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Presentations – From the Early Head Start National and Local Evaluations: 1996 - 2003

2003 presentations | 2002 presentations | 2002 symposia at which more than one relevant presentation was made | 2001 presentations | 2001 symposia at which more than one relevant presentation was made | 2000 presentations | 2000 symposia at which more than one relevant presentation was made | 1999 presentations | 1999 symposia at which more than one relevant presentation was made | 1998 presentations | 1998 symposia at which more than one relevant presentation was made | 1997 presentations | 1996 presentations


Brady-Smith, C., Watt, N., Kisker, E., Ross, C., & Constantine, J. (2003, April). Early maternal employment, state welfare policy, and preschool outcomes in the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project (EHSRE). Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, FL.

Hill, W., Jerald, J., Kisker, E., Raikes, H., Chazan-Cohen, R., Gifford, J., et al. (2003, January). The Early Head Start research findings: Disseminating findings using the Early Head Start Information Kit: Research Addendum. Presented at the Birth to Three Institute: Quality Services for Children, Washington, DC.

McAllister, C. L., & Terry, M. A. (2003). Parents, practitioners, and researchers: Community-based participatory research with Early Head Start. Paper presented at the Third Minority Health Summit: Eliminating racial & ethnic health disparities: The role of community based participatory research, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. 

2002 (Single presentations are arranged alphabetically by author, followed by symposia at which more than one relevant presentation was made)

Ayoub, C., Pan, B. A., & Snow, C. (2002, June). Impact of parental mental health and parenting knowledge on child language and expressive engagement styles. Poster presented at Head Start’s Sixth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Ayoub, C. C., Russell, C., & Guinee, K. (2002, June). The young child in relationships: A descriptive study of patterns of variation in cognitive skill, social perspective-taking, and emotional expression. Poster presented at Head Start’s Sixth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Boller, K., Sprachman, S., Raikes, H., Chazan-Cohen, R., Salem, M., & van Kammen, W. (2002, May). Fielding and analyzing the Bayley II Mental Scale: Lessons from Early Head Start. Presentation for the Workshop on selecting cognitive measures for young children in large scale surveys. Workshop presented at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Research Network on Child and Family Well-Being and the Science and Ecology of Early Development (SEED) Initiative, Washington, DC.

Brady-Smith, C. L., Fauth, R. C., Ryan, R., Fuligni, A.S., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (2002, June). Parenting in context, parenting as context: Patterns of parenting among low-income mothers with infants and child outcomes at 24 months. Poster presented at Head Start’s Sixth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Callow-Heusser, C., Roggman, L. A., & Hart, A. D. (2002, March). Research as intervention: Does data collection change comparison families’ behavior? Paper presented at the Southwestern Society for Research in Human Development, Austin, TX.

Carta, J. J., Buell, M. J., Kisker, E. E., O’Brien, J., Brekken, L., & Peterson, C.A. (2002, June). What’s happening with children with disabilities and their families in Early Head Start? Roundtable presented at Head Start’s Sixth National Research Conference, Washington, DC. 

Chazan-Cohen, R., Jerald, J., Mann, T., & Raikes, H. (2002, December). The impacts of Early Head Start: Lessons for the field. Paper presented at the Zero to Three National Training Institute, Washington, DC.

Chazan-Cohen, R., Raikes, H., Love, J., Boller, K., & Tvedt, K. (2002, January). Research mini plenary: Early Head Start parenting outcomes at 24 months and their implications for programs. Presented at the Sixth Annual Head Start and Child Care Birth to Three Institute, Washington, DC.

Cook, G., & Roggman, L. A. (2002, March). Home visits in Early Head Start: Quality and quantity in relation to parent and child outcomes. Paper presented at the Southwestern Society for Research in Human Development, Austin, TX.

Farber, M. L., Timberlake, E. M., Wall, S. M., & Taylor, N. E. (2002, June). Early Head Start participation: An environmental pathway to behavioral development. Poster presented at Head Start’s Sixth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Fitzgerald, H. E. (2002, February). Who is Dad? In Methodological issues in research with fathers: Lessons from Early Head Start. Symposium conducted at the third annual meeting of the Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention (CRIEI), San Diego, CA.

Fitzgerald, H. E. (2002, June). Fathers, infant mental health, and Early Head Start: Challenges across six dimensions of poverty. Plenary address at the 2002 Administration for Children and Families West-Central Hub Early Head Start Summer Institute, Dallas, TX.

Fitzgerald, H. E., Gibbons, C., Reischl, T., Schiffman, R. F., & McKelvey, L. (2002, June). Child and family health as mediators and outcomes of the Early Head Start Program of the Region II Community Action Agency. Poster presented at Head Start’s Sixth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Green, B. L., McAllister, C. L., Furrer, C., & Terry, M. A. (2002, June). Social support and self-efficacy: Stepping stones to parenting success? Poster presented at Head Start’s Sixth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Green, B., Raikes, H., Love, J. M., & Carta, J. (2002, November). Enhancing evaluation through research partnerships: The experience of the Early Head Start evaluation. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Evaluation Association. Washington, DC.

Guinee, K., Mercer, J., Pan, B.A., & Ayoub, C. (2002, June). Predictors and outcomes of maternal teaching during interactions between mother and child at twenty-four months. Poster presented at Head Start’s Sixth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Hart, A. D., & Roggman, L. A. (2002, March). Low-income mothers: Relations between baseline religious activity and later parent psychosocial functioning. Paper presented at the Southwestern Society for Research in Human Development, Austin, TX.

Holbrook, C., Roggman, L. A., Boyce, L. K., Newland, L. A., & Hart, A. D. (2002, January). Parent-toddler bookreading: Parents' open-ended questions and children's language. Poster presented at Posters on the Hill: Presentations of Student Research to the Utah State Legislature, Salt Lake City, UT.

(Also presented at)
Holbrook, C., Roggman, L. A., Boyce, L. K., Newland, L. A., & Hart, A. D. (2002, March). Parent-toddler bookreading: Parents' open-ended questions and children's language. Poster presented at the Early Intervention Research Institute Mini Conference, Utah State University, Logan, UT.

Hong, G.-Y., & Faldowski, R. A. (2002, June). Adolescent mothers’ experiences with Early Head Start program services: A qualitative approach. Poster presented at Head Start’s Sixth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Ispa, J. M. (2002, November). Working with parents: Applying lessons from home visiting evaluations to center-based programs. Paper presented at the Second International Conference of the Korean Society for Early Childhood Education, Seoul, Korea.

Ispa, J. M., Sharp, E. A., Thornburg, K. R., & Fine, M. F. (2002, June). Sex role expectations and gender-related childrearing strategies of urban, low-income single African American mothers. Paper presented at Head Start’s Sixth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Kuhns, C., & Schiffman, R. (2002, June). Children’s health status and source of health care among infants and toddlers in Early Head Start: Findings from the National Evaluation. Poster presented at Head Start’s Sixth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Love, J. M. (2002, June). Children’s development and learning in the context of program participation: Approaches to measurement in the national Early Head Start evaluation. Presentation for the Workshop on Children’s Early Learning, Development, and School Readiness: Conceptual Frameworks, Constructs, and Measures, sponsored by NICHD, ACF, and ASPE.

Love, J. M., Kisker, E .E., Raikes, H., & Chazan-Cohen, R. (2002, July). Impacts of the Early Head Start program on 36-month-old children and their families. Briefing for ZERO TO THREE, Washington, DC.

Love, J. M., Raikes, H., Kisker, E., & Lombardi, J. (2002, November). How Early Head Start programs make a difference for young children and their families. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. New York, NY.

Lower, R. J., Rodriguez, V. M., Fitzgerald, H. E., & Schiffman, R. F. (2002, June). A qualitative study of childhood experiences among Early Head Start fathers. Poster presented at Head Start’s Sixth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Lower, R., Rodriguez, V., Schiffman, R., & Fitzgerald, H. E. (2002, July). Intergenerational childhood experiences among low-income fathers: A qualitative study. Poster presented at the 8th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

McAllister, C. L., Green, B. L., & Terry, M. A. (2002). Parent narratives of “school readiness” in the Early Head Start Pre-Kindergarten Study. Report presented at the School Readiness Group of Allegheny County, PA.

Montanez, M., Fitzgerald, H. E., & Schiffman, R. F. (2002, June). External relationships as mediators of father-child outcomes in biological-residential and biological non-residential fathers. Poster presented at Head Start’s Sixth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Pan, B.A., Ayoub, C., & Snow, C.E. (2002, April). Low-income parents’ report of toddlers’ vocabulary: Developmental sensitivity and utility in measuring program effectiveness. Poster presented at the 2002 International Conference on Infant Studies, Toronto, Canada.

Pan, B. A., & Rowe, M. L. (2002, June). Validity of the MacArthur CDI for use with Early Head Start families. Poster presented at Head Start’s Sixth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Pan, B.A., Rowe, M., Spier, E., & Tamis-LeMonda, C. (2002, July). Parental report and spontaneous speech measures of low-income toddlers’ vocabulary at age 2. Poster presented at the International Association for the Study of Child Language, Madison, WI.

Peterson, C. A., Boller, K., Carta, J. J., & Wall, S. M. (2002, June). Who are the children with disabilities in Early Head Start Programs? Paper presented at Head Start’s Sixth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Raikes, H., Korfmacher, J., Peterson, C., Atwater, J., Roggman, L., & Brooks, S. (2002, December). The study of home visit components in Early Head Start. Paper presented at the National Forum on Home Visitation, Washington, DC.

Raikes, H., Love, J. M., Chazan-Cohen, R., Kisker, E. E., & Mann, T. (2002, June). Briefing for staff of the Committee on Education and the Workforce, U.S. House of Representatives, on the Impacts of the Early Head Start Program.

Robinson, J., Emde, R., Korfmacher, J., Spicer, P., Shears, J., & Watt, N. (2002, June). Difficult relationship attitudes and depression levels as moderators of outcomes in two Early Head Start programs. Poster presented at Head Start’s Sixth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Roggman, L. A. (2002, March). Looking at fathers and infants. Presidential address at the Society for Research in Human Development, Austin, TX.

Roggman, L. A., Boyce, L. K., Cook, G. A., & Hart, A. D. (2002, April). Infant play with mothers and fathers: Exploring differences in an Early Head Start sample. Paper presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies, Toronto, Canada.

Roggman, L. A., Boyce, L. K., Hart, A. D., & Cook, G. A. (2002, March). Parenting as the pathway to child outcomes in Utah’s Early Head Start program. Paper presented at the Southwestern Society for Research in Human Development, Austin, TX.

Roggman, L. A., Cook, G. A., Boyce, L. K., & Hart, A. D. (2002, April). Early Head Start: Ameliorating the effects of parenting stress on mother-infant attachment. Paper presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies, Toronto, Canada.

Roggman, L. A., Cook, G. A., Boyce, L. K., & Hart, A. D. (2002, June). Home visit quality: Changes over time in relation to future child outcomes. In C. A. Peterson (Chair), The Real Question about Home Visiting: What Happens? Symposium conducted at Head Start’s Sixth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Rowe, M., Pan, B.A., & Snow, C. (2002, July). Look who’s talking: Maternal correlates of toddlers’ vocabulary growth in low-income families. Paper presented at the International Association for the Study of Child Language, Madison, WI.

Solchany, J., Rector, F., Barnard, K., & Caldwell, S. (2002, June). A case study in Early Head Start, II: Family engagement. In S. Spieker (Chair), A case study in Early Head Start: The intersection of research, program and family needs and consequences for program effectiveness. Symposium presented at the Society for Prevention Research, Seattle, WA.

Summers, J. A., Fitzgerald, H. E., Raikes, H., & Roggman, L. A. (2002, February). Panel on studies of fathers in early intervention programs. Conference on Research in Early Intervention, San Diego, CA.

Summers, J. A., Fitzgerald, H., Roggman, L., & Raikes, H. (2002, February/March). Issues in Research on Fathers in Early Intervention Programs. Biennial Conference, Conference on Research Interventions in Early Intervention, San Diego, CA.

Taylor, W. M., Roggman, L. A., & Woodbury, D. (2002, June). Predicting marital discord and depression in Early Head Start mothers: A step toward marriage and family therapy collaboration. Poster presented at Head Start’s Sixth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Thornburg, K. R. (2002, June). The road to school readiness: What research tells us. Paper presented at the Summer Institute on School Readiness, Lawrence, KS.

Thornburg, K. R. (2002, December). School Readiness. Paper presented at Public Policy Forum sponsored by Truman School of Public Affairs, Columbia, MO.

Timberlake, E. M., Farber, M. L., Wall, S. M., & Taylor, N. E. (2002, June). The triple coping challenges for immigrant mothers: The Early Head Start experience. Poster presented at Head Start’s Sixth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Van Egeren, L. A., McKelvey, L. M., & Schiffman, R. F. (2002, June). Low-income mothers’ support-seeking strategies: Stability and change over three years. Poster presented at Head Start’s Sixth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Wall, S. & Kisker, E. (2002, November). Really getting into it: Services and program experiences of EHS research families with children with disabilities. Paper presented at the 2002 OSEP National Early Childhood Conference, Washington, DC.

Wall, S., Taylor, N., Liebow, H., Sabatino, S., Farber, M., Timberlake, E. (2002, June). Early identification of disabilities in the United Cerebral Palsy Early Head Start program. Paper presented at Head Start’s Sixth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Whiteside-Mansell, L., Hart, A., & Swanson, M. (2002, October). Results of the Early Head Start research project. Presentation to the Region VI 36th Annual Conference of the Head Start Association, Hot Springs, AR.

Whiteside-Mansell, L., Wakschlag, L., Ducre Moore, T., & Hans, S. L. (2002, August). Confirmatory factor analysis of observational measures of intergenerational relationships. Post presented at the XVIIth Biennial Meetings for the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Ottowa, Canada.

2002 symposia at which more than one relevant presentation was made

Cabrera, N. (Facilitator) (2002, July). Studies of fathers and their infants. Poster symposium presented at the 8th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • McKelvey, L., Schiffman, R., Fitzgerald, H. E., Cunningham DeLuca, M., & Hawver, M. Residential status of biological and social fathers: Impact on father-toddler interaction.
  • Montanez, M., McKelvey, L., Lower, R., Fitzgerald, H. E., & Schiffman, R. (2002). An examination of the impacts of father antisociality on family outcomes.
  • Raikes, H., van Kammen, W., Love, J., & Boller, K. Father involvement in Early Head Start programs: Methodological challenges and lessons from the mature programs.
  • Roggman, L., Boyce, L. K., Cook, G. A., & Hart, A. Observational data on father play with infants: Challenging to get but valuable to have.
  • Summers, J. A., & McLaughlin, G. B. Methodological issues in qualitative research with low-income fathers: Switching to the paternal lens.
  • Van Egern, L., McKelvey, L., Fitzgerald, H., & Schiffman, R. Change in parent-child interaction in low-income families: Links to father status.

Chazan-Cohen, R. (Chair), Jerald, J., & Raikes, H. (Discussants) (2002, June). Early Head Start: Program impacts on 3-year-old children and their families. Symposium presented at Head Start’s Sixth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

  • Chazan-Cohen, R., Brooks-Gunn, J., Ross, C., Schochet, P., Fuligni, A., & Brady-Smith, C. Mediators of Early Head Start impacts on children.
  • Kisker, E., Paulsell, D., Love, J., & Raikes, H. Early Head Start implementation, services, and 36-month outcomes.
  • Love, J. M., Kisker, E. E., Brooks-Gunn, J., Ross, C. M., Schochet, P., Boller, K., et al. Impacts of the Early Head Start program on 36-month-old children and their families.

Fitzgerald, H. (Chair), & Cabrera, N. (Discussant) (2002, April). World Association for Infant Mental Health Invited Symposium: Challenges to father involvement in research: Insights gained from the Early Head Start national evaluation. Symposium presented at the XIII Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Toronto, Canada.

  • McKelvey, L., Schiffman, R., & Fitzgerald, H. Residential status of biological and social fathers: Impact on father-toddler interaction.
  • Raikes, H., van Kammen, W., Boller, K., & Love, J. Father involvement in Early Head Start programs: Methodological challenges and lessons from mature programs.
  • Roggman, L., Boyce, L. K., Cook, G. A., & Hart, A. D. Observational data on father play with infants: Challenging to get but valuable to have.  
  • Summers, J. A., & McLaughlin, G.B. Methodological issues in qualitative research with low-income fathers: Switching to the paternal lens.

Fitzgerald, H. (Chair), & Raikes, H. (Discussant) (2002, June). Fathers and Early Head Start: Methodological issues for research and program issues for practice. Symposium presented at Head Start’s Sixth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

  • Bradley, R. H. The importance of measuring fathers from a male perspective.
  • McKelvey, L., Schiffman, R., & Fitzgerald, H. Residential status of biological and social fathers: Impact on father-toddler interaction.
  • Roggman, L., Boyce, L. K., Cook, G.A., & Hart, A. D. Observational data on father play with infants: Challenging to get but valuable to have.
  • Summers, J. A., & Barclay-McLaughlin, G. Methodological issues in qualitative research with low-income fathers: Switching to the paternal lens.

Raikes, H., & Fitzgerald, H. (Chairs), Emde, R., & Mann, T. (Discussants) (2002, July). Irving Harris Invited Symposium on Prevention: Early Head Start: Program impacts on three year old children and their families. Symposium conducted at the 8th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • Chazan-Cohen, R., Brooks-Gunn, J., Barnard, K., Roggman, L., Ayoub, C., Ross, C., et al. Parent behavior and mental health as mediators of Early Head Start impacts on children.
  • Kisker, E., Korfmacher, J. ,Raikes, H., Love, J., Peterson, C., & Schiffman, R., et al. Early Head Start implementation, services, and 36-month outcomes.       
  • Love, J., Kisker, E., Brooks-Gunn, J., Raikes, H., Chazan-Cohen, R., Boller, K., et al. Impacts of the Early Head Start program on 36-month-old children and their families.
  • Roggman, L., Robinson, J., Ayoub, C., Pan, B., Peterson, C., Boyce, L., et al. Depression and engagement as factors affecting impacts of the Early Head Start program on parent-child interaction and children’s social-emotional development.
  • Summers, J. A., Peterson, C., Raikes, H., Wall, S., & Carta, J. Children with disabilities in Early Head Start.

Spieker, S. (Chair) (2002, June). A case study in Early Head Start: The intersection of research, program, and family needs and consequences for program effectiveness. Symposium presented at the Society for Prevention Research, Seattle, WA.

  • Spieker, S. J., Barnard, K., DeKlyen, M., Jolley, S., & Nelson, D. A case study in Early Head Start, overview: The intersection of research, program, and family needs, and consequences for program effectiveness.
  • Spieker, S. J., Barnard, K., DeKlyen, M., Nelson, D., & Jolley, S. A case study in Early Head Start, III: Unraveling possible adverse effects.
  • Spieker, S. J., Rector, F., Mazen, P., & Petras, A. A case study in Early Head Start, I: Strengths and challenges of participating in a national research study.

2001 (Single presentations are arranged alphabetically by author, followed by symposia at which more than one relevant presentation was made)

Boller, K. (2001, February). The DADS initiative: Measuring father involvement in large-scale surveys. Invited presentation at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Workshop on Measuring Father Involvement, Bethesda, MD.

Cabrera, N., Roggman, L. A., et al. (2001, April). Methodological, design, and measurement issues in interviewing fathers. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MN.

DeKlyen, M., Spieker, S., & Nelson, D. (2001, June). Maternal and child predictors of toddler behavior problems. Poster presented at the biannual conference of the International Society for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Vancouver, Canada.

Faldowski, R. A. (2001, April). Integrated dose-response and response-decay modeling for longitudinal psychosocial interventions. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.

Fitzgerald, H. E. (2001, May). Father's impact during early development: Lessons learned from Early Head Start. In H. Galligan (Chair), Impact of father involvement on early childhood development. Symposium conducted at the Third International Conference on Fatherhood, Atlanta, GA.

Fitzgerald, H. E. (2001, July). Fathers and infants: Lessons learned from the national evaluation of Early Head Start. Paper presented at the Catholic University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Fitzgerald, H. E. (2001, November). Fathers and infants: Structuring pathways of risk and resilience among low income fathers. Plenary address presented at the second annual meeting of the Ohio Association for Infant Mental Health, Mount Sterling, OH.

Huebner, C. E. (2001, April). Ethnic-group differences in parents' teaching styles and their meaning for young children's language development. In L. J. Berlin (Chair), Parenting and the "big picture": The roles of poverty, ethnicity, and teen childbearing in four longitudinal studies. Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MN.

Ispa, J., Fine, M., Thornburg, K., & Shar, E. (2001, April). Maternal childrearing goals: Consistency and correlates. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MN.

Love, J.  M. (2001, March). The impacts of Early Head Start and their implications for infant-toddler child care. Invited research panel presentation to the Better Baby Forum conference, Washington, DC.

Pan, B.A., Rowe, M., & Yont, K. (2001, April). Variation among parents in gesture use accompanying child-directed speech. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MN.

Paulsell, D., Kisker, E. E., Raikes, H., & Love, J. M. (2001, April). Child care in Early Head Start: Challenges, successes, and strategies for supporting quality. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MN.

Paulsell, D., Kisker, E. E., Raikes, H., & Love, J. M. (2001, May). Child care in Early Head Start: Challenges, successes, and strategies for promoting quality. In From welfare to child care: What happens to infants and toddlers when single mothers exchange welfare for work? Meeting sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and Child Development, Cornell University’s Institute for Labor Relations, and the Russell Sage Foundation, Washington, DC.

Paulsell, D., Kisker, E. E., Raikes, H., Love, J. M., Lurie, E., & Fenichel, E. (2001, August). Child care in Early Head Start: Strategies for supporting quality care for infants and toddlers. Paper presented at the State Child Care Administrators Meeting, sponsored by the Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC.

Rector, F., Faldowski, R., & Robinson, J. L. (2001, April). Early Head Start: Mental health concerns of EHS Parents in Western Washington. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MN.

Roggman, L. A. (2001, March). Early Head Start: A first peek. Paper presented at the Early Intervention Research Institute Mini Conference, Utah State University, Logan, UT.

Roggman, L. A. (2001, October). Involving fathers in early intervention: Lessons from Head Start and Early Head Start. Paper presented in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Roggman, L. A., Newland, L. A., & Coyl, D. D. (2001, April). Language-rich activities with mothers and fathers and toddlers’ language development. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MN.

Rowe, M., & Kingston, H. C. (2001, April). Maternal predictors of three-year-old children’s vocabulary comprehension. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MN.

Wall, S. (2001, December). Incidence of children with disabilities in the Early Head Start National Evaluation. Paper presented at the DEC International Early Childhood Conference on Children with Special Needs, Boston, MA.

2001 symposia at which more than one relevant presentation was made

Raikes, H., & Chazan-Cohen, R. (Chairs), Love, J., Emde, R., & Jones-Harden, B. (Discussants) (2001, April). Preliminary findings from the Early Head Start evaluation: Family characteristics, service use, parenting and child outcomes. Poster symposium presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MN.

  • Boller, K., McAllister, C., & van Kammen, W. Fathers in Early Head Start: Patterns of program and family involvement.
  • Chazan-Cohen, R., Ayoub, C., Pan, B., Guinee, K., Russell, C., Ispa, J., et al.    Parent-child interaction in low-income families.
  • Collins, T., Katz, J., & Ryan, R. Through a qualitative lens: Mothers’ and fathers’ views of self in rural New England.
  • Faldowski, R., Pickrel, S., Robinson, J., Spicer, P., Green, S., Song, N., et al. Mental health as a moderator of service use.
  • Kisker, E. E., Paulsell, D., Berlin, L, Love, J. M., & Coolahan, K. Early Head Start services and impacts: The national perspective.
  • Lee, S. Y., Hoerr, S. L., Miller, H., & Schiffman, R. The relationship between health and nutrition service use and dietary quality in limited income mother-infant pairs.
  • Thornburg, K., Watt, N. F., Spellmann, M., & Kisker, E. E. Impacts of welfare reform on children, families and communities.

2000 (Single presentations are arranged alphabetically by author, followed by symposia at which more than one relevant presentation was made)

Barnard, K. (Chair/Discussant), Cooper, G., Marvin, R., Pan, B. E., & Armijo, E. J. (Presenters) (2000, June/July).  Parent-child relationships: Cutting-edge research on attachment and communication in parent-child interaction. Symposium presented at Head Start’s Fifth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Boller, K., Cabrera, N., Fitzgerald, H., Roggman, L., Bradley, B., & Raikes, H. (2000, July). Father Involvement in Early Head Start Programs. Paper presented at the Centre for Policy Studies, London, UK.

Boller, K., Cabrera, N., Roggman, L., Bradley, R., & the EHS Research Consortium Father Studies Workgroup. (2000, July). The Early Head Start father studies: How low-income men are involved in their children’s lives. Paper presented at the seminar on Involving Low-Income Fathers in the Lives of Their Young Children: USA and UK Policy, Research & Practice, London, UK.

Boller, K., Summers, J. A., & Barclay-McLaughlin, G. (2000, January). The voices of fathers, mothers, and Early Head Start staff members. Invited symposium at the Head Start Institute for Programs Serving Pregnant Women, Infants, Toddlers, and Their Families, Washington, DC.

Boyce, L. K., Cook, G. A., & Roggman, L. A. (2000, July). The role of maternal characteristics in the effective implementation of an Early Head Start home visiting program. Paper presented at the Twelfth International Conference on Infant Studies, Brighton, UK.

Boyce, L. K., Roggman, L. A., & Whittaker, N. D. (2000, June/July). Mother-infant play: Influences of poverty and disability. Poster presented at Head Start’s Fifth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Cabrera, N., Roggman, L., & Bradley, R. (2000, July). The Early Head Start father studies: How low-income men are involved in their children's lives. Paper presented at the Early Head Start Research Consortium Father Studies Workgroup, London, UK.

Coyl, D., Roggman, L. A., & Newland, L. A. (2000, July). Mothers’ relationship attitudes, depression, and discipline strategies in relation to infants’ attachment security. Paper presented at the Twelfth International Conference on Infant Studies, Brighton, UK.

Faldowski, R. A., Pickrel, S. G., Brondino, M. J., & Kieslich, A. F. (2000, June/July). Refining measures of Early Head Start program service “dose.” Poster presented at Head Start’s Fifth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Gibbons, C., Schiffman, R., Brophy-Herb, H., Fitzgerald, H., & Omar, M. (2000, July). Interaction between low-income mother-infant and father-infant pairs. Paper presented at the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Montreal, Canada.

Green, B. L., Tarte, J., & McAllister, C. L. (2000). The Strengths-Based Practices Inventory: A tool for measuring strengths-based practices in social services. Paper presented at the American Evaluation Association, Honolulu, HI.

Guerrero, J. R. (2000, June/July). Analysis of low-income families’ level of acculturation, parent-child interactions, and their children’s language outcomes in English and Spanish. Poster presented at Head Start’s Fifth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Hong, G.-Y., Pickrel, S. G., & Meyers, J. (2000, June). Qualitative analysis of teenage mothers perceptions of Early Head Start services. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Minneapolis, MN.

Ispa, J. M., Sharp, E., Brookes, S.B., Wolfenstein, M., Thornburg, K.R., Fine, M.A., et al. (2000, June/July). Mother and home visitor personality characteristics, the mother-home visitor relationship, and home visit intensity. Poster presented at Head Start’s Fifth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Kubicek, L. F., Barrueco, S., Emde, R. N., & Thomas, C. (2000, June/July). Maternal reports of meaningful variation in the daily routines of toddlers from an ethnically diverse group of English- and Spanish-speaking Early Head Start research families. Poster presented at Head Start’s Fifth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

McAllister, C. L. (Organizer) (2000, June). Culture: What is it? Who’s got it? Why does it matter? Implications for research and practice with children and families. Symposium presented at Head Start’s Fifth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

McAllister, C. L. (2001). Parenting and Work: Globalization and the reconstruction of parenting and childhood in the United States and Malaysia. Paper presented at “Children in Their Places”: An International Conference, Brunel University, West London, UK.

McAllister, C. L., Dirks, J., Green, B. L., & Mulvey, L. (2000, June). Parents as nurturers and economic providers: A cultural analysis of welfare reform. Paper presented at Head Start’s Fifth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Paulsell, D., Love, J. M., Kisker, E. E., & Raikes, H. (2000, April). Early Head Start implementation: Leading the way. Presentation at the National Head Start Association’s 27th Annual Training Conference. Washington, DC.

Peterson, C. A., McBride, S. L., & Readout, K. (2000, June/July). Home visiting: Documenting efforts directed toward program goals. Poster presented at Head Start’s Fifth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Pickrel, S. G., Faldowski, R. A., Brondino, M. J. & Kieslich, A. (2000, June). Assessment of Early Head Start program implementation: Data and methods. Paper presented at Head Start’s Fifth National Research Conference, Washington DC.

Raikes, H., (2000, April). Father involvement in Early Head Start. Presentation at the National Head Start Association’s 27th Annual Training Conference, Washington, DC.

Raikes, H., (2000, May). The Early Head Start research design.  Presentation to the Zero to Three Board of Directors, Washington, DC.

Raikes, H., Boller, K., van Kammen, W., Love, J. M., Summers, J. A., Laible, D., et al. (2000, July). Father involvement in Early Head Start: Promising practices, challenges, and stages of program activities. Paper presented at the seminar on Involving Low-Income Fathers in the Lives of Their Young Children: USA and UK Policy, Research & Practice, London, UK.

Raikes, H., Love, J., & Kisker, E. (2000, January). Early Head Start implementation: Lessons from the research. Presentation at the plenary session of the Head Start Institute for Programs Serving Pregnant Women, Infants, Toddlers, and Their Families, Washington, DC.

Rector, F., Spieker, S., Solchany, J., Barnard, K., McKenna, M., & Keller, L. (2000, June/July). Early Head Start participation levels of difficult and easy to engage families. Poster presented at Head Start’s Fifth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Roberts, J., Spier, E., Poon, T., Tamis-LeMonda, C., & Spellman, M. (2000, June). The relationship between maternal communicative functions and child language development in low-income families. Paper presented at Head Start’s Fifth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Roggman, L. A. (2000, July). “Hey Ma, the home visitor’s here”: Examining the process of home visiting intervention services. Symposium conducted at the Twelfth International Conference on Infant Studies, Brighton, UK.

Roggman, L. A., Boyce, L. K., & Cook, G. A. (2000, July). Evaluating home visits: A collaborative methodology. Paper presented at the Twelfth International Conference on Infant Studies, Brighton, UK.

Roggman, L. A., Cook, G. A., & Jensen, H. (2000, March-May). Continuous program improvement for Bear River Early Head Start: Home visits, baby buddy groups, child care. Presentations to Bear River Early Head Start Staff, Logan, UT.

Roggman, L., Coyl, D., & Newland, L. (2000, June/July). Mothers’ relationship attitudes and home visits. Poster presented at Head Start’s Fifth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Rowe, M., & Coker, D. (2000, June). A comparison of maternal and paternal talk to toddlers in low-income families. Poster presented at the Head Start’s Fifth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Seabrook, L. H., Secor, N., & Fitzgerald, H. E. (2000, June/July). Evaluation of a home-based Early Head Start program: A community-university partnership in progress. Poster presented at Head Start’s Fifth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Spellmann, M. (Chair), Barnard, K. E., & Emde, R. N. (Discussants) (2000, June/July). Child and family mental health: Practice and research in five Early Head Start programs. Poster symposium presented at Head Start’s Fifth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Van Kammen, W. (2000). Web-based survey of Early Head Start practitioners. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Public Opinion Research, Portland, OR.

Whiteside-Mansell, L., Clubb, R., Swanson, M., Bradley, R. H., Gifford, J., & Tan, J. (2000, June/July). An examination of the relation between maternal resiliency, demographics, and supports in rural Early Head Start eligible families. Poster presented at Head Start’s Fifth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Whiteside-Mansell, L., & Moore, T. D. (2000, March). Mother-grandmother child caregiving conflict, satisfaction and residency status. Poster presented at the biannual meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Chicago, IL.

Zaijek-Farber, M., Timberlake, E. M., Wall, S. M., Sabatino, C. A., Liebow, H., & Taylor, N. E. (2000, June/July). Maternal resiliency attitudes, social networks, social support, and demographic profiles of culturally diverse Early Head Start suburban applicants. Poster presented at Head Start’s Fifth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

2000 symposia at which more than one relevant presentation was made

Atwater, J. B. (Chair), Tarullo, L. B. (Discussant) (2000, June/July). The social context of early language development for children of poverty. Symposium presented at Head Start’s Fifth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

  • Atwater, J. B., & Hudson, S. Relationships among risk factors, parent-child interaction, and children’s development in Early Head Start families.
  • Pan, B. A., & Bratton, L. Parenting stress and maternal communication with toddlers in Early Head Start families.
  • Roberts, J. & Tamis-LeMonda, C. Functions of language use in mother-toddler communication.

Barnard, K. (Chair) (2000, June/July). Early Head Start. Poster symposium presented at Head Start’s Fifth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

  • Atwater, J., Carta, J., Summers, J. A., & Staker, M. Relationships between family characteristics at enrollment and engagement and retention in Early Head Start.
  • Ayoub, C., Pan, B. A., Rocha, V., & Emerson, K. Initial characteristics and service needs of rural families with young children: An assessment of risk and resilience.
  • Fine, M. A., Thornburg, K., & Ispa, J. When program evaluators are also program improvement consultants: Methodological, ethical, and logistical challenges.
  • Gibbons, C. L., DeLuca, M. C., Schiffman, R. F., Brophy-Herb, H., Fitzgerald, H. E., Hawver, M., et al. University-community partnerships: One foot in the library and one foot in the street.
  • Green, B. L., McAllister, V. C., & Dirks, J. Which families are engaged and why? Program and research perspectives on participation in Early Head Start.
  • Howes, C., Tullis, J., Hamilton, C., & Rosenblatt, S. Serving Latino immigrant families in Early Head Start.
  • Kisker, E. E., Paulsell, D., Raikes, H., & Love, J. Research on Early Head Start implementation: Approaches to ensuring child care quality.
  • Korfmacher, J. E., Robinson, J., O’Brien, T., Emde, R. N., Spicer, P., & Watt, N.  Relationship between participant baseline characteristics and program participation across two Early Head Start sites.
  • Peterson, C. A., McBride, S. L., & Saceda, R. G. Home visiting: Parent and provider perceptions of critical events.
  • Pickrel, S. G., Faldowski, F. A., Kieslich, A. F., & Brondino, M. Multiple measures of Early Head Start program delivery: Application to interpretation of participant outcomes.
  • Roggman, L. A., Cook, G., & Thurgood, S. Assessing the quality of home visits in Early Head Start.
  • Spellmann, M., Tamis-LeMonda, C., & Baumwell, L. Mother-child relationships: Findings from dyadic ratings when children were six and fourteen months old.
  • Spieker, S. J., Robinson, J. L., Huebner, C. E., Wacharasin, C., Jolley, S., Caldwell, S., et al. Associations among mother’s psychological resources, parent-child interaction, and child language outcomes for mothers and toddlers in poverty.
  • Stowitschek, J. J., & Armijo, E. J. Analysis of children’s language and social skills development in bilingual and monolingual Spanish migrant and rural Hispanic farmworker families.
  • Taylor, N. E., Sabatino, C. A., Zaijek-Farber, M. L., Liebow, H., Smith, N. M., Timberlake, E. M., et al. The needs and services use of forty-nine working poor families in the military: The Early Head Start research experience.
  • Whiteside-Mansell, L., Bradley, R., Swanson, M., Clubb, R., Tan, J., & Gifford, J. Factors associated with intergenerational conflict.

Fitzgerald, H. E., & Cabrera, N. (Chairs), DeLuca, M. C., & Mincy, R. (Discussants) (2000, July). Fathers and early child development: Lessons learned from fathers’ stories. Symposium conducted at Head Start’s Fifth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

  • Barclay-McLaughlin, G. Working with Early Head Start programs to increase father involvement.
  • McAllister, C. L., Mulvery, L., & Butler, J. From sports fans to nurturers: A pilot study of Early Head Start program efforts to involve fathers.
  • Summers, J. A., Raikes, H., Boller, K., van Kammen, W., Mulvery, L., & Greenstein, B. Fathers’ perceptions about support needs and services.

Roggman, L., & Boller, K. (Chairs), and Lewis, C. (Discussant) (2000, July). 24 months of fatherhood: Low-income men and their toddlers. Symposium conducted at the Twelfth Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Brighton, UK. 

  • Cabrera, N., Boller, K., Brooks-Gunn, J., Love, J., Schiffman, R., & Shears, J. K. Fathers in Early Head Start: Who are they?
  • Fitzgerald, H., Berlin, L., Cabrera, N., Coker, D., Pan, B. A., Raikes, H., et al. Focus on father involvement: Insights from Early Head Start.
  • Raikes, H., Love, J. M., McAllister, C., Barclay-McLaughlin, G., Mellgren, L, Summers, J. A., et al. Practitioner’s studies: Involving fathers in Early Head Start.
  • Roggman, L., & Boyce, L. A look at 24 months of fatherhood.

Spellmann, M. (Chair) (2000, June/July). Child and family mental health: Practice and research in five Early Head Start programs. Poster symposium presented at Head Start’s Fifth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

  • Fine, M. A., Ispa, J., Sharp, E., Brookes, S., & Thornburg, K. A qualitative look at how mental health issues are associated with young first-time mothers’ relationships with their children and their Early Head Start home visitors.
  • Roggman, L. A., Newland, L. A., & Cook., G. A. Home visits and parents’ mental health.
  • Schiffman, R. F., & Hawver, M. R. Infant mental health and Early Head Start.
  • Spellmann, M., Tamis-LeMonda, C., & Greenstein, B. Mental health issues in families with young children: Research and practice in an Early Head Start context.

Spiker, D., & Summers, J. A. (Chairs) (2000, June/July). Getting started in early intervention for infants and toddlers with disabilities. Symposium presented at Head Start’s Fifth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

  • Peterson, C., Carta, J., Wall, S., & Boller, K. Who are the children with disabilities in Early Head Start programs?
  • Summers, J. A., Steeples, T., Swanson, M., Stowitschek, J., Armijo, E., Peterson, C., et al. Family and provider perspectives on the experience of collaboration between EHS and Part C.

1999 (Single presentations are arranged alphabetically by author, followed by symposia at which more than one relevant presentation was made)

Boller, K., Barclay-McLaughlin, G., Cabrera, N., Shears, J., & Summers, J. A. (1999, June). The role of fathers and father figures in low-income families. Invited address at the American Psychological Society meetings, Denver, CO.

Boller, K., Barclay-McLaughlin, G., & Summers, J. A. (1999, January). Research on fathers and father figures in EHS programs. Invited presentation at the Head Start Institute for Programs Serving Pregnant Women, Infants, Toddlers, and Their Families, Washington, DC.

Green, B. L. (1999, August). Using evaluation to improve your Early Head Start program. Speech at the Region X Early Head Start Conference, Seattle, WA.

Howes, C., Rosenblatt, S., & Tonyan, H. (1999, April). Using observational data to describe caregiving interactions within a network of caregivers in Early Head Start. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, NM.

Kisker, E. E., Paulsell, D., Love, J. M., & Raikes, H. (1999, November). Child care in Early Head Start: Challenges and successes during the first two years. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Public Policy and Management, Washington, DC.

Love, J., & Raikes, H. (1999, February). Early Head Start and welfare reform, welfare research coordination workshop. Presented at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda, MD.

McAllister, C. L. (1999-2002). Ethnographic methodology and community-based research and practice: Examples from Early Head Start. Annual workshop presented to Fellows in the Faculty Development in General Pediatrics Grant, Children’s Hospital, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

Pan, B., & Rowe, M. (1999, July). Sources of variation in the amount mothers talk and gesture in interaction with their 14-month-old children. Paper presented at the 8th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, San Sebastian, Spain.

Raikes, H., & Love, J. (1999, January). Theories of change in Early Head Start. Presentation at the Institute for Head Start Programs Serving Families with Infants and Toddlers, Washington, DC.

Raikes, H., Love, J. M., & Kisker, E. E. (1999, January). Discoveries in the Early Head Start national research study: Implications for all Early Head Start and Migrant Head Start programs. Presentation at the plenary session for the 1999 Institute for Programs Serving Pregnant Women, Infants, Toddlers, and Their Families, Washington, DC.

Raikes, H., Love, J., & Kisker, E. (1999, January). Early Head Start implementation: Lessons from the research. Presentation at the Institute for Head Start Programs Serving Families with Infants and Toddlers, Washington, DC.

Roggman, L. A. (1999, March). Early Head Start: Quality of home visits, baby buddy groups, and child care. Series of presentations to Bear River Early Head Start Staff, Logan, UT.

Roggman, L. A. (1999, March). Curriculum choices & adaptations. Presentation to the Early Head Start Home Base Forum, Washington, DC.

Roggman, L. A. (1999, February). Qualitative studies related to illuminating program approaches: Utah. Presentation to Early Head Start Research Consortium, Washington, DC.

Roggman, L. A., & Cook, G. A. (1999, February). Evaluating home visiting for continuous program improvement in Early Head Start. Paper presented at the Early Intervention Research Institute Mini Conference, Utah State University, Logan, UT.

Summers, J. A., Wall, S., et al. (1999, December). Study of EHS and Part C Collaboration in 5 states. Paper presented at the DEC International Early Childhood Conference on Children with Special Needs, Washington, DC.

University of Kansas. (1999). Case profile comparisons: What are family characteristics related to successful program participation in Early Head Start? Paper presented to the Annual Early Head Start Institute, Washington, DC.

1999 symposia at which more than one relevant presentation was made

Berlin, L., & Kisker, E. (Chairs), Olds, D. (Discussant) (1999, April). Engines of change: Understanding how early intervention programs work. Symposium conducted at the Society for Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, NM.

  • Berlin, L. Relationships as engines of change: The role of the home visitor-mother relationship in the infant mental health and development program.  
  • Kisker, E. E., Love, J. M., Raikes, H., Ross, C., & Paulsell, D. Through many lenses: Early Head Start implementation and processes. Robinson, J. L., Korfmacher, J., Hiatt, S., & O’Brien, R. Predicting program use and acceptance of home visitation services by mothers, grandmothers, and male partners. Solchany, J., Spieker, S., Barnard, K., & McKenna, M. Parents in a home based program: A comparison of hard vs. easy to engage parents.

Tamis-LeMonda, C., & Cabrera, N. (Chairs) (1999, April). The involvement of low-income fathers in the lives of their young children: Implications for social policy. Symposium conducted at the Society for Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, NM.

    Boller, K., Cabrera, N., & Lamb, N. The demography and study of low-income fathers. Raikes, H., Love, J. M., Mellgren, L., McAllister, C., Pan, B. A., & Summers, J. A. Research findings related to intervention programs and social policy. Tamis-LeMonda, C., Roggman, L., Bradley, R. H., & Summers, J. A. Definitions of father involvement: A multidimensional conceptualization.

1998 (Single presentations are arranged alphabetically by author, followed by symposia at which more than one relevant presentation was made)

Boller, K., Cabrera, N., Cox, M., Fitzgerald, H., Lamb, M. E., Moorehouse, M., et al. (1998, April). Studying the role of fathers in the lives of low-income infants and toddlers. Paper presented at the Eleventh International Conference on Infant Studies, Atlanta, GA.

Boller, K., Love, J., Tamis-LeMonda, C., Lamb, M., Roggman, L., Fitzgerald, H., et al. (1998, April). Father involvement with low-income children. Conversation Hour at the Eleventh International Conference on Infant Studies, Atlanta, GA.

Green, B. L. (1998, August). Research and evaluation in Early Head Start: Partnering with programs to understand effective interventions. Speech at the Region X Early Head Start Conference, Seattle, WA.

Green, B. L. (Chair), & McAllister, C. L. (1998, April). How do you know it’s family-driven: Assessing and measuring family-centered practice. Symposium conducted at Building on Family Strengths: Research and Services in Support of Children and their Families, Portland, OR.

Green, B. L. (Chair), & McAllister, C. L. (1998, July). Understanding the intervention process in home-visiting programs: Methods, measures, and approaches. Symposium conducted at Head Start’s Fourth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Green, B. L., & McAllister, C. L. (1998, July). Understanding social support processes in Early Head Start families: Issues for research and practice. Poster presented at Head Start’s Fourth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Kubicek, L. F., & Emde, R. N. (1998, July). Similarities and differences in the family routines of an ethnically diverse group of Early Head Start families. Poster presented at Head Start’s Fourth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Love, J. M., & Kisker, E. E. (1998, October). Evaluating dynamic early childhood programs in changing times: The Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project (EHSRE). Invited presentation at the Social Policy Luncheon Series, Bush Center in Child Development and Social Policy, Yale University.

Love, J., Raikes, H. & Jerald, J. (1998, January). Q’s and A’s on research and Early Head Start, with John Love and Judie Jerald. Presentation at the Head Start Infant and Toddler Institute, Washington, DC.

McAllister, C. L. (Organizer) (1998, July). Ethnographic and other qualitative methods in research on child development and early childhood programs. Symposium conducted at Head Start’s Fourth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

McAllister, C. L., Mulvey, L., Green, B., Levine, R., & Butler, J. (1998, July). Parenting, policy changes, and programs for infants and toddlers: Ethnographic approaches in the evaluation of Early Head Start. Presented at the Symposium on Ethnographic and Other Qualitative Methods in Research on Child Development and Early Childhood Programs, Head Start’s Fourth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Pickrel, S. G., Faldowski, R. A., & Brondino, M. J. (1998, May). Early Head Start for substance abusing or mentally ill adolescent mothers, fathers, and their infants. Paper presented at the Seventh Meeting of the Early Head Start Research Consortium, Washington, DC.

Roggman, L. A. (1998, March). Adult attachment attitudes and well-being among parents of infants. Paper presented at the Southwestern Society for Research in Human Development, Galveston, TX.

Roggman, L. A. (1998, October). Coding home visit quality from videotapes. Presentation to the Early Head Start Research Consortium, Washington, DC.

Roggman, L. A., Boyce, L. K., & Benson, B. (1998, April). What dads know about babies: Relations with attitudes, well-being, and social support. Paper presented at the Eleventh International Conference on Infant Studies, Atlanta, GA.

Roggman, L. A., Boyce, L. K., Cook, G. A., & Benson, B. (1998, December). Early Head Start: A research update. Colloquium presented to the Department of Family & Human Development, Utah State University, Logan, UT.

Roggman, L., Boyce, L., Cook, G., & Jump, V. (1998, July). Correlates of attachment security among 10-month-olds in an Early Head Start project. Poster presented at Head Start’s Fourth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Roggman, L. A., & Sörensen, S. (1998, July). Adult attachment attitudes and well-being among mothers and female college students. Paper presented at the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Berne, Switzerland.

Stowitschek, J. J., & Armijo, E. J. (1998, July). Familial and cultural contributions to social interaction, self-determination, and language in young Hispanic children in an Early Head Start program. Poster presented at Head Start’s Fourth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Thornburg, K., Ispa, J., Fine, M. A., Matthews, M., Wolfenstein, M., Koller, D., et al. (1998, July). Predictors of parenting stress among first-time, low-income mothers. Poster presented at Head Start’s Fourth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Wall, S. (1998, December). Collaborative consultation: Systems by which Early Head Start and early intervention work together. Paper presented at the DEC International Early Childhood Conference on Children with Special Needs, Chicago, IL.

1998 symposia at which more than one relevant presentation was made

Administration on Children, Youth and Families (1998, July). Head Start Bureau Poster Symposium: Early Head Start. Symposium conducted at Head Start’s Fourth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

    Bradley, R., Tamis-LeMonda, C., Roggman, L., Summers, J. A., Spicer, P., Pan, B., et al. The study of fathers in Early Head Start. Carta, J., Atwater, J., & Summers, J. A. Perspectives on risk and resilience: Comparing quantitative and ethnographic methods.
  • Clubb, R., Bradley, R., Whiteside-Mansell, L., & Swanson, M. Resiliency and adult attachment in the Arkansas Early Head Start population.
  • Green, B., & McAllister, C. Understanding social-support processes in Early Head Start families: Issues for research and practice.
  • Howes, C., Hamilton, C., & Rosenblatt, S. Relationship among attachment security, maternal sensitivity, and mother-child interaction for Early Head Start mothers and their infants.
  • Huebner, C. M., Solchany, J., Funderburke, M., Armstrong, M., Hibbard, S., Hodgson, C., et al. Pearls and practices to enhance early skills.
  • Korfmacher, J., Spicer, P., & Emde, R. Examining the child’s experience in an Early Head Start program.
  • Love, J. M., Kisker, E., Brooks-Gunn, J., Raikes, H., & Tarullo, L. The Early Head Start National Evaluation Study.
  • McBride, S., & Peterson, C. Project HOME: Home observation measuring effectiveness.
  • Pan, B. A., Snow, C. E., & Rowe, M. Patterns of verbal and nonverbal communication between mothers and their 14-month-old children.
  • Pickrel, S. G., Meyers, A., Brondino, M., & Faldowski, R. Adolescent and young adult mothers’ adjustment to parenthood: Self-perceptions of peer, marital, family, and mother-child relationships.
  • Robinson, J., Emde, R., & Korfmacher, J. Predicting program use and acceptance by parents enrolled in an Early Head Start program.
  • Roggman, L. A., & Boyce, L. K. Mothers and fathers in Utah’s Early Head Start.
  • Schiffman, R., Gibbons, C., Omar, M., Reischl, T., Fitzgerald, H., Keefe, D., et al. Pathways project: Directions for family health and service use.
  • Spellmann, M., Tamis-LeMonda, C., Roberts, J., Shannon, J., Ahuja, P., & Ustinova, S. Maternal mental health, efficacy, and maternal locus of control
  • Spieker, S., Solchany, J., Barnard, K.E., & McKenna, M. The story of mothers who have been hard to engage in the Early Head Start program.
  • Stowitschek, J. J., & Armijo, E. J. Familial and cultural contributions to social interaction, self-determination, and language in young Hispanic children in an Early Head Start program.
  • Summers, J. A., Atwater, J., Carta, J., & Brown, M. G. Perspectives on risk and resilience: Comparing quantitative and ethnographic methods.
  • Thornburg, K., Ispa, J., & Fine, M. University of Missouri Early Head Start local research.
  • Thornburg, K., Summers, J. A., Kisker, E., Spellmann, M., Swanson, M., Watt, N.,et al. Welfare reform and Early Head Start: How well informed are parents about the new rules?
  • Wall, S., Liebow, H., Sabatino, C., Smith, N.M., Taylor, N., & Timberlake, E. The needs and aspirations of the working poor.

Sherrod, L. (Chair) (1998, July). Fathers—Part I: Fathers’ Involvement in Head Start. Symposium presented at Head Start’s Fourth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

    Bradley, R. The involvement of fathers in Early Head Start. Lamb, M. The role of fathers in low-income families.


Emde, R., Kresh, E., Love, J., Raikes, H., Berlin, L., Barnard, K., et al. (1997, April). Early Head Start. Conversation Hour at the Society for Research in Child Development, Washington, DC.

Kisker, E. E., Love, J. M., Raikes, H., & Rowe, W. (1997, December ). Continuous improvement: Who, what, when, where, and why. Presentation at the Institute for Head Start Programs Serving Families with Infants and Toddlers and Pregnant Women. Washington, DC.

Love, J., & Raikes, H. (1997, September). The Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Study: Workshop on longitudinal research on children. Presented at the National Research Council, Washington, DC. 

McAllister, C. L. (Workshop leader) (1997). The use of ethnographic research in evaluating Early Head Start and other early childhood programs. Workshop presented at the Department of Human Development and Family Studies, University of Missouri, Columbus, MO.

Raikes, H., Barnard, K., & McBride, S. (1997, December). Alternative pathways to enhancing parent-infant/toddler relationships: Using theories of change in Early Head Start research sites. Zero to Three 12th National Training Institute, Nashville, TN.

Raikes, H., Kisker, E. E., & Love, J. M. (1997, April). The Early Head Start National Evaluation Study. In A revitalized Head Start Research agenda: How Head Start has responded to the changing needs of children and families in poverty. Symposium presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Washington, DC.

Raikes, H., Love, J., & Goldstein, B. (1997, December). Father involvement in Early Head Start. Zero to Three 12th National Training Institute, Nashville, TN.

Roggman, L. A. (1997, February). Evaluation of the Early Head Start Program: Northern Utah Perspectives. Paper presented at the Early Intervention Research Institute Mini Conference, Logan, UT.

Wall, S. (1997, October). Interagency research collaboration on early intervention. Paper presented at the Sixth Meeting of the Early Head Start National Research Consortium, Alexandria, VA.

Wall, S. (1997, November). The United Cerebral Palsy Early Head Start program model. In Early Head Start: A new initiative for very young children and families with multiple risks. Symposium conducted at the DEC International Early Childhood Conference on Children with Special Needs, New Orleans, LA.


Kresh, E., and Raikes, H. (Co-Chairs), Love, J., Roggman, L., Markey, G., Lofthouse, V., Spellmann, M., Canino, T. A., & Greenstein, B. (Presenters), McCall, R., & Barnard, K. (Discussants) (1996, June). Early Head Start forum.  Symposium presented at Head Start’s Third National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Roggman, L. A. (1996, August). Effective home visits for Early Head Start. Presentation to Early Head Start Program Staff, Logan, UT.

Roggman, L. A., & Markey, G. (1996, June). Early Head Start: Utah’s Local Research Partnership. Paper presented at Head Start’s Third National Research Conference, Washington, DC



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