What is Science — Part 4

You don’t have to find dinosaur tracks to practice a little science.  Just look outside and see if you can explain what you are seeing.  Don’t make it too hard.  And don’t worry about observing something for the first time.  If it is your first time, you can solve your own mystery.  Here’s an example.

My husband and I take a walk around sunrise every day.  There are mountains to the west of where we live.

One morning a few months ago, we noticed five crows flying from the foothills toward the Sun.

Then we noticed that it happened almost every day.

Our question:  “Why do crows fly from the west toward the Sun every morning?”

In this case, we talked to a person who knew a lot about birds.  He said that crows roost in the mountains at night, and then fly east into the city during the day.

Do you have any ideas about why the crows would fly into the city during the day?

We noticed this behavior during the winter.   We will be watching to see if the crows do this during the summer as well.

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