University of Florida

Sustainable Living:
Involved Citizens

Research shows that active citizens are playing an increasingly important role in the development of their communities. As non-profits, volunteer groups, and nongovernmental organizations take on larger roles in contributing to local well-being, the active contribution of local residents is vital to the long-term success of community development efforts.

UF/IFAS provides training and expertise in community organization and helps local and state government, NGOs, citizens, and others build the important skills necessary engage diverse local residents into the community development process.

Civic Engagement

UF/IFAS Publications
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Nonprofit & Community-based Organizations

Whether you are a student, a professional in the field, or some other interested party, the UF/IFAS Nonprofit Organizations and Leadership Web site is a useful resource that is continually evolving. Below are some of the site's main sections.

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General Resources

For-Sale Products