NCTE Activities for Earth Systems


Literacy Activity for Protocol Test



middle school

high school


Write 4 sentences that make the reader “see” the tree canopy at your study site in each of the seasons.

Identify one tree type at your study site.  Write each letter of the tree name on a line.  This letter should be the first letter in a word that describes the tree, the study site, GLOBE measurements etc.

Write a poem that describes one of the trees in your study site.  See if you can “shape” the words in each line of the poem to match the shape of the tree.


Write 3 sentences that compare your height with the height of a tree.  Be sure to include at least one sentence that describes the tree, one sentence that describes you and one sentence that compares you and the tree.

(OR school building / tallest building in the town (neighborhood) / bicycle etc.

Write a paragraph that describes the similarities and differences between a clinometer and a sundial.

Write a paragraph about the Greek philosopher / mathematician – Pythagorus.


Write a paragraph about a modern-day application of the Pythagorean theorem.


Write a five-line poem.  Each of the first four lines should be about one of the four directions on the compass.  The fifth line should be about the compass.

Write an eight-line poem.  The first line should be about something, someone, someplace North.  Each of  the remaining lines of the poem should continue with the directions around the compass - NorthEast, East, SouthEast etc.

Write a four stanza poem.  Each stanza should represent one of the four major directions on the compass.


Questions/Comments regarding the GLOBE Program
GLOBE is supported by NASA, NSF and the US Dept. of State.

Page last updated on March 11, 2002