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Rotational Opportunities

U.S. Department of State, Bureau of International Information Programs, Office of Policy, Planning, and Evaluation

LOCATION: Washington, DC
POSITION TITLE: Policy and Planning Officer
TIMEFRAME: Early April through September 2009 (negotiable)
DURATION: 4-5 Months (negotiable)

This position is located in the Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation in the Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP/P). IIP/P coordinates and develops international information policy and serves as the nexus between IIP and other Department and interagency entities.


This position is located in the Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation (IIP/P) in the Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP). IIP supports U.S. foreign policy and public diplomacy objectives by engaging, influencing and informing foreign audiences about American values, culture and policies through speaker programs, the multi-media website, public-private partnerships, web chats, library and book activities, and electronic and print publications.

IIP/P coordinates and develops international information policy, conducts strategic planning and evaluation for the Bureau, manages the INFOCENTRAL policy guidance website, and serves as the nexus between IIP and other Department and interagency entities. The office works closely with interagency and interdepartmental initiatives. IIP/P is a constituent part of the IIP Front Office.


*Serve as a principal planner for the “Getting to Public Diplomacy 2.0” Conference in Spring of 2009. This high-level interagency conference will convene international experts and practitioners to help the incoming administration explore the challenges and opportunities posed for U.S. Public Diplomacy by new communications technologies and identify new areas of public-private collaboration.
*Work on bureau-wide projects involving new youth initiatives, positioning the bureau to take the lead on use of cutting edge technology to reach young people through new media and social networking.
*Coordinate interagency and departmental public diplomacy initiatives and represent IIP on the following issues (depending on candidate’s interest and experience): democracy, human rights, international women’s issues, Muslim outreach, youth outreach, and the environment.
*Facilitate bureau strategic planning and prepare bureau briefing papers on strategic communication and public diplomacy.
*Provide content for INFOCENTRAL and coordinate the generation of generic op-eds on assigned issues for placement in international media.


*Serve as IIP/P’s representative on the bi-weekly Public Diplomacy for Detainee Issues Sub-Policy Coordinating Committee (Sub-PCC) and the Sub-PCC on Metrics, Polling and Research, which meet to discuss current and impending issues and coordinate and follow-up on outstanding projects. Tasks are assigned on a voluntary basis and can include drafting guidance, coordinating events, and facilitating interagency collaboration.
*Serve as an interagency liaison with the Department of Defense and intelligence agencies on strategic communication issues and projects.
*Facilitate further interagency “Deep Dives” with the Bureau of Intelligence and Research and the leadership of the Broadcasting Board of Governors. The “Deep Dive” convenes government communications practitioners and policymakers with independent media experts, researchers, and country specialists to examine a range of audience, market, and opinion data as well as findings from the field. This meeting develops actionable recommendations that inform interagency strategies for effective communication with audiences in critical countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, and Nigeria.


*Ability to think critically, communicate well in writing, manage multiple projects and deadlines, and work both independently and in a team environment.
*Initiative, perseverance, and flexibility are a must.
*Experience in strategic planning, survey design, and data analysis would be helpful.
*Familiarity with Department of State’s public diplomacy initiatives is encouraged but not required.


If interested, please send your resume and a brief cover letter (detailing your availability and relevant experience) to Christina Hedges at


If you are selected for this rotation, a memo of understanding (MOU) must be completed and signed by all involved parties prior to the start of the assignment. Please coordinate with the Department of State Presidential Management Fellows Program Coordinator.

Alison Barg
Presidential Management Fellows Program Coordinator
HR/CSHRM/CD, SA-1, H-1104
Washington, DC 20522
Phone: (202)663-2142
Fax: (202)663-2261


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