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Title Chapter 112 - Affordable Housing Incentives - Multifamily
Fees and Dedications X There is implicit recognition that excessive fees may discourage affordable housing development.
  Check This chapter of the Kirkland, Washington code allows certain exemptions of service fee charges, such as those for roads and parks, to develop affordable housing.
Tax Policies X There is implicit recognition that tax policies may not promote affordable housing development.
  Check This chapter of the Kirkland, Washington code utilizes tax exemptions to develop affordable housing.
Zoning, Land Development, Construction and Subdivision Regulations X There is implicit recognition that zoning codes do not always promote affordable housing.
  Check This chapter of the Kirkland, Washington code provides incentives to develop affordable housing, including density bonuses, reduced parking spaces, increased height, increased maximum lot coverage, and adjusted code requirements.
Description The 112th chapter of Kirkland, Washington’s city code—Affordable Housing Incentives, Multifamily—has eight sections covering the incentives to develop multifamily affordable housing in the city. Provisions of the chapter are voluntary with the incentives offered in exchange for developing affordable housing. The incentives include a flexible 25 percent density bonus, additional floor area per affordable unit, or an alternative calculation of density. Other incentives include flexible development standards for affordable units, such as a reduction of required parking spaces, increased height limits, and increased maximum lot coverage.

In addition, affordable unit development is exempt from certain service fee charges, such as roads and parks. Affordable units may also be allowed tax exemptions. There are also alternative compliance provisions, reviewed on a case-by-case basis, that allow off-site units when certain requirements are met.

To obtain these incentives, the chapter stipulates that affordable units must be dispersed throughout developments, offer a wide-range of choices in regards to the number of bedrooms, be of comparable design and quality to other units, have the same homeownership opportunities as other units, and have the same availability as other units. The developments must also remain affordable for at least 30 years, or for the duration of the units if they are rental.

Publication Date 2007
Organization The city of Kirkland, Washington
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Notice: The contents of this record reflect the views of the author and/or promulgating municipality, and should not be construed as representing the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development or U.S. HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research. No attempt has been made by U.S. HUD or its contractors to verify the accuracy, currency, or validity of the record contents presented herein.


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Content updated on 4/3/2008  
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