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  NCD Newsroom

National Council on Disability (NCD)
Quarterly Meeting
July 14-16, 2008
Seattle, Washington

Council Members
John Vaughn, Chairman
Chad Colley, Co-vice chairperson
Pat Pound, Co-vice chairperson
Milton Aponte
Linda Wetters
Lisa Mattheiss
Cynthia Wainscott
Dr. Young Woo Kang
Marylyn Howe
Kathy Martinez
Anne Rader
Victoria Carlson

Mike Collins, Executive Director
Joan Durocher, Senior Attorney Advisor
Lisa Grubb, Special Assistant
Mark Quigley, Director of External Affairs
Martin Gould, Director of Research

Monday, July 14, 2008 

Call to Order and Welcome - John R. Vaughn, NCD Chairperson opened the meeting at 8:30 a.m. 

Acceptance of Agenda - John R. Vaughn, NCD Chairperson reviewed the agenda for the quarterly meeting. 
Motion: Milton Aponte moved to approve the agenda as presented.  Anne Rader seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously. 

Introduction of Council Members - NCD staff and guests introduced themselves.

The Honorable Gregory Nickels, Mayor of Seattle, welcomed the Council to Seattle.

Public Comment Session – Moderated by Chad Colley, Vice Chairperson
Public comment was provided on the following subjects.

  • Do-It Program (Autism)
  • Employment
  • Asset Development
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • ADA
  • Chemical Sensitivity
  • UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities
  • Assistive Technology

Additional items discussed:

  • Financial Incentives report will be released August 11th

Approval of minutes of April 21-23, 2008 Quarterly meeting in Arlington, VA
Motion: Linda Wetters moved to approve the April 21-23, 2008 Quarterly meeting minutes with the following amendments.  Cynthia Wainscott seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

  • Amendment: Linda Wetters will clarify contents of employment committee report with Lisa Grubb
  • Amendment: International Watch report – change counties to countries (20 countries have ratified the convention)
  • Amendment: Cynthia Wainscott requested that a sentence be added regarding not separating physical and mental health in the Emergency preparedness presentation (page 10)

Council Member Reports – John Vaughn, Chairperson asked members of the Council to provide updates on their activities since the last meeting. 

Linda Wetters

  • Employment Committee
  • State Vocational rehab program on developing cooperative agreements

Kathleen Martinez

  • Presidential appointment to U.S. Institute of Peace

Victoria Carlson

  • Youth Advisory Committee
  • International Watch
  • Temporary Wheelchair user

Dr. Kang

  • Introduced and presented the UN Secretary at the FDR International Disability Awards
  • Made a speech and received an award at the Rotary International convention
  • A group of lawyers from South Korea visited the U.S. government to learn how the U.S. legal system works, and they visited with NCD staff
  • Scheduled to meet with Korea's new president and foreign minister

Anne Rader

  • United Cerebral Palsy annual convention

Marylyn Howe

  • Co-presented with Mike Collins at the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities
  • Attended National Downs Syndrome conference
  • Past president and cofounder, and currently on the program committee to celebrate our 20th anniversary in Chicago Active for the Association of Late Deafened Adults
  • Will be presenting the comparative analysis of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities at the Rehabilitation International Conference

Lisa Mattheiss

  • Helping families follow up with abuse, restraint, et cetera, in schools in the county (Parent mentoring)
  • In Chattanooga, we have started a group to coordinate agencies that provide services to school age children with disabilities
  • Daughter will be modeling for brochure for wheelchair company

Milton Aponte

  • Traveled to Ecuador to outreach to people with disabilities
  • Meeting with the Ambassador to Ecuador
  • Attended the meeting of the President’s Committee on People with Intellectual Disabilities
  • Attended the Oath of Office for Neal Romano
  • Marketing daughter’s new business, promoting self employment for daughter with disability

Cynthia Wainscott

  • Attended teleconference by the National Network of ADA Centers on accommodating employees with psychiatric disabilities working toward inclusiveness
  • Spoke at a press conference and was honored to represent mental health as a new Coalition to Defeat Chronic Diseases, headquartered in Washington, D.C. celebrated its first anniversary
  • The Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration National Advisory Council has created a group to determine how they can be effective working on healthcare reform

Pat Pound

  • Workplace 25th annual media awards celebration
  • Presented to an international company that makes toys and games on how their product is accessible to people with visual impairments and how they can make it more accessible
  • Spoke to the Texas hurricane conference
  • Participated in a training session about making flash content on the web more accessible to screen reader users and testing children's web pages and federal websites

Chad Colley

  • Selected to be a commissioner by the Veterans Coalition (a 501©3 chartered by the principal veterans’ service organizations, the DAV, the Paralyzed Veterans of America, Veterans of Foreign Wars) to study the future of the Veterans Administration healthcare programs.

Chairperson’s Report– John Vaughn, Chairperson provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • Review and Approval of joint Executive-Finance Committee meeting minutes
    • May 22, 2008
    • June 19, 2008

Motion: Chairman Vaughn requested members to approve the actions from the joint Executive and Finance Committee meetings of May 22, 2009 and June 19, 2008.  Pat Pound moved to approve minutes as presented and to ratify any motions therein.  Victoria Carlson seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Motion: John Vaughn moved to adopt the proposed amendment to the NCD By-laws as presented to the council members via E mail on June 27, 2008 and included in he notebooks.  Dr. Kang seconded the motion.  The motion was adopted unanimously.
Proposed amendment: 
8.4.4 Members are entitled to receive compensation, travel and per diem for attendance at regular, special or committee meetings of the Council, including any travel or preparation time.  All other official work by Council members which will result in compensation, travel reimbursement and per diem payments from the Council shall be approved in advance by the Council itself at a Council
meeting or authorized in advance in writing by the Chairperson.

Discussion ensued on the following subjects:

  • Executive Committee approved a 4% salary increase for the executive director
  • Meeting with Neil Romano
  • Meeting with American Council for the Blind to discuss accessible currency
  • Meeting with Mike Collins and Martin Gould at NIDRR to discuss their strategic planning process
  • Site Visit: Bureau of Engraving, Department of Treasury

Finance Committee Report - Chad Colley, Committee Chair and Michael Collins, Executive Director directed the Council to the finance report, provided updates, and facilitated discussion on the following subjects:

  • Review of 2008 expenditure status
  • Expenditures from NCD account 842X: Post-Katrina Act funds
  • Review and approval of proposed FY 2010 budget  and project wish list
  • Recruitment of Legislative Specialist position

Motion: Chad Colley moved that the executive committee of the National Council on Disability prepare and submit a budget for fiscal year 2010 for $3,395,721, along with supporting allocations, justification and narrative sufficient to such end.  Milton Aponte seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Motion: Chad Colley moved to adopt finance report as presented.  Kathy Martinez seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Motion: Chad Colley move for adoption of the Finance Committee Report, which was seconded by Kathy Martinez and approved by unanimous vote.

Executive Director’s Report - Michael Collins, Executive Director provided updates on the following subjects.

  • Administrative support by/with General Services
  • Administrative staff responsibilities

Action item: Chairman requires that all the members submit time sheets every week ideally, but certainly every other week, however, in no instance, no later than 30 days.

International Watch Advisory Committee Report - Kathy Martinez and Victoria Carlson, Council Liaisons and Joan Durocher, staff provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • Rehabilitation International Conference in Canada
  • Council discussion and/or approval of renewing FACA charter for International Watch
  • Discussion of composition of International Watch Advisory Committee members

Motion: Kathy moved to renew the charter for the International Watch for two years.  Milton Aponte seconded the motion.  Discussion ensued.
Amended Motion: Pat Pound moved to table the discussion on this issue until Wednesday afternoon session.  The motion “to table” has priority to the motion on the floor.  Cynthia Wainscott seconded the discussion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Health Care Committee Report - Anne Rader, Chair and Mike Collins, Executive Director provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • Status of two current NCD Health Care Research Projects
  • Project Proposals
  • DOD/VA Project

Silvia Yee, Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF) presented on the following subjects.

  • Healthcare financing
  • Developmental disabilities
  • People with visual disabilities
  • Healthcare disparities
  • Racial and ethnic disparities

Discussion ensued on the following:

  • Attitudinal factors
  • Overmedication

Anthony Dennis, Aetna Inc. presented on the following subjects.

  • He is Co-Host of ‘Able Lives’’
  • Electronic health records
  • Racial and ethnic disparities in treatment
  • Employment opportunities
  • Corporate sponsor of national hockey team
  • Received Access award from the Hearing Loss Association of America
  • Healthcare financing

Discussion ensued on the following:

  • Payment for Hearing aids
  • Mental and physical health
  • Full disclosure and future rate penalties

Sally York, Director, Northwest Orthopedic Institute, Tacoma, WA presented on the following subjects.

  • What We Can Do to Prevent Falls: National, State and Local Initiatives
  • Elderly
  • Healthcare
  • Risk Assessment
  • Public and professional education
  • Stay active and independent for life program
  • Request that NCD advocate for funding for SB845

Discussion ensued on the following subjects:

  • Outcome results after training
  • Training materials with limited vision or cognitive skills

Department of Justice regulations and the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) - Pat Pound, NCD vice chair, moderated the following reactant panel from the Pacific Northwest, Council Member questions and dialogue including review and discussion of proposed changes to the DOJ regulations.

Jack Michaels, Paralyzed Veterans of America elaborated on the following impacts from the ACAA:

  • Hearing and vision requirements
  • Safety assistant requirements
  • Advance notice requirements
  • Service animals requirements
  • Arm rest requirements

Toby Olson, Executive Director, Washington State Governor's Committee on Disability Issues and Employment elaborated on the following changes being proposed by DOJ:

  • Sample regulations were provided in the meeting packet:
  • Safe harbor for businesses
  • Readily achievable barrier removal
  • Access to websites
  • Use of Segways

Discussion ensued on the following subjects:

  • Captioning for movies

Action Item: The Chairperson asked the Civil Rights Committee to meet over the next two days to discuss and propose any possible actions by the Council in connection with requesting an Extension of the public comment period for the proposed DOJ regulations.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Members Present: No Changes from prior day                                

Staff Present: No Changes from prior day

Call to Order and Welcome - John R. Vaughn, NCD Chairperson opened the meeting at 8:30 a.m. 

Review of Agenda – John R. Vaughn, Chairperson reviewed the agenda for the quarterly meeting.

Council Member Cynthia Wainscott requested the minutes to reflect that psychiatric disorders are real. They alter the chemistry, function and sometimes the structure of the brain, which is the control organ of the body.
To millions of people with mental illnesses, when they have timely access to needed treatments and supports, they can achieve recovery and live happy, productive lives. Millions more do not get the help they need, and as a result become disabled.  Psychiatric disorders are among the leading causes of disability.  If anybody should be depreciated for this, it is not the people who have the illnesses as a result of this inequity.  It is those who allow this to continue.  Third, people with psychiatric disabilities deserve respect and dignity, just as all people with disability do.  

Linda Wetters presented a retirement gift to Pat Pound.

Chad Colley regretfully announced that Ken Fisher, from Louisiana, passed away the previous night.

John Vaughn asked the council to consider posting “lessons learned” on the NCD website.

Introduction of Council Members - NCD members, staff and guests introduced themselves.

Homeland Security Committee Report – Pat Pound and Chad Colley, NCD Homeland Security Committee Co-Chairs and Martin Gould, staff provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects:

  • Written Update on report by EAD Associates
  • Homeland Security Financial Report
  • Functional Needs Support Unit work taking place at DHS
  • Interviews by the General Accountability Office
  • Letter Supporting HR8590
  • Discussion of national and local policies regarding power outages and vulnerable populations

Action Item: Mike Collins provided update on phone call/request from Bob Shea.  Later today, a copy of the emergency planning guide for special needs populations will be received and NCD has been given two weeks to review and respond.

Action Item: Cindy Daniel of FEMA is still in the hospital in Iowa; Council members signed and staff will send her a get well card.

Barbara Graff, Director, Seattle Office of Emergency Management elaborated on the following subjects

  • Public Health Department
  • Emergency management
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Emergency Management Advisory Council
  • 16 categories of vulnerabilities

Tracy Connelly, City of Seattle Office of Emergency Management elaborated on the following subjects.

  • Emergency Operations Center
  • Emergency responders

Charlie Axton, Division Director for Disaster Assistance, Region X FEMA elaborated on the following subjects.

  • Local and state partnerships
  • National Housing Disaster Strategy

Action Item: Request from Axton, “What we really need at the national level is let's define how everybody plays into this process.”

Lieutenant Dave Beste, Bellevue Fire Department, Bellevue, WA elaborated on the following subjects.

  • Work with a national task group on this subject
  • Use of elevators by firefighters and for egress in fires and emergencies
  • Code change submission to the International Building Code as part of the egress section

Action: Lieutenant Beste requested that NCD sponsor a workshop on the subject

Christy Grant, FEMA Region X elaborated on the following subjects.

  • Regional Advisory Committee
  • Committed to involving people with disabilities in the planning processes

Council Member Questions and Dialogue ensued on the following subjects.

  • The role of Cindy Daniel at FEMA and the need for a local representative
  • Location of people with disabilities during a disaster

Action item: Pat Pound requested that staff get from Barb Graff the work they are doing on power issues in connection with homeland security so the Homeland Security Committee can look more into the power issue during a crisis.

Action Item: Pat Pound requested a draft of what they have used to influence their state legislators to pass legislation to provide different types of kinds of emergency measures from Barbara Graff.

Action Item: Barbara Graff requested any assistance NCD could provide at the federal level to help influence state legislators in providing emergency measures.

Action Item: Chad Colley requested information on the task force and its structure, the jurisdictional aspects, accountability, quantifiable and measurable standards from Lt. Beste.  NCD will not release anything and would be happy to sign any disclaimers.

Civil Rights Committee Report – Lisa Mattheiss and Victoria Carlson, Co-chairs provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • Status of NCD 2008 research report on implementation of the Developmental Disabilities Act
  • Accessible Currency: Correspondence and meetings with Department of Treasury and Bureau of Engraving and Printing
  • Electric Shock Treatment
  • Proposed digital media study
  • The Rights of Parents with Disabilities

Kelly Buckland, Idaho State Independent Living Council, Boise, Idaho elaborated on the following subjects.

  • The Rights of Parents with Disabilities
  • Child custody codes
  • Idaho state law

Megan Kirshbaum, Through the Looking Glass, Berkeley, CA elaborated on the following subjects.

  • Challenges to disability rights
  • Child custody
  • Attitudinal barriers

Shawn Murinko and Marc Brenman, Washington State Human Rights Commission elaborated on the following subjects.

  • Washington Supreme Court decision and subsequent legislative action restoring the states strong definition of disability
  • Definition of disability and why it is important

Ms. Mattheiss read the resolution written and adopted by the National Council on Independent Living regarding the rights of parents with disabilities

Council Member Questions and Dialogue ensued on the following subjects:

  • Family court systems
  • Parental technology and training for people with disabilities
  • Training for attorneys, mental health professionals, social workers, etc. and continuing education opportunities
  • Outreach including ESL and ethnic minorities

Action Item: Chad Colley requested a copy of HB57, HB167 and implementing legislation from Kelly Buckland (Idaho)

Action Item: Chad Colley requested a copy of the legislation that corrected the state Supreme Court error from Marc Brenman, Washington State Human Rights commission executive director

Action Item: Recommendation from Megan Kirshbaum – the protection and advocacy system needs to become reengaged nationally with these issues

Action Item: Megan Kirshbaum was requested to follow up with NCIL and keep the council updated


Presentation on Regional Issues Affecting the Disability Community – Introductions by John Vaughn, Chair

Independent Living Kelly Buckland, Idaho SILC elaborated on the following subjects.

  • National Council on Independent Living (NCIL)
  • Funding for Centers for Independent Living (CIL)
  • Reintegration for people can find to nursing homes and other institutions

Vocational Rehabilitation, Lynnae Ruttledge, Washington State DVR
elaborated on the following subjects.

  • Structure of VR agencies
  • Order of selection
  • Funding
  • Reauthorization of the Rehabilitation Act

Developmental Disabilities, Bill Lynch, Oregon State Council on DD elaborated on the following subjects.

  • Reintegration
  • Employment
  • Youth with disabilities in foster care

Council Member Questions and Dialogue ensued on the following subjects:

  • Effects of the Economy, job placement and public policy
  • Developmental Disabilities Act
  • Youth with disabilities in foster care
  • Supported employment
  • “People first” language

Mr. Lynch was referred to NCD’s foster care report

Conversion to Digital Television - Michael Jacobs, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC elaborated on the following:

  • DTV conversion
  • 21st Century Communication and Video Accessibility Act of 2008

Questions and dialogue from Council members ensued on the following:

  • The actual name of the Legislation is the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2008
  • Audio description and captioning issues that impact people with disabilities

Legislative Committee Report - provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • Status of recruitment for NCD Legislative specialist
  • Report on NCD activities and current legislation
  • ADA Restoration Act (now ADA Amendments Act of 2008)
  • Disability Savings Accounts
  • Testimony to Congress by Pat Pound
  • Foster Youth (Letter in support of House Resolution)
  • NCD reports under consideration by the Senate committee on aging as examples of exemplary research on aging by federal agencies
  • No Child Left Behind Act Reauthorization
  • Potential legislation related to NCD Reports
  • Disability Statistics

Civil Rights Committee Discussion – Lisa Mattheiss and Victoria Carlson,
Co-chairs recommend writing a letter to the Department of Justice requesting a 30 day extension of the public comment period for the proposed changes to regulations issued by the Department of Justice and the Air Carrier Access Act.
Discussion ensued.

MOTION: The Civil Rights committee met today July 15, 2008 and discussed the issue of NCD writing to the DOJ concerning the public comment period on the proposed regulations and Victoria Carlson moved and Milton Aponte seconded the motion that NCD write a letter to the Department of Justice requesting at least a 30‑day extension to the comment period for the proposed regulations to the Department of Justice’s regulations for the Air Carrier Access Act. 
Chad Colley offered a friendly amendment to request a 60 day extension and Cynthia Wainscott seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously. 


Honorable Sam Sullivan, Mayor, Vancouver, BC, Canada addressed the Council and elaborated on the following subjects.
Mayor Sullivan elaborated on the following:

  • Discussion of Canadian Health System and Disability Services
  • Regionalization of services
  • Disability and politics

Council Member questions and dialogue ensued on the following subjects:

  • Quality of life
  • Quality of health care and physicians
  • Canadian Taxes
  • Disability employment

Public Comment Session – Moderated by Chad Colley, Vice Chairperson
Public comment was provided on the following subjects.

  • Emergency Management
  • Transportation
  • Invitation to BBQ for Disability Advocates
  • Economic Self-Sufficiency, Inclusion
  • Causes of Blindness
  • School
  • Parents of youth with disabilities
  • SSDI
  • Small Businesses
  • National Health care plan
  • HD TV Rural America
  • Autism
  • Youth with Disabilities
  • Employment for youth
  • Grassroots efforts,
  • Enforce the new UN convention on the rights of people with disabilities
  • Renewal of Internal Watch charter
  • Loss of dental benefits for adult child with disability (age 21)
  • Encourage work with Youth Advisory Committee
  • Continuing education
  • Employment
  • Independent living
  • Training
  • Education
  • Fitness equipment
  • Barriers in the US
  • Vocational Rehab
  • Eliminating conflicts with Department of Labor
  • Parents Rights
  • Ticket to work
  • Disparity of services
  • Social security transformation
  • Supported Employment for Developmental disabilities is declining
  • Foster children with disabilities
  • Mental health
  • Town hall forums
  • Medical records
  • Loans for assistive technology
  • Healthcare
  • Asset limits
  • Relationship building / Class sizes
  • Social security
  • Minimum wage
  • Shelter workshops
  • Medicaid buy-in options

Action Item: Chad Colley requested staff get contact information for the entrepreneur promoting fitness equipment

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Members Present: No Changes from prior day

Staff Present: No Changes from prior day

Call to Order and Welcome - John R. Vaughn, NCD Chairperson opened the meeting at 8:30 a.m. 

Review of Agenda – John R. Vaughn, Chairperson reviewed the agenda for the quarterly meeting. 

Cynthia Wainscott reported on H.R. 6331, Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act.

Motion: Milton Aponte moved to hold a 30 minute closed executive session for discussing personnel issues at 11:30 a.m. today.  Cynthia Wainscott seconded the motion.  John Vaughn opposed.  The motion passed and the Council will move into closed executive session for dealing with personnel matters at 11:30 a.m.

Council Member, staff and guest Introductions

Public Comment Session – Moderated by Chad Colley, Vice Chairperson
Public comment was provided on the following subjects.

  • Progressive hearing loss
  • Housing and Urban Development
  • Mental Health
  • Preserve audiological and hearing records when providers move or go out of business
  • Psychiatric disabilities
  • Guardianship

Employment Committee Report - Linda Wetters, Committee Co-Chair and Joan Durocher, staff provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • Progress report on VR Transition Research by VCU
  • Review findings and recommendations from final draft
  • Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) legal mandates and transitional age youth
  • VR services in coordination with other agencies
  • Federal employment of People With Disabilities (schedule A) and diversity of the Senior Executive Service
  • Disability Human Services Infrastructure Report and RFP proposals (2008 project)

Action Item: Linda Wetters, the employment Committee co-Chairperson moved that NCD should sole source the human resources infrastructure report project and locate a bidder that is able to meet the requests outlined in the original proposal.  The amount should be increased up to $100,000.
Milton Aponte seconded the motion and the motion was passed with two nays.  (Marylyn Howe and Linda Wetters)


Action Item: Contractor deadline for submission of the final draft of the employment report was July 3; Joan Durocher will distribute to Council on Monday, providing 2 weeks for review by council members.

Action Item: Pat Pound requested to see a comparison of employment of People with disabilities and people without disabilities.  If the employment report does not reflect the comparison, pursue options to see if it's easily attainable.

Motion: Linda Wetters moved to look for a sole source vendor and proceed as authorized in the 2008 budget.  Pat Pound amended the motion as a sole source contract and increasing the amount to $100,000.  Milton seconded the motion.  Marylyn opposed.  The motion passed. 

Laura Ruby, Global Policy and Standards, Microsoft Accessible Technology Group, Redmond, Washington elaborated on the following subjects.

  • Technology for employment--Software and computers.

Emerging Trends Committee Report – Marylyn Howe, committee Chair, provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • Annual Progress report
  • Size of the Public Consultation –NCD has received approximately 400 comments
  • Status of the Housing Report (2008 project)

Katharine Hunter-Zaworski, Ph.D. P.E., National Center for Accessible Transportation, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon elaborated on the following subjects.

  • Air travel and collaboration with Boeing
  • Accessible lavatories for aircraft
  • Realtime accessible communication systems

Vicki Curtis, Concept Center, Boeing Aircraft Company, Everett, WA 

  • Inclusive design
  • Engineering and psychology
  • Research on people with disabilities during a regular flight

Council Member questions and dialogue ensued on the following subjects.

  • Boarding announcements
  • Service animal relief
  • Air Carrier Access Act
  • Training for airline Personnel

Youth Advisory Committee Report - Victoria Ray Carlson, Council Liaison and Michael Collins, staff provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • Youth involvement on NCD committees
  • Youth presented a draft recommendation in Boston with background information
  • Disability history awareness
  • Role of advisory committee members
  • Role of staff

Discussion ensued on the following:

  • Role and agendas of advisory committee members
  • Adhoc memberships on NCD advisory committees

Cultural Diversity Advisory Committee report – Milton Aponte, Council liaison and Michael Collins, staff provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • Membership on this committee
  • Charter expiration
  • Purpose

Action Item: Milton Aponte requested a report on concrete historical numbers reflecting the amount of staff time allocated to committee work.

Action Item: Committee liaisons Kathy Martinez, Milton Aponte and Victoria Carlson to work with Mike Collins and the executive committee (to whom all advisory committees will report through the full council), to develop common guidelines and parameters, determined by the executive committee and approved by the council.  Including items such as attendance and quorums, size of the committee, membership numbers and terms.  Number of members may be no more than nine members meeting 4 times per year.  The council should approve all nominations to the FACA’s.  It is agreed that the executive committee will address this issue in the next 45 days and report to the full council in Kansas City with recommendations concerning FACA’s.

Recommendation: Change the focus and reassign topics for advisory committees

Executive session - The Council went go into closed executive session for the purpose of dealing with personnel matters at 11:30 a.m.

The public meeting resumed at 1:30 p.m.

Federal Advisory Committees Act (FACA)
Discussion ensued on the following subjects:

Action Item: Kathy Martinez, Milton Aponte and Victoria Carlson to work with Mike Collins to develop common parameters, determined by the chair/executive committee/council for the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)

  • Attendance
  • Committee budget - $40,000 per committee

Action item: The chairperson, requested members to think about which FACA committees they feel strongly about maintaining.  Discussion ensued about the main issues the council has been dealing with in whether to continue any or all of the FACA’s.  Members should write down two or three measurable objectives for committees that would support continuation of a committee.  This information should be sent to the chairperson.

Youth Advisory Committee Report - Victoria Ray Carlson, Council Liaison and Michael Collins provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • YAC Letter
  • Bylaws

International Watch Advisory Committee Report -- Kathy Martinez and Victoria Carlson, Council Liaisons and Joan Durocher, staff provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.
Kathy Martinez proposed extending the International watch for 6 months

  • Adhoc committee
  • International involvement is part of statute

Motion: Chad Colley moved to approve international watch for up to two-year period and advise the International Watch that the whole structure of the advisory committee is under review.  Kathy Martinez seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously

Action Item: Staff support to the International Watch committee should notify the members that we are in the process of reviewing the entire advisory committee structures and should not consider it permanent until such time as they get guidelines on how to operate or if they will continue to operate.

NCD: Planning for the Future - John Vaughn, Chair and Michael Collins, Executive Director

John Vaughn would like to appoint an Audit Committee after Council member appointments are complete. 

Motion: Cynthia Wainscott moved that the executive committee have the authority to appoint an audit committee.  Anne Rader seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

New Business - John Vaughn, Chair

Homeland Security report, Rules amendment – Cynthia Wainscott
Motion: Cynthia Wainscott moved that the homeland security committee will investigate and has the authority to make a decision about supporting, cosponsoring and/or attending a workshop on the International Building Code rules amendment testified to by Lt. Beste.  Pat Pound seconded.  The motion passed unanimously

Action item: National Disability Policy Summit: July 2010 – Mike Collins

  • Review and approval of contract proposal
  • Financing opportunities
  • Scholarships, registration fees
  • Budget Recommendation:
    • $70,000 – FY 2008
    • $150,000 – FY 2009
    • $80,000 – FY 2010
  • Location: (Renaissance Hotel or similar sized facility in Washington, DC)
  • National conference
  • Dealing with U.S. disability policy
  • Establish Criteria for sponsorship
  • Describe the Contractor selection process
  • Will need to Create a conference planning committee

Motion: Chad Colley moved the following list of priorities for FY 2008 end of year funds.  Pat Pound seconded the motion and the motion was adopted unanimously.

  • Initiate contract for a minimum amount of $70,000 for the 2010 national conference on disability
  • Replace NCD servers at a cost not to exceed $22,000
  • Staff planning retreat including the facilitator for $2,500
  • A white paper on federal employment for $20,000
  • Orientation trip for new members up to $15,000,
  • Unfunded specified amount for the website interface changes needed to provide a timely update when documents are added. 

Motion: Pat pound moved and Anne Rader seconded the following priorities for the FY 2010 projects for the budget council unanimously approved the following priorities for the FY 2010 budget submission. 

  • Top priority for 2010 will be final funds for conference
  • 2nd priority - Mental Health paper
  • 3rd priority - Health care financing / 3a - durable medical equipment
  • 4th priority – Employment and technology
  • digital media
  • Federal employment of people with disabilities
  • Accessibility of US based overseas international development programs

Motion: Pat Pound moved to fund the $20,000 white paper on Schedule A hiring and be awarded to a sole source contractor in this fiscal year.  Anne Rader seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Unfinished Business

Possible Agenda items for Kansas City

  • HUD Housing
  • Disincentives to employment
  • Education
  • Transportation

Action item: Council members, get airline tickets purchased through Adventure Travel for the Kansas City meeting.  These are refundable tickets in the event there are new members replacing current members.

Action item: Committee chairs, the Chairperson will be developing the agenda as was done previously and he will be contacting committee chairs and working with committees to develop the agenda.
Action item: Emerging Trends Committee and all staff for follow up.
Chad Colley wants the council to consider the following items for the Progress Report, affordable housing, transportation, concerns about bars to gainful employment by SSI and upward mobility, the denial or removal of HUD housing, disincentives for utilizing the full potential of employment. Milton noted education and would like staff to pull together common threads of the issues we have heard about at our meetings this past year.  Staff should help in distilling that information in one short paper, not elaborating a long discussion for each one, but the basic subject matter.


FutureNCD Meetings scheduled:
October 6-8, 2008 in Kansas City, MO

  • (Hyatt Regency Crown Center)

January 12-14, 2009 in Scottsdale, AZ

  • (Chaparral Suites Hotel)

March 2009 in the Washington D.C. area

Adjourn - Linda Wetters moved to adjourn at 3:40 p.m. Victoria Carlson seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously. 



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