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Re: Partial TOC for Comment]

From: John Scroggins <>
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 12:51:28 -0700

> Conan Callen wrote:
> More on supported scenarios -
> As an example of the "Supported Scenario" idea is this:

hmm.. sounds interesting.. good idea, I'll add that as a heading 9hopefully we will be able to fill it out ..;)
> The Redhat 7.1 Linux installer gives you the following choices:
> Workstation
> Server
> Laptop
> Custom System

I can leave a placeholder for laptops, but the primary focus will start like this: servers --> workstations --> custom deployments

> It also allows you to choose your firewall settings.
> Of coursed, depending upon what you select, the installer will place
> different components onto your system. A list of supported scenarios
> would also helps to limit the scope of customer support. When
> contacting redhat for support, I would imagine that the first thing
> they ask you is which sku you selected.

This sounds close to a distro specific guide, e.g. SELinux for RedHat 7.x Administrator Guide.. since the NSA has provided a source package, I tend toward staying with a generic application. I would not want to box some one into a distro descision.

> These represent what most people will be interested in over the next
> year or so. Supporting just this set would help to limit the scope of
> SELinux,

agreed ..

> and the amount of work that the dev's need to do. I dont know
> if there is an installer for SELinux (just finished the redhat install
> at last night) but if would be convienent if there was an install had
> a selection menu like the above list.

This is something I would like to do, but I am not skilled in this area .. this is your chance to volunteer.... :)

 Has anyone considered wraping
> selinux into an rpm package?

Due to the fact SELinux is supposed to be secure, I will not support .rpm installation documeentation in the guide. :( I am suggesting the package be built with installer which runs from a shell (i.e., find no confidence in deploying a binary type kernel package in a secure environ. Building from source is not an option, at least in my mind.. I could be wrong .... let me know

  • Cheers


> Transactions on Software Engineering (Dec 1998, V24, N12) This is a
> special issue on the topic of using scenarios to determine
> requirements.
> Conan

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Received on Fri 17 Aug 2001 - 15:58:34 EDT

Date Posted: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Modified: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Reviewed: Jan 15, 2009


National Security Agency / Central Security Service