NNI Strategic Plan

The National Nanotechnology Initiative Strategic Plan, published in December 2004, represents the culmination of a series of activities aimed at assessing the initiative and updating its strategic outlook for the next five to 10 years. Specifically, over the previous three years, the NNI sponsored 17 topical workshops focused on areas of nanotechnology applications, societal implications, and regional, state, and local initiatives. In September 2004, the overarching NNI Research Directions II Workshop brought together experts from academia, industry, and government to synthesize the output of the topical workshops and to identify cross-cutting themes and priority research opportunities. Taking into consideration the results of the various workshops, as well as the ongoing agency missions and the ways in which nanotechnology might contribute, the NSET Subcommittee developed this NNI strategic plan.

Read The National Nanotechnology Initiative Strategic Plan, December 2004

See also The National Nanotechnology Initiative: Research and Development Leading to a Revolution in Technology and Industry, Supplement to President’s FY 2006 Budget, March 2005