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Changes to Hold Code in TreasuryDirect

TreasuryDirect has implemented changes to improve the security of the online account system for Treasury securities. Among the new security features put into place is a change that affects accounts established with information our authentication process could not adequately verify. Starting May 31, 2007, account holders with a T08 hold are not able to login to their account.

If your account has a T08 Hold, which means it is “Awaiting Verification,” you should fill out a TreasuryDirect Account Authorization form, which can be downloaded from our website at

Complete the form and mail it as indicated in the instructions. As soon as we receive and approve the properly certified form, you will have full control of your TreasuryDirect account. You can check the “Account Info” section of your account to confirm that we have removed the hold.

Watch our website for more details about other features soon to be introduced in TreasuryDirect.