Living Green

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy can help our country move towards energy independence and environmental sustainability. More...

Conservation Easements

Conservation easements can benefit the public by permanently protecting important conservation resources.  Learn more about how to preserve land for future generations. More…

Lawn Care & Irrigation

Tailor your lawn care practices to suit local conditions and to save money, time, and water. More...

Evaluating Green Communities

So you're buying a new home, and you're committed to "buying green." Where do you start? More...

Buy the DVD

Living Green episodes are now available on DVD! More...

Coming Soon

Get a sneak peek at new programs in production. More...

Sponsor an Episode

Help support sustainable living. Sponsors are recognized at the beginning of episodes and on the Web site. More...

Live Sustainably

For any green community to function, individuals must manage their homes, yards, and neighborhoods responsibly. More...

IFAS Bookstore

Check our bookstore for useful publications. More...