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Smart Growth Implementation Assistance

Many communities want to foster economic growth, protect environmental resources, enhance public health, and plan for development, but may lack the tools, resources, and information to achieve their goals. In response to this demand, EPA developed the Smart Growth Implementation Assistance (SGIA) Program.

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Background on the Smart Growth Implementation Assistance Program

The SGIA program is an annual, competitive solicitation open to state, local, regional, and tribal governments (and non-profits that have partnered with a governmental entity) that want to incorporate smart growth techniques into their future development.

Once selected, communities receive direct technical assistance from a team of national experts in one of two areas: policy analysis (e.g., reviewing state and local codes, school siting guidelines, transportation policies, etc.) or public participatory processes (e.g., visioning, design workshops, alternative analysis, build-out analysis, etc.). The assistance is tailored to the community's unique situation and priorities. EPA provides the assistance through a contractor team — not a grant. Through a multiple-day site visit and a detailed final report, the multi-disciplinary teams provide information to help the community achieve its goal of encouraging growth that fosters economic progress and environmental protection.

EPA initiated the SGIA program in 2005 with three goals in mind:

  1. To support communities interested in implementing smart growth policies;
  2. To create regional examples of smart growth that can catalyze similar projects in the area; and
  3. To identify common barriers and opportunities for smart growth development and create new tools that other communities can use.

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Applying for SGIA

EPA announces a new Request for Applications (RFA) about once a year, depending on budget constraints.  The solicitation will be open for 45 days.  The RFA for 2008 closed on May 8, 2008.  It is available here for your reference: HTML| PDF (6 pp., 53 KB)

Frequent questions about the SGIA application process are answered here.

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Communities that have received assistance

EPA typically helps 4 to 5 communities each year through the SGIA program. Summaries and the final reports for the communities that have received assistance are available here.

EPA has selected three communities for assistance in the 2008 round of applications: Capital Region Council of Governments, Connecticut; Miami-Dade County, Florida; and New York City, New York. Click here for more information on the projects with which these communities will receive assistance.

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Other technical assistance programs

EPA-NOAA Smart Growth Implementation Assistance for Coastal Communities
EPA and NOAA are working together through Sea Grant universities to provide technical assistance for communities.

Technical Assistance Programs From the Smart Growth NetworkExit EPA Disclaimer
Many of the Smart Growth Network's partner organizations offer direct assistance on issues related to smart growth. This document provides a brief overview of those assistance programs.

Technical Assistance from the National Vacant Properties Campaign Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
To help municipalities in solving the problems associated with vacant and abandoned properties, the National Vacant Properties Campaign engages its partners, practitioners, and national experts in a range of training and technical assistance services.

We are compiling lists of technical assistance programs offered by other national organizations and by state governments and nonprofits and will post them here. If your organization has a technical assistance program that you would like us to include, please contact Kevin Nelson (nelson.kevin@epa.gov) or 202-566-2835.

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Other tools for communities

Funding Resources: Federal, state, and local programs that provide funding to communities to help them develop in an environmentally sustainable manner.

Smart Growth Scorecards — Sample scorecards that can help communities assess their development patterns and related aspects like walkability.

Examples of Codes That Support Smart Growth Development — Sample codes and ordinances that support smart growth.

Sample Requests for Proposals (RFPs) — Examples of RFPs issued by communities seeking consultants experienced in smart growth to work on plan updates.

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