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North Carolina Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services
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(What's New)

- Important -
Due to incomplete legislative reporting requirements, the new PCP format and Instruction Manual will NOT be effective January 1, 2009. The new effective date will be posted as soon as possible (more information).

Standardization of Local Provider Monitoring

LME Board Training

LME Utilization Management Proposal Information

CAP-MR/DD Update (12/19/08) |CAP-MR/DD Update (11/5/08) | CAP-MR/DD Update (10/29/08) | CAP-MR/DD Transition Requirements for New Modified Services | Attestation Letter II |Transition to Home Supports


Community Support Service Definitions

Quality Quick Facts - Most families of children/adolescents are involved in planning/delivery of NC mental health services.
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MR/MI Diversion Sites





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Updated: January 8, 2009

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