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Lincoln's Life

The basic facts about Abraham Lincoln are familiar.

  • He was born in Kentucky in a log cabin so small it is hard to imagine how his entire family slept in it.
  • The family moved to Indiana where he was raised.
  • Off to Illinois, the lanky Lincoln became a frontier lawyer, served as a state legislator and won election to the Presidency at a time when the nation’s very survival was at risk.
  • Inaugurated in 1861, he served throughout the Civil War, working to break the grip of slavery and to put the country back together until an assassin brought him down.

A common man forged in uncommon times, Lincoln is the model American leader.

Read a short biography, view an extensive timeline, meet his family, take a virtual tour of the places important in Lincoln’s life, re-discover his words and speeches, including his famous Gettysburg Address translated into 29 different languages, and ask yourself “Did You Know?