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46 records match your search on "Medicaid" - Showing 1 to 10
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Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (Website)

Organization(s):  Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, HHS

The Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAPs) are used in determining the amount of Federal matching funds for State expenditures for assistance payments for certain social services, and State medical and medical insurance expenditures. The Social Security Act requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services to calculate and publish the FMAPs each year. For historical purposes, this web site lists recent FMAPs as well.

Published:  November, 2007

Availability:  Full HTML Version 


Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP), Fiscal Year 2008 (Report)

Organization(s):  Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, HHS

The Federal Medical Assistance Percentages and Enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentages are calculated pursuant to the Social Security Act (the Act). These percentages will be effective from October 1 through September 30 of the indicated year. The "Federal Medical Assistance Percentages" and "Enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentages" are used in determining the amount of Federal matching for State medical assistance (Medicaid) and State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) expenditures, and Foster Care Maintenance and Adoption Assistance payments. Figures are given for each of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands.

Published:  November, 2006

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


Cost and Coverage Impacts of the President's Health Care Reform Proposal and a Congressional Tax Credit Proposal (Report)

Organization(s):  The Lewin Group

This project focuses on modeling the potential impact on states of the various insurance coverage proposals in the President's 2008 Budget, estimating fiscal impacts as well as their potential effects on insurance participation rates. The project also models the potential impacts of a tax credit proposal as outlined in S 1019.

Published:  May, 2008

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


Historical and Projected Trends In Medicaid (Report)

Author(s):  ASPE Staff Paper

Organization(s):  ASPE staff

This paper presents data on the current state of Medicaid, the nation's program providing health and long-term care services to low-income families, elderly, and disabled individuals. The paper reports both historical and projected trends in Medicaid enrollment and spending. Information is presented on trends by major Medicaid eligibility category with some additional information by state.

Published:  October, 2006

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP), Fiscal Year 2007 (Report)

Organization(s):  Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, HHS

The Federal Medical Assistance Percentages and Enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentages are calculated pursuant to the Social Security Act (the Act). These percentages will be effective from October 1 through September 30 of the indicated year. The "Federal Medical Assistance Percentages" and "Enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentages" are used in determining the amount of Federal matching for State medical assistance (Medicaid) and State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) expenditures, and Foster Care Maintenance and Adoption Assistance payments. Figures are given for each of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands.

Published:  November, 2005

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


Congressionally Mandated Evaluation of the State Children's Health Insurance Program: (Report)
Final Report to Congress

Author(s):  Judith Wooldridge, Genevieve Kenney, and ChristophernTrenholm, with Lisa Dubay, Ian Hill, Myoung Kim, Lorenzo Moreno, Anna Sommers, and Stephen Zuckerman

Organization(s):  Mathematica Policy Research and The Urban Institute

The final report of the SCHIP Evaluation focuses primarily on case studies and surveys of SCHIP enrollees and recent disenrollees in 10 study states, and on analyses of two national surveys that provide nationwide perspectives on SCHIP implementation and uninsured children's access to care. The report presents findings from an extensive analysis of the mandated surveys of SCHIP enrollees and disenrollees in 10 states, and of Medicaid enrollees and disenrollees in 2 states. The Evaluation addresses questions about SCHIP program design, implementation and evolution, SCHIP coordination with Medicaid, characteristics of enrollees, substitution of public coverage for private health insurance, SCHIP's effect on access to care, and family experiences with application and enrollment.

Published:  October, 2005

Availability:  Full HTML Version 


Overview of the Uninsured in the United States: (Issue Brief)
An analysis of the 2005 Current Population Survey

Organization(s):  ASPE/Office of Health Policy

According to the Census Bureau's 2005 Current Population Survey (CPS), 45.8 million individuals in 2004 or 15.7% of the civilian non-institutionalized population were uninsured. Those that lack insurance represent a diverse group. Understanding the uninsured population is important for policy makers looking to design solutions to the problem. This Issue Brief describes insurance coverage in the United States and describes the key demographic characteristics of the uninsured.

Published:  September, 2005

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


Medicaid Estate Recovery Collections (Policy Brief)

Author(s):  Thomson/MEDSTAT

Organization(s):  Thomson/MEDSTAT

This policy brief is one of six commissioned by HHS/ASPE on Medicaid eligibility policies for long-term care benefits. This brief summarizes the estate recovery mandate, discusses variations in mechanisms employed by states to implement the mandate, and presents a state-by-state analysis of collections from 2002 through 2004. [13 PDF pages]

Published:  September, 2005

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


Estimating the Number of Individuals in the U.S. Without Health Insurance (Report)

Author(s):  Cathi Callahan, Jim Mays, George Greenberg, Rob Stewart

Organization(s):  Acturarial Research Corporation (ARC)

The Census Bureau's Current Population Survey (CPS) has long served as the most widely-cited source of statistics on the nation's uninsured. But over time, the CPS has undergone several methodological changes that create some inconsistency in the time series of uninsured date. This report presents the Acturarial Research Corporation's (ARC) adjustments to the CPS to create a consistent time series.

Published:  April, 2005

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


TRIM3's 2001 Baseline Simulation of the Medicaid and SCHIP Eligibility and Enrollment: Methods and Results, (Report)
TRIM3 Microsimulation Project Technical Paper

Author(s):  Linda Giannarelli, Paul Johnson, Sandi Nelson, and Meghan Williamson

Organization(s):  Urban Institute

The TRIM microsimulation model produces a baseline of Medicaid and SCHIP eligibility and enrollment using adjustments that correct for the undercount in program participation on the Current Population Survey (CPS). This report presents a detailed explanation of the TRIM mmethodology.

Published:  April, 2005

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 

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