PACER On-Line Registration
This form is for new PACER users only.   If you are experiencing login difficulty at a PACER web site, Click Here.

Firm Name:* You must enter data for every field marked with a *.

If you are registering as a private individual, i.e. not as a member of a group, firm, or organization, enter your name in both the Firm Name and Contact Person rows.

Domestic addresses must include City, State, and Zip. International addresses must include City, Postal Code, 'OTHER' in the State field, and Province/Country information on the 2nd Address line.

Quarterly statements will be emailed to the email address listed here. A different billing email address may be specified after the completion of the registration process in the Account Information section of this website. Use the "Quarterly Statement E-mail Service" option.
Contact Person:*

Zip/Postal Code:*
Phone Number:*

E-Mail Address:*
Confirm E-Mail Address:*

Check here if you are registering as a U.S. Government Agency.
What do we do with this information? See our Privacy and Security Notice
Use Address Info Above.

This section is optional.
For same day registration, we will validate the credit card information you provide here. Once your card has been approved, you will receive a message at the email address entered above that contains instructions for retrieving your new PACER login and password.

By entering information in this section, you agree to have any charges accrued by this account billed to the credit card provided here. Debit cards are also accepted. Those entering debit cards in this section should be aware that non sufficient funds charges apply if funds are not available when charged. Customers should consider carefully the choice of providing a debit card.
Card Holder Name:
Zip: -
Card Type:
Card Number:
Expiration Date:
Security Question: You may use the default security question or create another question that is meaningful to you.

We will use this information to verify your identity in the event you forget your password. To protect your account make sure the Security Question and Answer you select is easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess.

Supplying this information is optional. However, if you entered CREDIT CARD INFORMATION above and want to receive a login and password as quickly as possible, you must enter data here.
Your Date of Birth:
There is no registration fee. However, the Judicial Conference of the United States has established a fee for access to information in PACER. All registered customers will be charged as follows:
  • Use of web-based PACER systems will generate an $.08 per page charge.

Check here to acknowledge you have read and understand the Policies and Procedures listed above.
Click here for a printable version of the Policies and Procedures.

If you completed the CREDIT CARD INFORMATION and PASSWORD SECURITY INFORMATION sections, you will receive instructions at the email address entered above for retrieving your new PACER login and password after the credit card has been approved. Otherwise, you will receive your login and password in the mail within a week. For security reasons, logins and passwords can not be emailed, faxed or given over the phone. If you have any questions, call the PACER Service Center at (800) 676-6856.

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For information or comments, please contact:

The PACER Service Center E-Mail