CM/ECF Information

About CM/ECF - Notices - Training - FAQ's - Links


Contacts and Information

For ECF or General Information use the following email address:

For Web Information use this email address:

You can reach the Clerk's Office at 662-369-4952 (Aberdeen) or 662-234-1971 (Oxford)

Register for ECF Training

PACER Service Center or call 1-800-676-6856


Access to CM/ECF

Do I need to file a document in a case? Click here. (Live Area)


Do you want to see how the system works? Click here. (Training Area)
Attorney's authorized logins and passwords will not work in the training area.
Please use the following logins and passwords.
Logins: attorney1 to attorney9
Password: training

If you get an error message trying to login, just click the back button and try a different login.


Documents and other Information

ECF Registration Form (fillable pdf version)

Online ECF Registration Form <----click on the link----->

Administrative Procedures for ECF

Attorney Training Manual for Electronic Case Filing (large file)