Scientific Supercomputing at the NIH

MACH 1.0


MACH 1.0 is a Markov Chain based haplotyper. It can be resolve long haplotypes or infer missing genotypes in samples of unrelated individuals.

Mach is intended to be used interactively on Helix. If large numbers of Mach jobs are required (> 2-3 simultaneous jobs), or the jobs are expected to run for a long time, the Biowulf cluster may be more appropriate. Please contact the Helix staff ( if you have questions about where to run Mach.


v 1.0.12

Sample session

helix% /usr/local/mach/executables/mach1 --datfile /usr/local/mach/examples/sample.dat \ --pedfile /usr/local/mach/examples/sample.ped Mach 1.0.12 -- Markov Chain Haplotyping (c) 2005-2007 Goncalo Abecasis, with thanks to Yun Li, Paul Scheet The following parameters are in effect: Available Options Input Files : --datfile [/usr/local/mach/examples/sample.dat], --pedfile [/usr/local/mach/examples/sample.ped], --mask [0.00] Optional Files : --crossoverMap [], --errorMap [], --physicalMap [] Phased Data : --snps [], --haps [], --hapmapFormat, --autoFlip, --greedy Markov Sampler : --seed [123456], --burnin, --rounds Mapping Options : --npl, --association Haplotyper : --states, --errorRate [1.0e-03], --weighted, --compact Imputation : --geno, --quality, --dosage, --mle Output Files : --prefix [mach1.out], --phase, --mldetails Interim Output : --sampleInterval, --interimInterval Loaded pedigree with: 500 individuals to be haplotyped at 46 markers Formating genotypes and allocating memory for haplotyping Pedigree file ... 114.3 kb Haplotyping engine (max) ... 88.6 mb Haplotyping engine (actual) ... 88.6 mb Memory allocated successfully Found initial haplotype set Wrote out file [mach1.out.rec] with mosaic crossover rates ... Wrote out file [mach1.out.erate] with per marker error rates ... Estimated mismatch rate in Markov model is: 0.00100 helix%
Those who expect to use MACH frequently can add the executable to their path by adding one of the following commands to their ~/.cshrc (csh or tcsh users) or ~/.bashrc (bash users) files.

setenv PATH /usr/local/mach/executables:$PATH (csh or tcsh)
PATH=/usr/local/mach/executables:$PATH; export PATH (bash)


MACH tutorial