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Bringing Doctors to the Delta

In an attempt to increase the number of doctors serving Delta residents, the Delta Regional Authority has implemented the Delta Doctors program. The program allows foreign physicians who are trained in this country to work in medically underserved areas for three years. Most choose to stay far longer once they develop a patient base. Those in the Delta Doctors program do not take jobs away from U.S.-born physicians. Instead, they provide services in areas where otherwise there would be a shortage of physicians.

The Delta Regional Authority is one of the few government agencies allowed to recommend visa waivers to the State Department. Medical school graduates from other countries normally are required to return to their home countries for at least two years after they complete their education. The J-1 visa waiver obtained under the Delta Doctors program allows them to stay in the United States if they spend at least three years in medically underserved areas. The physicians must provide primary care in their specialty fields for at least 40 hours a week. They also must provide care to the indigent, Medicaid recipients and Medicare recipients.

The Delta Doctors program accepts waiver requests for medical specialists.

The Delta Doctors program has assisted with the placement of more than 50 physicians in the region.

"This program allows us to meet the health care needs of more Delta families," says Pete Johnson, the DRA's federal co-chairman. "We're bringing doctors to underserved areas who otherwise wouldn't be there."

Please review the program guidelines, and review and download the Delta Doctors program documentation below to begin the process of helping residents of the Delta region have access to quality, affordable health care.

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