OVAE: Office of Vocational and Adult Education
Current Section
U.S. Denmark Partnership for Vocational Education

The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between US and Denmark on Vocational and Technical education was extended until December 31, 2006. The partnership activities follow the action plan developed at the Steering Committee meeting in DC, June 27-28, 2002. This action plan uses the goals of the MOU's annex as a guideline. Currently the partnership is refining the action plan that will guide the work through 2006.

Annex Goals:

  1. Develop skills standards, curriculum assessment and teacher development in areas of common interest.

    A. Rosenfeld Project (EU-US – funded project)

    B. Comptia

  2. Use technology resources effectively to improve business and vocational education in colleges; practical training; applied learning and distance education.

    A. Reshape quality website

    1. Form steering committee subgroup for guidance
    2. Advise on quality
    3. Assist with marketing
    4. Link site to the Ed site
    5. Link it to the Danish embassy and ministry
    6. Review current headings
    7. Post remarks, speeches – June meeting
    8. Post summary of meeting
      a. Feature section on how to get a student visa
      b. Power-point presentation

    B. Distribute quality web-based newsletter quarterly

    1. News items
    2. Legislation/reauthorisation
    3. Danish funded projects
    4. Steering Committee project
    5. Exchange possibilities (2 student/interns at United DC)

    C. How to build exchanges (Stuart Rosenfeld’s report to ED)

  3. Develop partnerships between learning organizations and institutions.

    A. MOU between AACC & HFI/FS

    B. Review of Papers by teleconference

    1. Formulate an RFP on new learning methods (e.g. MIT/Lego)

  4. Implement educational exchanges as they relate to joint programs in manufacturing technology and communications technology.

  5. Explore areas for continued cooperation at all levels of postsecondary education, including matters relating to vocational education and training.

    A. Comptia Proposal

    1. Form subgroup from steering committee
    2. Revise draft already submitted to Bill Hansen
    3. Establish partnership with business groups etc.
    4. Complete budget

  6. Continue to build joint activities with special emphasis on creating partnerships between education and business.

    A. Plan International Education Day

    B. Next meeting - September 4 and 5, 2003

    C. Steering Committee – formalize the US team

    1. Tony Carnevale
    2. Diana Carew
    3. Tom Seepe
    4. Ron Robertson
    5. Mark Tucker

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Last Modified: 10/16/2007