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Office of Head Start skip to primary page contentActing Director Patricia Brown

Information Memorandums (IMs)—2008

Memorandum of Understanding with Local Entity Responsible for Managing Publicly Funded Preschool Programs


Administration for Children and Families


1. Log No. ACF–IM–HS–08–18

2. Issuance Date: 10/14/08


3. Originating Office: Office of Head Start

4. Key Words: Memorandum of Understanding



TO: All Head Start Grantees

SUBJECT: Memorandum of Understanding with Local Entity Responsible for Managing Publicly Funded Preschool Programs


In accordance with Section 642(e)(5) of the Head Start Act, Head Start agencies (grantees) are required, no later than December 12, 2008, to enter into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the appropriate local entity responsible for managing publicly funded preschool (pre-kindergarten) programs in their service area.

Many states have designated local entities to be responsible for managing publicly funded preschool programs. These include local educational agencies (LEAs), and in some cases city and county governmental agencies. Head Start agencies should identify and work with the appropriate LEA, city or county agency to either expand the scope of processes and agreements already in place or to develop new processes that will result in an MOU(s). In either case, the MOU(s) must include coordination plans that address the ten subjects described in Section 642(e)(5)(A) of the Act. If there is more than one LEA, or city and county governmental agency managing publicly funded preschool programs within a Head Start service area, the Head Start agency will need to enter into MOUs with each LEA or city and county agency within their service area. Where a state has not designated an LEA or city and county agency to manage local publicly funded preschool programs within the service area of a Head Start grantee, the MOU requirement does not apply. The requirement is not intended to result in MOUs with individual preschool programs or individual child care providers. The MOU requirement does not apply to Head Start delegate agencies.

Head Start grantees are reminded that their State Director of Head Start Collaboration is available to assist if collaboration or coordination issues related to the MOU process arise. Grantees are also reminded that these MOUs are to be revised periodically and renewed biennially.

Head Start agencies are required to submit copies of their signed MOUs to their OHS Regional Office and their State Director of Head Start Collaboration no later than 30 days after the parties enter into the MOUs. If a grantee is told by the appropriate agency responsible for managing publicly funded preschool in its service area, that the agency does not wish to enter into an MOU with the Head Start grantee, the grantee should indicate this to its OHS Regional Office and its State Collaboration Office.

Please direct any questions on this Memorandum to your OHS Regional Office.

/Patricia E. Brown/

Patricia E. Brown
Acting Director
Office of Head Start

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