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In Vitro Test Methods for Detecting Ocular Corrosives and Severe Irritants

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Presentations: Expert Panel Meeting
January 11-12, 2005

NOTE: The final expert panel presentations attached below represent some of the conclusions and recommendations of the panel but do not capture the entirety of their discussions and deliberations at the January 2005 meeting. A comprehensive account of the conclusions and recommendations of this panel is in their final report. These presentations are being made available for information purposes only and should not be be cited or quoted as the final recommendations of the panel.

Expert Panel Meeting Poster

1.   Opening Session

2.   ICE Test Method Evaluation

3.   HET-CAM Test Method Evaluation

4.   IRE Test Method Evaluation

5.   BCOP Test Method Evaluation

6.   Reference Substances for Validation Studies

7.   Public Comments (Documents and Presentations)

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