United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Ethics Office: Filing a Confidential Financial Disclosure Report

Updated 12/21/2005

Who Must File a Confidential Financial Disclosure Report (OGE Form 450)?

Brief Summary of Who Must File
The OGE Form 450 must be completed by employees GS-15 or below, who have been determined to perform duties requiring personal and substantial participation through:
  • Decision-making; or
  • Exercise significant judgment in contracting or procurement;
  • Administering or monitoring grants, subsidies, licenses, or other benefits;
  • Regulating or auditing non-Federal entities;
  • Performing other activities having a direct and substantial economic effect on non-Federal entities; or
  • Serving in any other position that the agency determines requires filing to avoid a conflict of interest, appearance of favoritism or loss of impartiality. 

Confidential Financial Disclosure Filing Due Dates

New Entrant Filing Requirements

Employees entering a designated position are required to file an OGE Form 450 within 30 days of appointment.  Contact the NRCS Ethics Office for specific Guidance regarding Special Government Employees (SGEs). Note: An annual report is not required from an employee who is in a designated position less than 60 days during the reporting period. 

Annual Filing Requirements

Employees in designated positions for more than 60 days during the reporting period must file incumbent reports no later than October 31, annually.  SGEs must file a "New Entrant" report on their anniversary date every year.

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