspects of Reporting Under Multiple Opportunities to Report Use
7.3 Implementation of Consistency Checks by Respondents
7.3.1 Inconsistencies in the Final Unedited Respondent Data, by Presence or Absence of Consistency Checks
7.3.2 Effect of Revised Answers on Prevalence Estimates
7.3.3 Operational Aspects of Reporting When Consistency Checks Are Used
7.4 Effect of ACASI Experimental Factors: Modeling Procedures and Effects on Prevalence
7.5 Effect of ACASI Experimental Factors on the Time to Complete Different Parts of the Interview
7.5.1 Total Core Time, Unweighted
7.5.2 Core Treatment Time (Tobacco Through Inhalants), Unweighted
7.5.3 Remaining ACASI Time After Inhalants, Unweighted
7.6 Effect of ACASI Experimental Factors on Breakoff Rates

8. Development and Testing of an Electronic Screener: 1997 Field Experiment and Subsequent Testing
8.1 Need for Electronic Screening: Research Issues
8.2 Developing and Testing of the Screener for the 1997 Field Experiment
8.2.1 Developing the Application
8.2.2 Training Interviewers on Use of Electronic Screener
8.2.3 Implementation Results: Interviewer and Respondent Reactions
8.2.4 Implementation Results: Hardware, Software, and User Problems
8.2.5 Implementation Results: Response Rates and Data Quality
8.3 Revision and Additional Testing of Screener: Application Changes
8.4 Summary of 1999 NHSDA Electronic Screener Application

9. Operation of the 1997 Field Experiment
9.1 Design and Performance of the CAI Software, Hardware, and Supporting Systems
9.1.1 CAI Interview Software
9.1.2 Case Management System
9.1.3 Hardware
9.1.4 Data Transmission and Capture Systems
9.1.5 Monitoring and In-House Processing of Data
9.1.6 Problems with the 1997 Quarter 4 NHSDA Debriefing Systems
9.2 Recruiting, Hiring, and Training of Field Staff
9.2.1 Field Interviewer Training for the 1997 Field Experiment
9.2.2 Field Interviewer Training for the 1997 Quarter 4 NHSDA Debriefing
9.3 Data Collection
9.3.1 Management of Data Collection Operations
9.3.2 Field Staff Reactions to Computer-Assisted Interviewing Procedures
9.3.3 Management of Debriefing Sample Data Collection Operations

10. Willingness to Respond
10.1 Response Rates
10.1.1 Dwelling Unit Screening
10.1.2 Person-Level Nonresponse
10.2 Effect of Electronic Instruments on Response Rates
10.3 Effect of Experimental Environment on Response Rates
10.4 Effect of Electronic Instruments on Respondent Attitudes and Self-Reported Willingness to Respond

11. Effect of Interviewers on Data Quality
11.1 Relationship Between Interviewer Characteristics and Interviewer Performance
11.1.1 Field Interviewer Characteristics
11.1.2 Methodology
11.1.3 Results
11.1.4 Discussion
11.2 Effect of Mode of Interview on Interviewer Variance

12. Refinement of Procedures: 1998 Laboratory and Field Testing and Final 1999 NHSDA CAI
12.1 Development and Testing of the Tobacco Module
12.2 Tobacco Module Development and Evaluation: Overview
12.2.1 Content of the Tobacco Module
12.2.2 Expert Review of Tobacco Module Questions
12.2.3 Programming the Tobacco Module
12.3 Tobacco Module: Round 1 Laboratory Testing (Cognitive Issues)
12.4 Tobacco Module: Round 2 Laboratory Testing
12.4.1 Changes in Content of the Tobacco Module from Round 1
12.4.2 Round 2 Research Design
12.4.3 Round 2 Testing Results
12.5 Tobacco Module: Discussion of Laboratory Results
12.6 Tobacco Module: August 1998 Field Test Results
12.7 Additional Field and Laboratory Testing
12.7.1 Field Testing of the Full Instrument
12.7.2 Laboratory Testing of Full Instrument
12.8 The 1999 NHSDA CAI
12.8.1 Methodology
12.8.2 Questionnaire Content
12.8.3 Summary


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This page was last updated on June 16, 2008.

SAMHSA, an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services, is the Federal Government's lead agency for improving the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and mental health services in the United States.

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