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Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) 

Advance Report No. 12:  February, 1997






CODAP (1979-1981) to TEDS (1992-1995)

TEDS-only Trends (1992-1995)






Table 1. Percent distribution of initial drug admissions by primary drug of abuse: CODAP 1979-81 and TEDS panel 1992-95

Table 2. Number and percent distribution of initial admissions by primary substance of abuse: TEDS panel 1992-1995

Table 3. Number and percent distribution of TEDS panel admissions and U.S. population by sex, race/ethnicity, and age at admission: 1992-1995

Table 4. Percent distribution of TEDS panel admissions and of U.S. population 18 years and older by employment and education: 1992-1995

Table 5. Percent distribution of admissions by sex, race/ethnicity, and age at admission, for each primary substance of abuse at admission: 1995

Table 6. Percent distribution of admissions by primary substance of abuse at admission according to sex, race/ethnicity, and age at admission: 1995

Table 7. Percent distribution of admissions by selected race/ethnicity/sex/age at admission groups, according to primary substance of abuse at admission: 1995

Table 8. Percent distribution of admissions by primary substance of abuse, according to selected race/ethnicity/sex/age at admission groups: 1995

Table 9. Percent distribution of admissions separately by selected substance use characteristics at admission, according to primary substance of abuse at admission: 1995

Table 10. Percent distribution of admissions age 18 and over by employment, education, and source of referral to treatment, according to primary substance of abuse at admission: 1995

Table 11. Percent distribution of admissions by service setting at admission, according to primary substance of abuse at admission: 1995

Table 12. Percent distribution of admissions by additional substance at admission, according to primary substance of abuse at admission: 1995

Table 13. Multiple substance use among all admissions and admissions reporting drug use: 1995

Table 14. Percent distribution of admissions by selected client characteristics at admission, according to primary substance of abuse at admission: 1995

Table 15. Percent distribution of admissions by economic characteristics at admission, according to primary substance of abuse at admission: 1995

Table 16. Percent distribution of admissions by treatment characteristics at admission, according to primary substance of abuse at admission: 1995

Table 17. Number of admissions and admissions per 100,000 population, all ages, by State: 1992-1995

Table 18. Age-, sex-, and race/ethnicity-adjusted admissions per 100,000 population, all ages, by geographic division and State, according to primary substance of abuse at admission: 1995

Table 19. Item percentage response by State: TEDS Minimum Data Set 1995

Table 20. Item percentage response by State: TEDS Supplemental Data Set 1995


Data Limitations

Capture of Known Universe

Determining Open Treatment Providers for the Year:

Determining Annual Admissions to Open Treatment Providers for the Year:

Difficulties in Estimating TEDS Coverage:


Data Elements: The Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) - (1992-present)

TEDS Minimum Data Set

TEDS Supplemental Data Set

Data Elements: The Client-Oriented Data Acquisition Process (CODAP) - (1979-1981)

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SAMHSA, an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services, is the Federal Government's lead agency for improving the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and mental health services in the United States.

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