Public Health Service

National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics

Subcommittee on Privacy and Confidentiality

Conference Call

November 23, 1999

- Draft Summary -

The Subcommittee on Privacy and Confidentiality of the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics was convened via telephone conference call on November 23, 1999. The meeting was open to the public. Present:

Subcommittee members

Staff and liaisons


Kathleen Frawley chaired the conference call meeting. She acknowledged that an extension of the public comment period has been formally requested. A decision has not been made, but the February deadline for the final rule is likely to be a factor.

The timeline for the NCVHS comments: By December 8, this Subcommittee will get draft comments to the full Committee, which will discuss them by conference call later in December. The final comments will be approved by Dr. Lumpkin and submitted to the Department by the January 3 deadline.

The group noted the general points that should be included in the comments. Some were made at the November 3 NCVHS meeting:

The Subcommittee agreed to make these points in the comments:

Other points discussed:

Ms. Frawley adjourned the meeting, wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. She will promptly circulate a draft of the letter to Subcommittee members, with a request for comments.

I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the foregoing summary of minutes is accurate and complete.


Chair Date