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Office of Head Start skip to primary page contentActing Director Patricia Brown

Information Memorandums (IMs) - 2003

Head Start Program Information Report (PIR) for the 2002-2003 Program (ACYF-IM-HS-03-05)

Administration on Children, Youth, and Families
Administration for Children and Families
1. Log No. ACYF-IM-HS-03-05 2. Issuance Date: 05/14/2003
3. Originating Office: Head Start Bureau
4. Key Word: Program Information Report 2002-2003; PIR 2002-2003

INFORMATION MEMORANDUM: [See Attachment at the bottom]

TO: Head Start and Early Head Grantees and Delegate Agencies

SUBJECT: Head Start Program Information Report (PIR) for the 2002-2003 Program Operating Period


The annual Head Start Program Information Report (PIR) data collection will be underway May 1, 2003. All Head Start and Early Head Start grantees and delegate agencies are required to submit a PIR for each year they are in operation. The PIR is an important source of comprehensive data on Head Start programs at the national, regional, and program level. The report provides information about the number of children served, staffing, program services and activities, and other areas of importance to national policy-making. PIR information is also used by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) to respond to Congressional and public inquiries about the program, and is essential for compiling the Biennial Report to Congress on the Status of Children in Head Start Programs, a report required under the Head Start Act.

The Head Start Program Information Report was modified in recent years to reflect the expanding services programs provide, with particular emphasis on Early Head Start, American Indian-Alaska Native, and Migrant programs. Collaborative arrangements between Head Start and other early childhood programs, such as child care providers, are also described in the report.


Beginning in 2003, all programs are required to submit the PIR electronically using the disk provided in this package. Completed reports can be submitted by E-mail or by mailing the completed disk. Paper reports will be accepted on an exception basis only from those programs that do not have the technical capabilities to report in electronic form. Completing the PIR electronically is the fastest and most efficient way to produce your report. The reporting software includes on-the-spot error checks that will assist you in entering the data correctly. Currently, 93% of all programs, approximately 2,400 programs, submit their PIR electronically.

The PIR package that accompanies this memorandum includes the following:

  • A 3.5" Disk containing the 2003 PIR Reporting Software and a reference copy of the 2003 report which can be printed.
  • Quick-Start Instructions & Frequently Asked Questions
  • Reporting Instructions
  • Web Address for the 2003 PIR Users' Guide


The PIR must be completed by all Head Start and Early Head Start grantees and delegate agencies that served children for any length of time during the 2002-2003 reporting period. New programs that have not yet begun serving children are not required to submit a report. The deadline for submission of the 2003 PIR is August 29, 2003. Part-year programs are encouraged to submit their reports by May 30, 2003 so data may be collected while program staff members are still available to provide any necessary information.


Information you will need to complete the PIR is available on the enclosed data diskette. Copies of the diskette and any further assistance you may require is available on-line or by telephone. If you have questions concerning your PIR, please contact Xtria at (703) 821-3090, extension 226 or 260. Additional copies of the PIR software and instructions can be downloaded from the Internet and are available at

Thank you for your cooperation in this important reporting process.

/ Windy M. Hill /
Windy M. Hill
Associate Commissioner
Head Start Bureau

(Download in PDF)

Diskette Program Information Report 2003