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NBC Auction Raises Funds for Inn

The third annual NBC All-Star Charity Auction, held live online from Sept. 17-26, raised more than $94,500 to benefit the Children's Inn at NIH.

The auction, launched on the air by Today show host Katie Couric, gave television fans the chance to bid on walk-on roles on their favorite shows as well as studio audience tickets, VIP tours, and souvenirs and autographed memorabilia from dozens of NBC prime-time, daytime, late-night and sports shows.

The hottest items included walk-on roles on NBC shows like ER (the highest at just over $10,000), Will & Grace and Frasier, and visits to the sets of West Wing and Days of Our Lives. The bidding for a Today show VIP Tour also topped $10,000.

Founded in 1990, the Children's Inn has been home to more than 5,200 pediatric patients and their families from all 50 states and 57 countries around the world. There is no charge to the families who come to the inn, no matter how long they must stay. Instead, the inn raises funds from thousands of individuals, businesses, foundations and community organizations and relies on a large pool of dedicated volunteers to keep everything in order.

Tyrrell Flawn, executive director of the inn, was overwhelmed by the support received through the NBC event, saying that it comes just as the inn is getting ready to open its new wing and begin taking in more families.

"Katie Couric and the Today show family, and everyone else connected with the event at NBC, have been so wonderful to us," said Flawn. "The money they have raised will help us expand our home away from home for these brave children, their parents and their brothers and sisters."

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