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SELinux Mailing List

New Development Site

From: JohnScroggins <>
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 15:00:01 -0700

In an effort to promote additional participation in developing SELinux and the associated tools, we have set up a development site This site is a mirror of the NSA's web site, with the added extra of providing a collaborative developer environment. In addition, we have set up 3 mailing list that will be available in a few hours.

selinux-devel: for development related issues, coding requirements, on-going development tasks, testing, etc.

selinux-discussion: for general questions related to SELinux, such as possible deployment scenarios, documentation suggestions, tool suggestions (installer, policy configuration tools)

selinux-announce: This list will be a moderated list which provides timely announcement regarding cvs-tree updating, new tool releases, and any updated information from the NSA's web site that affects the status of the project.

>From this site you will be able to carry on discussions in a forum, submit
suggestions for the project (which will be logged for your review), assist in task as related to your skill set. You will also have the access to the source code via CVS.

I have talked with Mark Westerman (he set up the project site a few months ago), and we believe this move is timely, with your continued support, this transition will expedite development and generate more interest in a secure Linux platform.

Remember, if you know of someone that is deploying Linux in a hostile environment, tell them about this project, and/or have them join one of the mailing lists.

If you would like to work as a developer on this project, set up a user account at Sourceforge and email your user name to Chris Mahmood, or myself, and we will add you to the developers. (please note the task(s) that you can assist in, programming, scripting, testing, etc.)

Christopher Mahmood

John Scroggins

<<Disclaimer mode ON//>>
This is in no way an attempt to minimize the participation in the NSA's project, nor an effort to reroute mail traffic. This is an attempt to generate additional public participation in the development of SELinux. <<Disclaimer mode OFF//>>

Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you at Sourceforge


p.s. If the move to Sourceforge will inhibit your participation in the discussions, and/or development process please let us know, or if you have a better suggestion for a collaborative site forward the information for consideration. This is a community effort, without the community, well, you know :)

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Received on Tue 21 Aug 2001 - 18:22:34 EDT

Date Posted: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Modified: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Reviewed: Jan 15, 2009


National Security Agency / Central Security Service