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Science Summary
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Mars Science Laboratory will assess whether Mars ever had an environment capable of supporting microbial life. Determining past habitability on Mars gives NASA and the scientific community a better understanding of whether life could have existed on the red planet and, if it could have existed, an idea of where to look for it in the future.

Contribution to Mars Exploration Program Science Goals:   Mars Science Laboratory is part of a series of expeditions to the red planet that help meet the four main science goals of the Mars Exploration Program:

Goal 1 image Determine whether life ever arose on Mars
Goal 2 image Characterize the climate of Mars
Goal 3 image Characterize the geology of Mars
Goal 4 image Prepare for human exploration

Objectives:  Mars Science Laboratory intends to meet these goals by accomplishing eight specific objectives.

For a description of how Mars Science Laboratory plans on collecting data in support of these goals and objectives, please see science instruments in the Mission Section.

Visit MSL for Scientists for detailed information on science goals and objectives

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National Aeronautics and Space Administration