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About DRA

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The Delta Regional Authority works to improve life for the residents of 252 counties and parishes in parts of eight states. Led by a federal co-chairman appointed by the president and the governors of the eight states, the DRA fosters partnerships throughout the region as it attempts to improve the Delta economy. DRA funds can be used to leverage other federal and state programs.

Under federal law, at least 75 percent of DRA funds must be invested in economically distressed counties and parishes. Half of the funds are earmarked for transportation and basic infrastructure improvements.

The DRA forges partnerships throughout the region. Local development districts are key partners, as are the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Rural Development offices in the region and state economic development departments.

The federal co-chairman and the eight governors work hard to provide a unified voice for the region. The DRA partners with federal agencies, state governments, local governments, non-profit organizations, the business community and the public in an attempt to improve the quality of life for the people it serves.

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