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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Ensuring the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce

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Leadership Assessment Program Level - 2 (formerly Management Assessment Program)

for Supervisors and Managers


This intensive five-day program provides supervisors and managers with new insights into leadership strengths and areas for improvement. You will be evaluated in several leadership competency areas and coached to create your Individual Development Plan (IDP).  Through lectures, exercises, assessments and individual feedback, you will acquire the critical strategies you need to improve your leadership performance and achieve organizational success.

All participants meet for a private half-day session with a professional executive coach to discuss strengths, areas for development and next steps.

How Will You Benefit
  • Receive a candid and confidential appraisal of your leadership style, preferences and behaviors
  • Analyze individual feedback on your leadership performance from your boss, peers and subordinates through a 360-degree assessment instrument
  • Assess your approach to managing groups and teams and your ability to manage relationships
  • Learn the factors critical to leadership success
  • Acquire important insights from a confidential planning session with a professional executive coach
  • Create an IDP for leadership growth
Who Should Attend

Supervisors and managers with at least one year of supervisory experience who want a clearer picture of their leadership strengths and areas for development.

Individuals in agency management or succession development programs who want the most accurate  information possible from which to develop a Leadership Development Plan

Note:  It is recommended that supervisors or managers consider updating their 360-degree assessment every 3–5 years

  • Mar 16 - 20, ‘09 @ WMDC, Aurora, CO Register
    Starts @ 8:00 am ends @ Noon on last day
  • Jun 15 - 19, ‘09 @ WMDC, Aurora, CO Register
    Starts @ 8:00 am ends @ Noon on last day
  • Jul 27 - 31, ‘09 @ EMDC, Shepherdstown, WV Register
    Starts @ 8:00 am ends @ Noon on last day
  • Sep 21 - 25, ‘09 @ WMDC, Aurora, CO Register
    Starts @ 8:00 am ends @ Noon on last day
Tuition includes materials, meals and lodging
Competencies Emphasized
  • Resilience (Dealing with Pressure/Stress)
  • Team Building
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Flexibility
  • Conflict Management

1 week.

  • WMDC, Aurora, CO
  • EMDC, Shepherdstown, WV
College Credits

2 Hours/Undergraduate (Upper)

2 Hours/Graduate