The Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration

SAMHSA Grant Annoucement RFA

Application Information
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT)

Request for Applications (RFA)

Cooperative Agreements for Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral and Treatment (SBIRT)

(Initial Announcement)


Request for Applications (RFA) No. TI-08-001
Posting on November 27, 2007
Receipt date: January 31, 2008
Announcement Type: Initial

Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) No
.: 93.243

Key Dates:

Application Deadline

Applications are due by January 31, 2008

Intergovernmental Review
(E.O. 12372)

Applicants must comply with E.O. 12372 if their State(s) participates.  Review process recommendations from the State Single Point of Contact (SPOC) are due no later than 60 days after application deadline.

Public Health System Impact Statement (PHSIS)/Single State Agency Coordination

Applicants must send the PHSIS to appropriate State and local health agencies by application deadline. Comments from Single State Agency are due no later than 60 days after application deadline.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment is accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2008 for Cooperative Agreements for Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral and Treatment (SBIRT).  The purpose of this program is to expand and enhance State/Tribal substance abuse treatment service systems by:

  • Expanding the State’s/Tribe’s continuum of care to include screening, brief intervention, referral, and brief treatment (SBIRT) in general medical and other community settings (e.g., community health centers, nursing homes, schools and student assistance programs, occupational health clinics, hospitals, emergency departments);

  • Supporting clinically appropriate services for persons at risk for, or diagnosed with, a Substance Use Disorder (i.e., Substance Abuse or Dependence).  (Note: for the purpose of this RFA, “at risk” is defined as persons who are using substances but who do not yet meet the criteria for a diagnosis of Substance Use Disorders *); and

  • Identifying systems and policy changes to increase access to treatment in generalist and specialist settings.

Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral and Treatment (SBIRT) is one of SAMHSA’s services grant programs.  SAMHSA’s services grants are designed to address gaps in substance abuse treatment services and/or to increase the ability of States, units of local government, American Indian/Alaska Native tribes and tribal organizations, and community- and faith-based organizations to help specific populations or geographic areas with serious, emerging substance abuse problems.  SAMHSA intends that its services grants result in the delivery of services as soon as possible after award.  Substantial service delivery should begin by the 6th month of the project at the latest.  

SBIRT grants are authorized under Section 509 of the Public Health Service Act, as amended.  This announcement addresses Healthy People 2010 focus area 26 (Substance Abuse).


* For purposes of this announcement, the need for treatment is discussed in terms of the categories of substance use disorders (substance dependence and substance abuse) used in the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV; 1994).


Eligible applicants are the immediate office of the Chief Executive (e.g., Governor) in the States, Territories, and the District of Columbia; or the highest ranking official and/or the duly authorized official of a federally recognized American Indian/Alaska Native tribe or tribal organization. Tribal organization means the recognized body of any AI/AN tribe; any legally established organization of American Indians/Alaska Natives which is controlled, sanctioned, or chartered by such governing body or which is democratically elected by the adult members of the Indian community to be served by such organization and which includes the maximum participation of American Indians/Alaska Natives in all phases of its activities. Eligible applicants in the same geographic region may apply as a consortium and must designate a single fiscal agent.

The Governor/highest ranking official will designate a lead official to be Project Director for the cooperative agreement.  That individual may be, but is not required to be, part of the SSA.  However, the services to be provided through this cooperative agreement program are to be integrated into the current system of care.  Therefore, SAMHSA expects that the SSA will be involved in the project.

The Chief Executive of the State, Territory, or District of Columbia, or the highest ranking official and/or the duly authorized official of the Tribal Organization must sign the application.  Following the initial award, the Chief Executive or highest ranking official may delegate responsibility for the grant, including signatory authority for continuation applications, to a State Agency, State Official, or duly authorized official.

Updated on Nov. 29:  States/tribes that have been recipients of SBIRT cooperative agreements are not eligible to apply.

Award Information

Funding Mechanism: Cooperative Agreement
Anticipated Total Available Funding: $10.044 million
Anticipated Number of Awards: 4
Anticipated Award Amount:

Up to $2.52 million per year

Length of Project Period: Up to 5 years

This program is being announced prior to the appropriation for FY 2008 for SAMHSA’s programs, with funding estimates based on the President’s budget request for FY 2008.  Applications are invited based on the assumption that sufficient funds will be appropriated for FY 2008 to permit funding of a reasonable number of applications solicited.  All applicants are reminded, however, that we cannot guarantee that sufficient funds will be appropriated to permit SAMHSA to fund any applications.

Proposed budgets cannot exceed $2.52 million in total costs (direct and indirect) in any year of the proposed project.  Annual continuation awards will depend on the availability of funds, grantee progress in meeting project goals and objectives, timely submission of required data and reports, and compliance with all terms and conditions of award.

Applicants should be aware that the amount to be awarded for continuation awards in year 5 is expected to be 95% of the amount awarded for continuation awards in year 4.  This is being done to create a pool of funds for supplemental performance based awards (described below).  [Note: Applicants should not reduce their requested fifth year amounts relative to year 4; this adjustment will be made by SAMHSA at the time the year 5 continuation awards are negotiated.]   

Supplemental Awards Based on Performance:  Section VI-2, Administrative and National Policy Requirements, of this RFA discusses a grantee's proposed performance targets and explains that failure to meet stated goals and objectives may result in suspension or termination of the grant award, or in the reduction or withholding of continuation awards.  Conversely, an SBIRT grantee that exceeds its performance targets or demonstrates efficiencies may receive a supplemental award based on performance to maintain its high level of performance.

For year 5 of the SBIRT Cooperative Agreements, CSAT will review each grantee's Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) data submissions and assess whether a grantee has: 1) met or exceeded its target for the number of clients served by 25 percent or more; 2) met or exceeded its target for 6-month follow-ups **; and 3) provided services within approved cost-bands.  Any grantee that has demonstrated appropriate financial management of the grant and has exceeded its targets for the number of clients served by 25 percent or more, exceeded its target for 6-month follow-ups, and provided services within allowable cost bands, may receive a supplemental award of up to 5 percent of the fifth year requested amount based on performance.  Supplemental award amounts will be determined on a sliding scale based on availability of funds and the grantee’s achievement of performance goals and demonstration of sound fiscal management.  Applicants should be aware that SAMHSA/CSAT does not plan to make supplemental awards to all grantees, and that it is possible that no grantees will receive supplemental awards based on performance.

Eligible grantees will be asked to submit a narrative and budget justification for the supplemental award that maintains the increase in its targets during the final year of the project.  The supplemental award based on performance is for the purpose of the grantee maintaining, at a minimum, the additional number of clients for the remainder the project. A grantee receiving a supplemental award based on performance may be subject to additional site visits and/or audits to verify the accuracy of the client data reported. 


** The follow-up rate must be at least 80 percent of the number of clients selected as part of the follow-up sample.

Contact Information

For questions on program issues, contact:

Tom Stegbauer
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
1 Choke Cherry Lane
Room 5-1099
Rockville, Maryland 20850
(240) 276-2965

For questions on grants management issues, contact:

Kathleen Sample
Office of Program Services, Division of Grants Management
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
1 Choke Cherry Road, Room 7-1089
Rockville, MD 20857
(240) 276-1407

Documents needed to complete a grant application:

Applications that are not submitted on the required application form will be screened out and will not be reviewed.

Download the complete Announcement No. TI-08-001

MS Word Format Download RFA in MS Word format
PDF Format Download RFA in Adobe PDF format

PHS 5161-1 (revised July 2000): Includes the face page, budget forms and checklist.

Additional Materials

For further information on the forms and the application process, see Useful Information for Applicants

Additional materials available on this website include:

Last Update: 1/14/2009