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  NCD Newsroom

National Council on Disability (NCD)
Quarterly Meeting
April 21-23, 2008

The Westin Arlington Gateway
801 North Glebe Road
Arlington, VA 22203

Monday, April 21, 2008

Council Members
John Vaughn, Chairman
Chad Colley, Co-vice chairperson
Milton Aponte
Linda Wetters
Lisa Mattheiss
Cynthia Wainscott
Dr. Young Woo Kang
Marylyn Howe
Dr. Robert Davila
Kathy Martinez
Anne Rader
Lonnie Moore
Victoria Carlson

Mike Collins, Executive Director
Julie Carroll, Senior Attorney Advisor
Joan Durocher, Senior Attorney Advisor
Lisa Grubb, Special Assistant
Mark Quigley, Director of External Affairs
Gerrie Hawkins, Policy Team Senior Program Analyst
Stacey Brown, Staff Assistant
Carla Nelson, Secretary

Call to Order and Welcome – John R. Vaughn, Chairperson
Council Chairperson Mr. John Vaughn opened the meeting at 8:35 a.m. 

Council Member, staff and guest Introductions – John R. Vaughn, Chairperson
Audience members were given an opportunity to introduce themselves.

Acceptance of Agenda – John Vaughn, Chairperson
Motion: Mr. Vaughn reviewed the agenda for the quarterly meeting.  Linda Wetters moved to approve the agenda as presented.  Cynthia Wainscott seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously. 

Comments from Susan Winchell, Ethics officer from the Department of Education - Ms. Susan Winchell addressed the Council and introduced herself as the Ethics Officer for the Council.  Chairman Vaughn encouraged members to consult with Ms. Winchell on ethics and conflict of interest issues.

Approval of minutes January 28-30: Quarterly meeting in New Orleans, John Vaughn, Chairperson
Motion: Milton Aponte moved to approve the minutes as presented.  Linda Wetters seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Council Member Reports – John Vaughn, Chairperson
Members of the Council provided updates on their activities since the last meeting.  The following updates were provided.

Chad Colley:

  • Deferred his discussion to the finance report

Lonnie Moore:

  • He is a proud new father
  • Attended a Secretary of Veterans Affairs council meeting
  • Made recommendations to the Wounded Warrior program

Milton Aponte:

  • Traveled to Ecuador with son
  • Traveled to Nicaragua
  • Represented the Council at a meeting of the President’s Council for People with Intellectual Disabilities

Cynthia Wainscott:

  • Attended Healthcare summit in Chicago
  • Attended SAMHSA National Advisory Council quarterly meeting on behalf of NCD
  • Interview with Mental Health Weekly to discuss Inclusive Livable Communities report
  • Attended Executive Think Tank on Healthcare

Dr. Robert Davila:

  • Attended the Advisory Board at NIH on Deafness and Hearing Disorders
  • Traveled to Europe in May to speak on disability policy
  • Gallaudet had a successful visit from the accreditation board, and he believes the institution will be reaccredited

Marylyn Howe:

  • Attended disability policy seminar
  • Invited to present at the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities in June
  • Invited to present  to the Council of State Governments
  • Visiting Georgetown with son

Anne Rader:

  • Booz, Allen, and Hamilton, her employer, sponsored an event with diverse stakeholders concerning medical response and preparedness and will be hosting an annual event
  • Was interviewed, as a person with cerebral palsy, by CNN

Kathy Martinez:

  • Deferred the bulk of her discussion during the International report later in the day
    • 20 counties have ratified the convention
  • Has been appointed to the US Institute of Peace, which is a Presidential appointment and requires  Senate confirmation; construction of a new building will be breaking ground on Capitol Hill

Dr. Kang:

  • Met with South Korean president in DC
  • Interviewed as a distinguished leader by a Korean broadcasting crew at the NCD office, for a video with the theme “No Mountain we Cannot climb.”
  • Mrs. Kang to become teacher for visually impaired
  • Serves as a Vice-Chairman for the Committee on Disabilities, for the Franklin Roosevelt Institute
  • Received the Pennsylvania FDR International Disability Award

Lisa Mattheiss:

  • Has been working in Tennessee to protect the rights of about 150 people who are in danger of losing Medicare
  • Has been involved with Parent and professional training on the IDEA

Victoria Carlson:

  • Attended Healthcare summit in Chicago
  • Has been working as a member liaison with the Youth Advisory Committee
  • Facilitated the Release of the Youth with Disabilities in the Foster Care System report
  • Becoming more involved in the International Watch committee
  • Advised that the National Coalition on Healthcare would like to work with NCD, and their director will be meeting with Mike Collins

Linda Wetters:

  • Involved with several activities involving her role as chair of the Employment committee
  • The state of Ohio is struggling with money, and facing cuts in Medicaid
  • Became a foster parent, and was able to utilize the information in NCD’s report on foster care

Chairperson’s Report – John R. Vaughn, Chairperson
Recommendation/Action: Place slogan for agency on website, letterhead, etc. (National Council on Disability, 30 Years of Disability Leadership, 1978-2008).  The new banner displaying this slogan was then revealed at the head table.

Recommendation/Action: Members provide input to Chair on the progress report and emerging trends.

Recommendation/Action: Committee Chairs prepare project wish list for consideration/discussion at next meeting.

Recommendation/Action: Committees consider scheduling meetings at a date and time to maximize participation.  Discussion included routine, evening hours, and methods of notification.

Chairman Vaughn provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • Status of new members
  • Upcoming meeting schedule
  • 2010 budget
  • Enabling legislation
  • Committee meeting schedule

Approval of Executive Committee meeting minutes – John R. Vaughn, Chairperson
Motion: Chairman Vaughn requested members to comment on and approved the draft minutes from the January 17 and February 29, 2008 Executive Committee meetings.  Victoria Carlson moved to approve minutes as presented and to ratify any motions therein.  Linda Wetters seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Finance Committee Report - Chad Colley, Committee Chair
Motion: Mr. Colley moved that the Council authorize the Executive Committee to take money from the appropriate unde expended line items and increase the travel budget by up to $65,000 for the 2008 fiscal year budget by making those funds available to address the anticipated shortfall for travel.  Linda Wetters seconded the motion.  Discussion ensued and the motion passed unanimously.

Chad Colley directed the Council to the finance report included in the meeting materials.  Mr. Colley provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects:

  • Budget Approved for FY 09
  • FY 08 expenditures to date and projection for the rest of the year
  • increasing the amount of the budget devoted to Travel is consistent with the decision to make NCD meetings and activities readily available to the community

Executive Director’s Report - Michael Collins, Executive Director
Recommendation/Action: Members complete travel profile form and return to NCD staff.

Recommendation/Action: Members proceed in scheduling travel for quarterly meeting in Seattle, using the travel process which is included in the meeting packet.

Mr. Collins provided updates on the following subjects.

  • Brenda Bratton’s retirement
  • Administrative staff and procedure changes
  • Research calendar and report releases

Health Care Committee Report - Anne Rader, Chair and Julie Carroll, staff  (Lisa--please run this by Julie because several of the items at the end of this are very confusing and don't seem to match with my recollection of the discussion during this committee report)
Recommendation/Action: Summit on Healthcare Access for People with Disabilities at the Rehab Institute of Chicago was not promoted as a project of NCD.  Need to advise all contractors of the necessity of providing credit to NCD for such functions that are supported out of project funding.

Ms. Rader provided updates on the following subjects:

  • Status of two current NCD Healthcare Research Projects
  • DREDF healthcare Project
  • Nanette Goodman, DOD/VA Project, Independent Consultant, presented findings on the highlights on the PTSD study on returning veterans
  • Suicide rates for returning veterans
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Ms. Rader reported that a DOD (representative) is considering putting together a resource directory, and looking to NCD for assistance
  • Family Support

Discussion ensued on the following subjects:

  • Difference between health care and treatment of men & women
  • Recommendations to the issue of National Guard and reservists
  • Recommendations for fixing the inefficiencies within the system
  • Collaborations between Chaplains and VA and DOD
  • Wounded Warrior project at DOD
  • Disparities that exist between access to healthcare for people with disabilities as well as those without disabilities
  • Universal design
  • Concerns for women with disabilities
  • Lack of directives to states on access, accommodations and accessibility
  • Healthcare provider training
  • Technical assistance centers
  • Prevention

International Watch Advisory Committee Report -- Kathy Martinez, Council Liaison and Joan Durocher, staff
Motion: Kathy Martinez moved that the Council approve the distribution of the comparative analysis paper.  Dr. Kang seconded the motion.  Discussion ensued. 
Milton Aponte moved to amend the motion to include a two‑week moratorium in which Council members would read and comment on the wording for the preface or preamble and the statement, "The gaps in the U.S. law and CRPD are not insurmountable and should not stand as an obstacle for the U.S. signing or ratifying the convention.”  Ms. Martinez accepted Mr. Aponte’s amendment.  The motion passed unanimously.

Recommendation/Action: Joan Durocher will compile comments during the moratorium.

Recommendation/Action: Joan Durocher will draft a cover page to introduce the release and present it to the Council members for review.  

Recommendation/Action: Council members will be asked to vote electronically in two weeks on the comparative analysis paper’s wording for the preface or preamble and the statement, "The gaps in the U.S. law and CRPD are not insurmountable and should not stand as an obstacle for the U.S. signing or ratifying the convention.”  Deadline: May 6

Ms. Martinez provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • Review, Discussion and Approval of Comparative Analysis of UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities verses.  U.S. Disability Rights laws
  • Update on countries that have signed on to or ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities
  • Rehabilitation International Conference in Canada
  • NCD membership in USCID was approved at the NO meeting, NCD requested a discounted membership fee, and joined for a reduced fee of $800.  Joan and Marylyn will be presenting to the international community. 

Cultural Diversity Advisory Committee report – Milton Aponte, Council liaison, Stacey Brown and Michael Collins, staff
Recommendation/Action: Follow up on the recommendation of the Cultural Diversity Advisory Committee to place a cultural competency question in the Frequently Asked Questions section of the NCD website and condense to make more understandable.  Chairman Vaughn will also appoint the volunteers from the CDAC to the appropriate NCD committees.

Mr. Brown provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • CDAC Members volunteering to serve on NCD committees

Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) Report - Victoria Ray Carlson, Council Liaison and Dr. Gerrie Hawkins, staff liaison
Recommendation/Action: Continuing to clarify the role of the Youth Advisory Committee member participation in NCD committee meetings.

Dr. Hawkins provided updates on the following subjects.

  • Clarifying why ADC member roles  while participating in meetings of  NCD committees
  • seeking a best method for increasing disability history awareness in the educational system
  • Paul Fogle, YAC Member, addressed the Council

Public Comment Session – moderated by Chad Colley, Vice Chairperson
The following individual provided public comment on the indicated subject.

Name: Arthur Sherwood, Science and technology advisor
Organization: National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDDR)
Location: Washington, DC
Subject: Soliciting NCD and public Input into NIDDR strategic plan

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Members Present: No Changes from prior day                                

Staff Present: Addition - Brenda Bratton, Executive Assistant

Call to Order and Welcome – John R. Vaughn, Chairperson
Council Chairperson Mr. John Vaughn opened the meeting at 8:35 a.m. 

Review of Agenda – John R. Vaughn, Chairperson
Mr. Vaughn reviewed the agenda for the quarterly meeting.  Linda Wetters moved to approve the agenda as presented.  Cynthia Wainscott seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously. 

Council Member, staff and guest Introductions - John R. Vaughn, Chairperson
The above-listed Council Members and NCD staff were introduced.  Audience members were given an opportunity to introduce themselves.

Recognition of Outgoing NCD Staff – Michael Collins, Executive Director and John R. Vaughn, Chairperson
Mr. Collins and Mr. Vaughn recognized Brenda Bratton for her service to NCD for 23 years.  Accolades were given for Ms. Bratton’s contribution to NCD.  The Council and staff wished her well in her upcoming retirement.

Homeland Security Committee Report – Chad Colley, Co-Chair
Mr. Colley provided updates on the following subjects.

  • Report by EAD Associates, highlighting deliverables
  • Expenditures from NCD account 842X: Post-Katrina Act funds
  • National Disability (and Volunteer) Organizations and their Work in Emergency Preparedness & Response

Curt Decker, Executive Director, National Disability Rights Network
Mr. Decker elaborated on the following:

  • Emergency Preparedness
  • National policy
  • The role of the Disability Coordinator at FEMA
  • The need for a comprehensive plan
  • Planning, response and recovery
  • How to use disability organizations
  • The process of implementing the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) and how it could assist in preparing for emergency response

Discussion and recommendations ensued on the following subjects. 

  • California wildfires
  • Lessons learned and how they can be used to avoid “future Katrinas”
  • Role of NCD – helping Congress understand how they can move forward in an aggressive way, how established organizations can assist, i.e., IL Centers,
  • Response to lessons learned – California is better prepared,  but better preparedness and planning is still needed at the local level,


  • People with disabilities need to be at the table planning for disaster response
  • You need the services and expertise of the counselors
  • Experience in communicating with FEMA
  • More dialogue with FEMA
  • Plans to be involved with Tipoff 5
  • Rigid plans in Katrina precluded involvement from other entities
  • There is a need for shelters to understand that Protection and Advocacy agencies have the right to enter all shelters

Civil Rights Committee Report - Bob Davila, PhD and Marylyn Howe, Co-chairs and Julie Carroll, staff
Recommendation/Action: Presented a Proposed 2010 Project to study the impact of the digital media conversion

Ms. Howe and Dr. Davila provided updates on the following subjects.

  • Segways used as mobility devices by People with Disabilities
  • Accessible Currency
  • Electro-shock therapy
  • Reductions in staff at DOJ and EEOC
  • ADA Restoration Act
  • Development Disability Act
  • Proposed 2010 Project
    • Study the impact of the digital media conversion

Jerry Kerr, President, Disability Rights Advocates for Technology (DRAFT), St. Louis, MO
Mr. Kerr shared that his organization represents people with disabilities whose passion for participating in life is supported by new and emerging technologies.
Mr. Kerr elaborated further on the following subjects.

  • Presentation of Segways to severely injured military personnel
  • Goal is to award 250 Segways in 2008
  • Access to public facilities like amusement parks by Segway users

Discussion and recommendations ensued on the following subjects. 

  • Price
  • Demonstration of the use of Segways for Council members
  • Safety
  • Adaptations for people with different types of disabilities
  • Insurance
  • Quality of life
  • Economics
  • Health benefits

Presentation by Mike Starling, VP, CTO & Executive Director of National Public Radio (NPR) Labs
Mr. Starling elaborated on the following subjects.

  • Analog medium
  • Demo of the first over-the-air broadcast of captioned radio
  • Radio broadcast captioning
  • Digital radio
  • NPR budget
  • High Definition (HD) Radio

Emergency Preparedness Presentations, Introductions by Chad Colley, Homeland Security Committee Co-chair

Nichole Francis, Counsel, House Committee on Homeland Security

Andy Weis, Senator Collins’ General Counsel, Senate Homeland Security Committee

Scott Spicer, Government Accountability Office (GAO)

David Wise, Acting Director, Government Accountability Office Physical Infrastructure Team


  • What research is needed?
    • Helpful to know what the deficiencies are in the special needs community
  • How can NCD get the information to legislators so they can be proactive rather than reactive
    • Come to the Hill, schedule meetings, talk to staff and members and educate them on issues of concern in respect to emergency preparedness and response
    • Establish a relationship that will assist in maintaining ongoing dialogue
  • Request to Nichole and Andy –
    • Movement to look at the language regarding physical and mental health
  • Is there any legislation that NCD should quickly address/comment?
    • Due to the election, it is not expected that any new laws will pass
    • Citizen and Community Preparedness Act of 2008
  • What do you think can be done especially by us to help get money and grants into these community‑based organizations?
    • The Department of Homeland Security and Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) have terrorism-related grants.  Go to FEMA and talk to Ross, Associate Administrator for the grants program directorate.  He manages the grant programs on behalf of DHS and is located in the same agency as the disability coordinator.
    • The Disability Coordinator doesn't have much funding, and staff was responsible for drafting the legislation that designated the coordinator.  That's something that can be looked at to make sure there's adequate funding there.  There is leverage in terms of drafting some language and hoping it is funded.

Other recommendations:

  • Dialogue with the firefighter groups or with the EMS organizations or with the law enforcement groups at the state and local level to educate them about the needs of the disability community and try to get them to think about how to incorporate disability into training and exercises to increase the overall awareness of the unique needs of people with disabilities in emergency planning and the entire emergency preparedness cycle.
  • Obtain a copy of PKEMRA, a section of the post Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act that amends the Stafford act.  There's a section there dealing with the guidelines that need to be issued by FEMA.
  • Emergency preparedness representatives should meet quarterly with the Council

Emergency Preparedness: the Public Policy Perspective—
Introduction by Chad Colley, NCD Homeland Security Committee Co-Chair
Ted Costin, Director, Preparedness Division, Virginia Department of Emergency Management

Steve Kral, Senior Policy Advisor, Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC

JoAnne E. Knapp, Director of Emergency Preparedness Policy, MD Department of Disabilities


  • Accessible notification and communication
  • Coordination with neighboring states
  • there is currently no relationship with the National Disability Rights Network or the Protection and Advocacy agencies
  • How to communicate with the homeless population

Legislative Committee Report - Cynthia Wainscott and Milton Aponte, Co-Chairs and Michael Collins, staff
Recommendations/Actions: Committees should be considering legislation that we should be moving, initiating and talking to Congress about

Recommendations/Actions: Orientation for new members of Congress, March 2009

Recommendations/Actions:  Recruitment of the Legislative Analyst pending response from the General Services Administration

Ms. Wainscott provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • Report on current legislation, Savings Act of 2008
  • Potential legislation related to NCD Reports
  • Reauthorization of the Department of Homeland Security

Mr. Collins provided updates and facilitated discussion on the status of the recruitment of the Legislative Analyst, recognizing Julie Carroll for her assistance during the vacancy

Presentation by Sandy Finucane, Vice President of Legal and Government Affairs for the Epilepsy Foundation
Ms. Finucane elaborated on the following subjects.

  • ADA Restoration in employment situations
  • Compromising language

Public Comment Session – moderated by Chad Colley, Vice Chairperson
The following individuals provided public comment on the indicated subject.

Name: Eric Bridges
Organization: American Council of the Blind
Location: Washington, DC
Subject (1): Web Accessibility; access to the Internet for the vision impaired
Subject (2): Accessible Currency

Name: Mark Reichert
Organization: American Foundation for the Blind
Location: Washington, DC
Subject (1): Website Accessibility
Subject (2): Health and Healthcare Policy for people with disabilities, technology for people with disabilities, reimbursement policy for durable medical equipment

Name: Brett Cunningham
Organization: NCD Youth Advisory Committee (YAC)
Location: Phone Call
Subject (1): Public Transportation
Subject (2): Transition into Secondary Education

Name: Doris Ray
Organization: Northern Virginia Center for Independent Living
Location: Arlington, VA
Subject (1): Legislation, ADA Restoration, HR5613 and its companion in the Senate, Community Choice Act
Subject (2): Emergency Preparedness
Subject (3): Funding for Centers for Independent Living
Subject (4): Non-Visual Access

Name: Billie Jean Hill
Organization: N/A
Location: unknown
Subject (1): ADA
Subject (2): Rural Transportation

Name: Kate Chiodo
Organization: Deaf Link
Location: Texas
Subject: Funding for accessible and integrated public alert systems

Name: Laura Galbreath
Organization: Mental Health America
Location: Alexandria
Subject: Barriers to psychosocial services

Name: Gail
Organization: Northern Virginia Center for Independent Living
Location: Arlington, VA
Subject: Nursing Home Transition

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Members Present: No Changes from prior day                                

Staff Present: No Changes from prior day

Call to Order and Welcome – John R. Vaughn, Chairperson
Council Chairperson Mr. John Vaughn opened the meeting at 8:35 a.m. 

Remarks by FEMA Administrator R. David Paulison
Recommendations/Actions shared with Mr. Paulison:

  • Post Katrina Act
    • Explained the charge in the law on how the Council is to interact with FEMA
    • NCD is predisposed to assist
    • Gives the Council the opportunity to provide input about FEMA reports prior to a draft being distributed to the general public
  • Increase staff to address disability issues within FEMA

Response to recommendations from Administrator R. David Paulison:

  • Council should take a leadership role
  • 800 Recommendations in the the Post Katrina Act
    • Working hard to address the recommendations, including working with the Council
  • Defining special needs
  • Lessons learned, TOPOFF 4
    • Training needed on the grassroots level
  • FEMA does not fund non-profits
  • FEMA commits to work with NCD

Employment Committee Report - Linda Wetters, Committee Chair and Joan Durocher, staff
Recommendation/Action: Members and staff will meet with Christine Griffin, EEOC, on the day following this meeting

Recommendation/Action:  NCIL requested NCD to partner on the request for oversight hearings on federal employment of people with disabilities.  Discussion was deferred to the Executive Committee.

Recommendation/Action:  2008 Budget contains a request for $100,000 to complete a report on housing for people with disabilities.  Part of that project includes a requirement for the preparation of Topical briefs on the following subjects:

  • Federal evaluation of the status of housing programs for people with disabilities
  • Private and non-profit sector roles in housing
  • Mental health issues
    • Addition requested: document the prevalence of severe mental illness in jails and prisons, as those individuals would require specialized housing assistance upon release
  • Homeland security evaluation of housing shortages that occur after disasters
  • State level evaluation  (identify best practices)

Motion: Linda Wetters moved that NCD include as a 2008 project the proposal outlined at this meeting to fund a housing report for a budget of $100,000.  Cynthia Wainscott seconded the motion.  Discussion ensued and the motion passed unanimously.

Ms. Wetters provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • Federal employment of People With Disabilities (schedule A) and diversity of the Senior Executive Service
  • Housing Report (2008 project)
  • Disability workforce Infrastructure Report (2008 project)

Beth Bader and John Kregel, Research team, VCU
Ms. Bader and Mr. Kregel elaborated on the following subjects:

  • Progress report on VR Transition Research report
  • Afternoon session with expert panel to review preliminary report findings.

Emerging Trends Committee Report - John Vaughn, Committee Chair and Michael Collins, Staff

Recommendation/Action:  Annual Progress report

    • The progress report should be reflective of what the Council thinks at this point in time. 
    • Mr. Vaughn directed the committees to report to him their suggestions

Steve Mendelssohn recommends to the Council:

  • Two-fold task
    • To operationalize some of the indicators
    • Identify from among those areas in which we had some progress
  • Programmatic and structural standpoint

The Council made the following recommendations to Mr. Mendelssohn:

  • include a discussion of Universal healthcare
  • Goal is to finish the report at the end of the year
  • Prior reports served as a justification for why NCD helps
  • Take a leadership position
  • Workforce deficit
  • Veterans issues
  • Mental Health
  • Integration of Mental health into ‘general’ health care
  • Growing senior population
  • National Healthcare
  • Employment and the VR system
  • Education
  • Celebrating 30 years of disability civil rights legislation
  • Public relations campaign
  • Outreach about what NCD has done to solicit input from the American public
    • Reflecting actual numbers
  • Finding places, foundations where NCD can double its dollars
  • collect comments for a Public consultation on the NCD website
  • Emerging trends
  • State of the state
    • What is happening in society, uniquely affecting people with disabilities
      • Housing crisis
      • General health care
      • Transportation options

New and Unfinished Business, John Vaughn, Chairperson

Funding levels for fiscal year 2008 NCD projects:

Progress report on the implementation of the Developmental Disabilities Act -- Marylyn Howe, Julie Carroll, Mike Collins
the report will cover:

  • The administration and oversight of the P&A’s, DD councils
  • projects of National significance under the DD Act are overrated and the family supports are under supported
  • An abstract was included in the New Orleans meeting packet
  • Project assigned to the civil rights committee


Motion: Linda Wetters moved that the Council accept the proposal for 2008 for the DD and Infrastructure project as just presented.  Victoria Carlson seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
Program contracts budget: $395,000

  • Progress Report – $40,000
  • DD Act – $150,000
  • Housing $100,000
  • Human Resource Infrastructure to support people with disabilities (matching human resources to service needs) (Disability Infrastructure) $75,000 
  • White papers, etc. $30,000

Motion: John Vaughn moved that the Council fully fund for fiscal year 2009 and 2010 four meetings per year, with a schedule of 2 .5 days for each meeting.  Linda Wetters seconded the motion.  Discussion ensued.  Cynthia Wainscott moved to amend the motion to include the exception of the west coast meeting.  Mr. Vaughn accepted Ms. Wainscott’s amendment.  The motion passed unanimously.

Motion: John Vaughn moved adoption of the following motion to clarify appropriate compensation for members to claim in connection with NCD duties, NCD members are to be compensated for attendance at NCD committee meetings, preparation for NCD committee meetings, and activities for members designated to serve on outside committees.  Linda Wetters seconded the motion.  Discussion ensued.  The motion passed unanimously.

Recommendation/Action:  Development of the Seattle quarterly meeting agenda is the responsibility of the committee chairs

  • 3 full days
  • California: healthcare
  • Oregon: medical coverage, lottery system
  • Military community
  • National healthcare
  • Microsoft, software presentation
  • Gates Foundation
  • Global health
  • Cultural diversity
  • Sam Sullivan, mayor of Vancouver, British Columbia
  • Tribal issues
  • Presidential election
  • Member dinner, Seattle excursion –dinner cruise?

Recommendation/Action:  Request for Lisa Mattheiss to share website link featuring her daughter’s standing chair

Recommendation/Action:  Suggestion made to follow through with the Foster care system to see if things are being handled properly.  Possible focus group or white paper.  John will assign to committee.

Recommendation/Action:  Staff to research NIDDR actions or policies toward funding for RRTC on aging with a disability

Recommendation/Action:  Proposals for consideration for 2010 research priorities

  • Funding available – approximately $300,000
    • Digital media – blessing or challenge
    • Federal employment of people with disabilities
    • Mental health
    • Durable medical equipment
    • The right of parents with disabilities to keep and raise their own children
    • Disintegration of state laws that protect the rights of citizens with disabilities
    • Financing of healthcare
    • Mainstream job placement opportunities for people with disabilities

Adjourn - John Vaughn, Committee Chair
Motion: Linda Wetters moved to adjourn at 12:00 p.m.  Milton Aponte seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously. 




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